Monday, September 5, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus September 5, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 2
Social Studies Syllabus: Week September 5, 2011 (Updated Sept. 7 at 4:00 P.M.)
Blog Website:

Important!! Please read the following information:
*For the next three weeks, you will receive a syllabus containing a list of activities, assignments, and homework. Students must copy homework in his/her planner order to establish a routine. Since our district is “going green” by conserving paper, in several weeks, students will be able to view the syllabus as displayed from a LCD projector in my classroom instead of receiving a paper syllabus. As usual, you must copy homework assignments in your planner. Students who desire a paper syllabus may go to my website to copy the syllabus. (See the blog website information at the top of this syllabus.) Have your parents contact me if they want you to have a paper syllabus so I will know how many to print.
*All students must bring writing utensils, their social studies spiral, folder, and planner to class each day.

Monday, September 5– Labor Day, No School

Tuesday, September 6–
Begin Elements of Non-Fiction cut & paste flipbook activity
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 7–
Work on the Flip Book
Homework - Follow these directions carefully: Draw 8 boxes on a blank page in your spiral. Label each box
using the boldface title as see below. Fill each box using the instructions next to each subtopic
1. Chapter Focus Box - Cut and paste a sample of the Chapter Focus Box from your packet
2. Terms - Cut and paste a sample of the Terms from the sample of the Chapter Focus Box
3. Graphic Organizer Activity -Draw the Graphic Organizer Activity from pg. 138
4. Reference Atlas Map- Label and draw the symbols for a lake, river, and the color used to indicate the
5. Political Map-explain what is used to show borders thus separating the countries on the map on pg 700-701
6. Physical Map-name the types of land formations seen on the map on pg. 702-703
7. Spanish Glossary- Copy one word from the Spanish glossary and write its meaning next to the word
8. Primary Sources Library – Write the title of the first unit and the title of the article written by Mary Leaky- Due Friday

Thursday, September 8–
Finish the flip book.
Introduce “Be an Active Reader!” p. viii – pg. 1 in textbook
Homework: Finish the above Parts of the Book questions - Due Friday. I canceled the questions from page 1 because we did finish the flip book on Wednesday.

Friday, September 9–
Finish reading and discussing “Be an Active Reader!” p. viii – pg. 1 in textbook
Journal writing
Introduce Ch. 1
Time permitting: (Read Ch. 1 pp. 4-7 and begin defining: Geography, Absolute Location, Relative Location, Place, Region, Physical System, and Human System)
Homework: None!! Have a great weekend!

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of September 5, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of September 5, 2011
Blog Website:

Please note the important information below:
• Reading logs are due on Wednesday, September 28. Students must read two or more books each month, log the book, and obtain a parent signature for each book read.
• Every two weeks students will receive a new list of Vocabra-Words; these will be their spelling and vocabulary words. The students will be tested on these words at the end of the two weeks. They will take a fill in the blank vocabulary test and a spelling test. The first tests will be on Friday, Sept 9.
• Mark your calendars! Picture Day is Monday, September 12 (information will be sent home soon) and Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 14, at 6:30 P.M.
• Remember our team will be “going green.” We will discontinue giving students a paper syllabus in a few weeks. Students will be responsible for printing their own syllabus at home or at the media center. Please contact us if you do not have access to a computer and you need us to give you a syllabus.

Monday, September 5 - No school due to Labor Day
Homework: Vital Statistics final draft WITH PICTURE is due tomorrow! Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests on Friday!

Tuesday, September 6
Turn in final copy of Vital Statistics WITH A PICTURE
Assign Seedfolks books
Finish charting Gonzalo then read and chart Leona and Sam
Fill in Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart
List 1 -Vocabra “Sell It” activity with a partner – will be presented tomorrow

Homework: Read and chart Virgil and Sae Young in Seedfolks book – due THURSDAY & don’t forget to fill in your Seedfolks vocabulary chart; Finish “Sell it” activity presentations will be tomorrow

Wednesday, September 7
Present “Sell it” Vocabra activity
Smiley face trick # 1 – the “Magic 3”
Write a letter about yourself to me, and incorporate the “Magic 3”

Homework: Read and chart Virgil and Sae Young – due tomorrow! Study for your Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests that will be on Friday!

Thursday: September 8
Smiley face trick # 2 – Figurative Language
Figurative Language Activity
List 1 -Vocabra review activity

Homework: Study for your Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests tonight!

Friday, September 9
List 1 - Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests
Pleasure book reading time – your reading log is due 9/28!
Fill in Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart
Discuss Virgil and Sae Young

Homework: Make sure you are reading your pleasure book and have a good weekend!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus August 29, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 2
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of August 29 - September 2, 2011
Blog Website:

Important!! Please read the following information:
*At the beginning of each week, your child will receive a syllabus containing a list of activities and homework. In addition, your child must copy only the homework in his/her planner. I plan to give each student a copy of the syllabus for approximately a month. In order to conserve paper, students will be not be given a paper syllabus anymore. Instead, students will be able to copy the homework in their planner while viewing my syllabus via a LCD projector or from my chalkboard. In addition, my syllabus will be posted on my blog website. (See the blog website information at the top of this syllabus.) By all means, students who desire a paper syllabus may go to my website to copy my syllabus.
*Since this is the first full week of classes and my students were told, last week, they must have a folder and spiral. I recommend that the folder and spiral be the same color. If your child does not have matching materials then they should simply use the materials they have. Do not purchase additional materials.

Monday, August 29– Discuss classroom expectations
Copy homework in planner
Begin Parts of the Book/Elements of Non-Fiction Pre-Assessment
Homework: None

Tuesday, August 30– Finish Parts of the Book/Elements of Non-Fiction Pre-Assessment
Hand out textbooks
Begin reviewing Pre-Assessment
Homework: None

Wednesday, August 31– Copy Elements of Non-Fiction/Parts of the Book terms in spiral & discuss

Homework: Bring glue stick or liquid glue to class on Thursday

Thursday, September 1- Finish copying Elements of Non-Fiction/Parts of the Book terms and discuss
Begin Elements of Non-Fiction cut & paste activity (time permitting)

Homework: Complete chalkboard questions

Friday, September 2- Finish Elements of Non-Fiction/Parts of the Book activity

Homework: None!! Have a great 3-day holiday weekend!

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of August 29, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of August 29, 2011
Important Information:
• The typed draft of Vital Statistics must be in proper format and is due on Tuesday, August 30. The typed final copy will be due Tuesday, September 6.
• Students received their first Reading Logs tomorrow Thursday, Sept. 1; it is due on Wednesday, September 28. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Every two weeks students will receive a new list of Vocabra-Words; these will be their spelling and vocabulary words. The students will be tested on these words every two weeks. The first tests will be on Friday, Sept 9.
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 14, at 6:30 P.M. and Picture Day is Monday, September 12 (information will be sent home soon).

Monday, August 29
Map Testing Today 8th and 9th Period

Homework: Vital Statistics Rough Draft Due Tomorrow! Bring a pleasure book in to read for when you are finished with your MAP test!
GET THIS SYLLABUS SIGNED - also due Tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 30
Collect Vital Statistics Typed Rough Draft
Map Testing Today 8th and 9th Period

Homework: None

Wednesday, August 31
Pre-Reading items in blue Seedfolks Packet
Read and Chart Kim
Vocabra: Introduce Spelling and Vocabulary Words
Review the Typed Format for Vital Statistics

Homework: Find a book to read as a pleasure book- be sure to keep up with your reading log.

Thursday: September 1
Introduce Reading Logs
Return Edited Vital Statistics
Read and Chart Ana & Wendell
Vocabra Word Drawing Time

Homework: Draw your assigned vocabulary word without using the actual word in your
drawing. On the back you should write a good sentence for the word.
Make sure you have your Ziploc bag in class tomorrow because Seedfolks
books will be assigned.

Friday, September 2
Read and Chart Ganzalo
Present Vocabra Word Drawings

Homework: Work on Final Draft of Vital Statistics Due Tuesday, Sept 6.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus and Ch. 4 Study Guide May 23, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 23, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*There will be a quiz on Wednesday, May 25th. It will be on the material covered through Tuesday, May 24th. Students received a study guide last Friday. It is at the bottom of the syllabus.
* During the next several advisories, students will be studying the origins of Chicago, the people involved, landmarks, and architecture in preparation for our end of the year Spirit of Chicago cruise.

Monday, May 23, 2011 –
Review homework
Define: sphinx, silt, underworld
Review Gods and Goddess handout and notes on Khufu’s pyramid, Ramses, Hatshepsut
Begin reading pg. 73
Homework- Finish reading pg. 73-74 and answer questions # 1-4 on pg. 74 and study for test

Tuesday, May 24, 2011– Lunchtime Study Session Today
Decipher the Message handout
Review pg. 73 # 1-4
Homework: Study for the test

Wednesday, May 25, 2011-
Egypt Quiz
Begin reading pp. 74-78 and define Amon-Ra, scribe, Aton, hieroglyphics, Akhenaton
Homework: None

Thursday, May 26, 2011 –
Read and review pp. 74-78
Small group work: Section 4 questions # 4 and 5 only
Homework: None

Friday, May 27, 2011 –
Introduce Hieroglyphics & write name in hieroglyphics
Complete Nile Map
Read & discuss pp. 78-79
Homework: None!! Have a great 3-day holiday weekend

Study Guide for Chapter 4 Test

Study pp. 66-80, all notes, and the following:
1. Know what these famous Egyptians were known for: Narmer/Menes, Hatshepsut,
and Ramses II
2. Pharaoh’s responsibilities
3. Purposes of the pyramids
4. Study important events of Old and Middle Kingdom
5. Know impact Hyksos had on Egyptian culture
6. Know Egyptian resources
7. Egyptian religious beliefs
8. Know these gods: Isis, Osiris, Horus, Ra, Hapi, Anubis, Thoth
9. Study these areas indicated on the Egyptian Map: Nile River, Alexandria, Giza, Memphis, & Upper and Lower Egypt
10. Study all the questions completed in Chapter 4 –Sections 1, 2, & 3
11. Why is Egypt called the “Gift of the Nile”
12. The continent Egypt is located on.
13. Study Nile, River of the Gods Movie notes
14. Study vocabulary

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 23, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 23, 2011

Important Information:
• Our final Team 6-3 PBIS Reward Day is going to be on Friday, May 27th during 8th and 9th period. Students will sign up for an outdoor activity and it will “cost” 15 Bee Tickets to participate.
• Remember the end of the year field trip is on Wednesday June 1st.
• Please turn in your SIGNED, Yearbook Signing Rules sheet no later than Thurs., June 3.
• Lit Circles: Most groups will meet on Wednesday’s either 8th or 9th period, except for the Breadwinner group. The Breadwinner group will meet on Thursday during 8th period. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time!
• All Lit circle packets will be due by Tuesday, next week due to the field trip. The groups that meet on Wednesday will meet on Tuesday, instead. The Thurs. group will still meet on Thursday, though.

Monday, May 23
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Team 6-3
Spelling Race
Lit Circles Work Time
Homework: Vocabra Sheet- Make Believe…

Tuesday, May 24
Lit Circle Work Time
Vocabra: Comic Strip Captions
Homework: Be ready for Lit Circle Meeting #3 tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.

Wednesday, May 25 – Lit Circle # 3 meetings held in Media Center 8th and 9th Period
Lit Circle Work Time
Study for Vocabra Tests on Thursday
Homework: STUDY for your Vocabra Tests- they will be given tomorrow.

Thursday, May 26
8th Period: Breadwinner - Lit Circle Meeting #3
LAST set of Vocabra TESTS (List 15)
Homework: Work on your last Lit Circle packet- They all will be due on Tuesday, next week due to the field trip.

Friday, May 27
Team 6-3 PBIS Reward Day
Homework: Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!! Finish your last Lit Circles packet -remember all packets will be due on Tuesday! Come in with your book and packet 100% complete.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 16, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 16, 2011

Important Information:
• Our Lit Circle groups are progressing really well so far. Keep up the great work. All the parents were very impressed with your participation and discussions. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time!
• All the groups will meet on Wednesday, this week only, because of our field trip on Thursday. The Breadwinner and Code Talker groups will meet 8th period and the other 3 groups will during 9th period.
• Remember, in order to participate in the weekly Lit circle groups students must have the PACKET 100% COMPLETED and HAVE the NOVEL IN CLASS on the day the discussion group meets.
• Don’t forget we have a walking trip to the Hemingway Museum to see School House Rock, Thursday, May 19th.

Monday, May 16
Introduce Vocabra List #15
Lit Circles Work Time
Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing.

Tuesday, May 17
Lit Circle Work Time
Vocabra: Divide up 12 Words with a Partner
Homework: 1. Write 6 Vocabra sentences with YOUR 6 words.
2. The extra credit letter to your Lit Circle Author is due tomorrow. Remember- it must be
typed and you need to also bring in an addressed envelope with postage on it.
3. Be ready for Lit Circle Meeting #2 tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet
100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.

Wednesday, May 18 – Media Center for Lit Circle Groups
Lit Circle Letter to your author is due today.
8th period - Breadwinner and Code Talker Groups
9th period - Day of Tears, Habibi, & Other Side of Truth Groups
Read Socratic Seminar Article: “Should Kids Hunt”
Mark/Highlight “Should Kids Hunt”
Lit Circle Work Time, when done with Socratic articles
Homework: Read “Should Kids Hunt” again!
Tomorrow is the field trip- you need to remember your lunch money and dress for the
weather! 

Thursday, May 19 (Shortened Class due to Field Trip)
Lit Circle Work Time when we return from trip
Homework: Write TWO high level discussion questions about “Should Kids Hunt” for the Socratic
Seminar Tomorrow.
You must have your marked article and 2 questions in class with you to participate in the

Friday, May 20
8th Period: Socratic Seminar- Should Kids Hunt?
All Other Groups- Work Time for Lit Circles
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus May 9, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 9, 2011
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Last week students were assigned a topic for a Newsbowl article regarding news for last week, Sunday, May1st – Saturday, May 7th . Students were given an extra day to locate the article making it due Tuesday, May 10th.

Monday, May 9, 2011 –
Ch. 6 Ancient Hebrews Quiz
Homework- If you didn’t turn in an article, you may still find one – Due Tuesday, no exceptions

Tuesday, May 10, 2011–
Begin summary of article
Newsbowl Jeopardy Competition
Homework: Finish Newsbowl article summary, if necessary – Due Wednesday

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 –
Mesopotamia Movie
Identify 4 elements of Mesopotamian culture
Homework: Finish identifying cultural elements. Use Ch. 3 in textbook, if necessary

Thursday, May 12, 2011 –
Complete Anticipation Guide
Egyptian artifact activity
Homework: None

Friday, May 13, 2011 –
Begin reading and discussing pp. 82-83 in “To See a Worl.d” resource book
Homework: None

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 9, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 9, 2011
Important Information:
• Our first Literature Circle discussion groups will meet this week! Most groups will meet on Wednesday’s, either 8th or 9th period, except for the Breadwinner group. The Breadwinner group will meet on Thursdays during 8th period. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time!
• In order to participate in the weekly Lit circle discussion groups students must have their PACKET 100% COMPLETED and HAVE the NOVEL IN CLASS on the day the discussion group meets.
• Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12.
• Students received a field trip permission slip last week, for a walking trip to the Hemingway Museum to see School House Rock. All money is due by Friday, May 13th.

Monday, May 9
Vocabra- Write 12 Detailed Sentences
White Board Sentences
Lit Circles Work Time
Homework: Finish Reading Logs- due Tursday
Work on Lit Circle packets – Due _____________________

Tuesday, May 10
Media Center 8th Period- Check Out/Return Books
Lit Circle Work Time
Homework: Finish Lit Circle packet, if necessary – Due ________________
Attention all groups except for the Breadwinner group. Be ready for Lit Circle
Meeting #1 tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet 100%
completed and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.

Wednesday, May 11 - Lit Circle Meetings today for all groups except for Breadwinner Grp.
__________________________________ group will meet during: _________ Period
Vocabra Charades
Homework: Finish your Reading Log- due tomorrow! Don’t forget to get your
parent signatures on the log. You CAN add Lit Circle Novel on the Rdg Log
Breadwinner Group: Finish Lit Circle Packet and be ready for Lit Circle Mtg #1
tomorrow. Packet must be 100% completed and you must have you novel in
class, in order to participate

Thursday, May 12 - Turn in Reading Log
Breadwinner Lit Circle Meeting – 8th period
Discuss Week #1 Meetings: Tips for Next Week
Lit Circle Work Time
Spelling Race
Work on Lit Circle packet

Friday, May 13
Vocabra List #14 Tests
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & Review Questions May 2, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 2, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Due to MAP Testing, and the lost of a class session, the Judaism quiz has been changed to
Monday, May 9th. To prepare for quiz, students should study: Founder of Judaism, beliefs, what contributed to spread of Judaism and how, important rituals and why performed, holidays and why they are celebrated, the Jewish Diaspora or the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine to various parts of the world., all vocabulary words, guided notes, & questions on back of this syllabus.
*Students should locate an article about this week’s news beginning Sunday, May1st – Saturday, May 7th – Due Monday, May 9th. Your topic is: ______________________________________

Monday, May 2, 2011 –
Define: Moses, social justice, drought, psalm
Read pp. 109-112
Two column-notes: Founder of Judaism, & beliefs
Homework- Bring coloring pencils to class on Tuesday for map activity

Tuesday, May 3, 2011–
Read pp. 112-114 and define: Sabbath, Torah, rabbi, synagogue
Scholastic News article and map – “Jerusalem: A Divided City”
Two column-notes: Jewish rituals
Homework: Complete map questions in Scholastic News Jerusalem packet - due Thursday
Finish questions on back of syllabus – due Friday

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 – No Class due to MAP Testing
Homework: Complete map questions in Scholastic News Jerusalem packet - due Thursday
Complete questions on back of syllabus – due Friday

Thursday, May 5, 2011 –
Review Map questions
Finish Scholastic News article, “Jerusalem: A Divide City” & discuss reasons for Palestinian and Israeli conflicts
Homework: Study for quiz

Friday, May 6, 2011 –
Complete “Jerusalem: Armies and Faiths” handout
Review homework & for quiz
Homework: Study for quiz on Monday, May 9th

Review Questions

Answer each of the following questions in your spiral and use very specific details.

1. Explain why Hebrews left Ur in c1800 B.C. and where they settled.
2. Explain why Hebrews left Canaan and where they settled next.
3. Explain what happened in Egypt in c1200 B.C. & why they the Hebrews
left Egypt.
4. What important event happened in the Sinai Desert?
5. Explain how Joshua helped the Hebrews to move back to Canaan.
6. Explain how the Hebrews were able to farm the rocky and dry soil in
Canaan, after returning from Egypt.
7. On page 112, tell accomplishments of each king.
8. In c586 B.C. explain why Hebrews moved to Babylonia.
9. Explain changes Jews made to religion while in Babylonia.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 2, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 2, 2011

Important Information:
• We are beginning Literature Circles activities this week! Although, the discussion groups will not meet until next Wednesday, May 11th. Thank you, to all the parents who volunteered their time! Most groups will meet on Wednesday’s during 9th period however one group will meet on Thursday’s during 9th period.
• In order to participate in the weekly meeting students must have your Packet 100% COMPLETED and HAVE the NOVEL IN CLASS on the day the discussion group meets.
• Students who scored below a 75% will be able to complete test corrections on their Ch. 6 Grammar Test if the test is signed by Tuesday, May 5th. Students should review their packet and study guide and be ready to make test corrections on Thursdsay, May 7th during their lunch period.
• Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12.

Monday, May 2
Introduce List #14 Vocabra
Introduce Authors- Complete Author Activity
How To Lead a Lit Circle & Identify Higher and Lower level Questions
Homework: Finish your Lit Circle Author Activity.

Tuesday, May 3
Assign Books to Groups
Review Lit Circle Terms
Introduce Packets for Lit Circles
Lit Circle Work Time

Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing- Using the WORD itself

Wednesday, May 4
Team 6-3 Meeting
Vocabra Word Story- Topic is Reality Shows
Discussion Directors & Illustrators
Lit Circle Work Time
Brainstorm Words for “Year in Review: Team 6-3”

Homework: Work on your Lit Circles Packet and Reading

Thursday, May 5
No Reading due to MAP Testing

Homework: Work on your Lit Circles Packet and Reading

Friday, May 6
Vocabra Quickie Skits
All Other Groups- Work Time for Lit Circles

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of April 18 and April 25, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 18, 2011

Important Information:
• Students will have a Chapter 6 Grammar Test on Tuesday, April 19th.
• The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 29th. Make sure you are working on your project over the next few weeks! Don’t wait until the last minute 
• Our next Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.

Monday, April 18
Introduce List #13 Vocabra Words
Grammar Ch 6: Review for Test
Emotion Poems (Pg 29-30)
Rhetorical Question Poems (Pg 31)

Homework: Study for the Chapter 6 Grammar test tomorrow! Use review sheet at the end of your packet. Also, work on your poetry project.

Tuesday, April 19
Grammar: Chapter 6 TEST
Bill Durham Poems (Pg 32)
I Don’t Understand Poems (Pg 33)

Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing. Write Poetry. Work on Poetry Project. Remember- tomorrow is our Team PBIS Electronic Reward Day! You can bring in an electronic video game to play but please check with Ms. A if you plan to bring a large game system. You need 10 Bright Blue Bee Tickets to participate.

Wednesday, April 20
Turn in Word Drawings
Team PBIS Electronic Reward Day!

Homework: Work on Poetry Project. Get Literature Circles Parent Letter Signed!!!! Enjoy your days off 

Thursday, April 21
No School: Institute Day

Homework: Poetry Project

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 25, 2011

Important Information:
• On Monday students will receive a letter regarding the Literature Circle Unit we will begin next week. I am requesting parent volunteers; please review the letter and send it back to school by Wednesday. If you have any questions please email me!
Thank you for your consideration!
• The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 29th. Make sure you are working on your project and not waiting until the last minute.  Be sure to look over pp. 22-23 and the rubric on pg. 37 to make sure you have included all the requirements. I know you want an outstanding grade.
• Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12.

Monday, April 25
Just Because… Poems (Pg 34)
Write 12 Vocabra Sentences
White Board Sentences with Partners
Homework: Be sure to get Literature Circle Letters filled out by your parents. I need these by Wednesday, please. Work on poetry project!
Bee Ticket if you turn the letter in on Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 26
Ode to… Poem (Pg 35)
Lit Circle Book Picks
Vocabra Skits
Homework: Work on your poetry Project. By today you should have all of your poems written. You need to work on editing, typing, illustrations, table of contents, and a cover. Be sure to have your poetry in class tomorrow- we are working on Identification of Elements.

Wednesday, April 27
Poetry Project- Review Identification Requirements (Page 36)
Vocabra Sell It
Homework: Finish adding Poetry Elements and  Tricks to your poetry. There needs to be at least one identified in each poem. You need to use a highlighter and/or sticky notes to identify these throughout your project. You will have some poetry work time in class tomorrow- be sure you have your materials.

Thursday, April 28
Poetry Project Work Time
Spelling Race
Homework: Poetry Project is DUE TOMORROW! Be sure to look over pp. 22-23 and the rubric on pg. 37 to make sure you have included all the requirements. I know you want a great grade. Study for Vocabra #13TESTS, too.

Friday, April 29 - Turn in Poetry Project Today
Vocabra List 13 TESTS
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Social Syllabus for April 18 & 25, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 18, 2011 (Updated 4/26)
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Students will have a quiz covering Ch.22 on next Wednesday, April 20th. To prepare for quiz students should study: Founder of Islam, Beliefs, who helped spread Islam and how, important rituals and why performed, holidays and why they are celebrated, all vocabulary words, guided notes, & section questions.
*Students should locate an article (do not summarize the article) regarding NOTEWORTHY news for the Newsbowl competition regarding news from last. Due Tuesday, April 19th. No articles about Oak Park are allowed.
*For the next few weeks, we will study the spread of Islam, Judaism and the Jewish Diaspora or the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine to various parts of the world.
*Those students who observe Passover, Monday’s homework is due on Wednesday. Happy Passover!!

Monday, April 18, 2011 –
Define: haijj, Quran, pillars of faith, mosque, iman, zakah, Ramadan, Islamic Paradise
Review Section 1 questions
Two-column notes: Islamic beliefs and rituals
Homework- read pp. 336-340 and take two-column notes on the following sub-topics
Rightly Guided Caliphs; Spread of Islam - Territories-; Spread of Islam - Reasons for success;
Discord During Reign of Umayyads; Effects of Traded during Reign of Abbasids
Don’t forget to bring in your Newspaper article- Do not summarize the article
Those students who observe Passover, Monday’s homework is due on Wednesday. Happy Passover!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2011 –
Review homework
Homework: Read pp. 342-344 Answer Section 3 questions - p. 344 # 2-5

Wednesday, April 19, 2011–
Newsbowl competition
Complete short newspaper article summary
Scholistic News Article: the Spread of Islam- Two column notes
Causes of Muslim and Christian Conflicts; Jerusalem 10-99-1187; Effects of Crusades in Europe; Ottoman Empire; Islam Today
Homework: Finish the above two column notes – due Monday

Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Institute Day – no school

Friday, April 22, 2011 – No School

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 25, 2011
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Students will have a quiz covering Judaism on next Friday, May 6th. To prepare for quiz students should study: Founder of Judaism, Beliefs, what contributed to spread of Judaism and how, the Jewish Diaspora or the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine to various parts of the world., important rituals and why performed, holidays and why they are celebrated, all vocabulary words, guided notes, & section questions.

Monday, April 25, 2011 –
Read top of p. 342 and take two-column notes for these sub-topics: Muhammad’s teaching about females and Muhammad’s teaching about males.
Review notes
Begin “Islam Around the World” Map
Homework- Finish Islam map and study for quiz

Tuesday, April 26, 2011–
Review homework
Islam Time Line (back of “The Spread of Islam” article)
Homework: Finish Islam time line and study for quiz

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 –
Review homework & take quiz
Read Scholastic News article: Inside Afghanistan”
Homework: Complete Afghanistan map questions on separate sheet of paper

Thursday, April 28, 2011 –
Review homework
Introduce Judaism and read pp. 106-107
Define: Judaism, nomadic, Yahweh, descendants, exodus, covenant, Ten Commandments
Homework: None

Friday, April 29, 2011 –
Map questions p. 108
Read pp. 109-110
Two-Column notes: Founder of Judaism and Beliefs
Homework: None

Monday, April 11, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & April 11, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 11, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*For the next few weeks, we will study the spread of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and the Jewish Diaspora or the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine to various parts of the world.
*Students will have a quiz covering Ch.16 on Thursday, April 14th. To prepare for quiz students should study: Founder of Christianity, Beliefs, who helped spread Christianity and how, important rituals and why performed, holidays and why they are celebrated, all vocabulary words, guided notes, & section questions.
*Students should locate an article regarding NOTEWORTHY news for the Newsbowl competition for this week’s news. Due Tuesday, April 19th. No articles about Oak Park are allowed.

Monday, April 11, 2011 –
Finish two-column notes
Begin reading and discussing pp. 252-256
Homework- Define: parish, diocese, pope, doctrine, heresy, monks, nuns, monasteries, and abbot

Tuesday, April 12, 2011–
Continue reading & discussing pp. 252-256 and answer these questions:
1. How did early churches worship? 2. What did the apostles do? 3. By 300 A.D., what were the top three church leaders called? 4.Why was the Christian church organized in this way? 5. Explain why the western and eastern churches split. 6.Explain two major decisions Christian church leaders had to make by end of 300 A.D. 7.What were the monks who followed the Basilian rules expected to do? 8.What were the monks that followed the Benedictine rules expected to do? 9.Why were they expected to follow these rules? 10. How did the monks help spread Christianity?
Homework: Finish the above questions and complete “Using Vocabulary Ch. 16 handout p. 70

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 –
Review homework and review for quiz
Homework: Study for quiz

Thursday, April 14, 2011 –
Take Ch. 16 quiz
Intro Spread of Islam and begin reading pp. 330-334 and define Islam, submitting, Muhammad, pilgrims, Ka’bah, revelation, and Anno Hijrah.
Homework: None

Friday, April 15, 2011 –
Finish reading pp. 334 – 336 and complete Section 1 assessment questions # 2 - 5
Homework: None

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of April 11, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 11, 2011 (updated 4:00 p.m.)

Important Information:
• The 7th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, April 12th. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Students will have a Chapter 6 Grammar Test next week on Tuesday, April 19th.
• The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 29th. Make sure you are working on your project over the course of the next few weeks! This is your time to shine so do your best work of the year. Don’t wait until the last minute 
• The next Reading Log will be due on Thursday, May 12.
• Ch. 5 Grammar tests (answer sheets only) were sent home last Friday. Students with scores below 75% can make test corrections if they obtained a parent signature on the test. They must have the test signed in order to make the corrections on Wednesday during their lunch period.

Monday, April 11
Rhetorical Questions (PP page 18-19)
“IF” Prompts (Pg 24) only
Poetry Exploration (Poetry Packet Page 20-21)
Review Poetry Project (PP pg 22-23)
Homework: Reading Logs are due TOMORROW! Remember you need parent signatures!

Tuesday, April 12 - Turn in Reading Log #7
Begin “IF” Poem (Pg 24-25)
Grammar: Lesson 6.1
Haiku Poems (PP pg 26)
Vocabra Newspaper Captions & Charades
Homework: Finish “If” poem, if necessary

Wednesday, April 13
Grammar: Lesson 6.2
Read Non-Fiction Dream Article
Dream Poetry (PP pg 27)
Homework: Write another dream poem. Include onomatopoeia and/or alliteration in this poem.

Thursday, April 14
Grammar: Lesson 6.3 (Our TEAM Lesson!)
“I AM” Poetry (PP pg 28)
Spelling Race
Homework: Study your Vocabra words from List #12

Friday, April 15
Vocabra Tests- List #12
Grammar: Lesson 6.4
Homework: Have an AWESOME weekend! Work on your poetry project. I suggest that you begin typing the poems you would like to include and plan your illustrations.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & April 4, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 4, 2011
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*For the next few weeks, we will begin to study the spread of Christianity, Islam, and the Jewish Diaspora or the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine to various parts of the world.
*Students will have a quiz covering Ch.16 on next Wednesday, April 16th. To prepare for quiz students should study: Founder of Christianity, Beliefs, who helped spread Christianity and how, important rituals and why performed, holidays and why they are celebrated, all vocabulary words, guided notes, vocabulary & section questions.

Monday, April 4, 2011 –
Introduce Ch. 16 - Think, Pair, and Share
Ch. 16 Chart & Graph Skills Activity p. 20
Begin reading and discussing pp. 247-248 and discuss
Homework: None

Tuesday, April 5, 2011–
Begin defining: Christianity, parables, scriptures, messiah, crucified, resurrection, gospel, gentiles, missionary, & disciples
Continue reading & discussing pp. 248-250 & Think Pair Share activity
Homework: Complete Section 1 questions, p. 250 # 2-5

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 –
Finish defining Tuesday’s words (see above)
Review homework & begin reading and discussing pp. 250-252
Homework: Finish reading pp.250-252 & define famine, catacombs, “in hoc signo vinces”, Edit of Milan

Thursday, April 7, 2011 –
Begin Section 2 Questions p. 252 # 1-4
Two –Column Notes: Founder, Beliefs, Rituals, Holiday’s, & How and Who Spread Christianity
Homework: Finish Section 2 questions p. 252 # 1-4

Friday, April 8, 2011 –
Review homework
Finish two-column notes
Begin reading pp. 252-253
Homework: Study for quiz

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of April 4, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 4, 2011
Important Information:
• Happy National Poetry Month! In honor of this we will spend the month exploring poetic devices, reading poetry, and writing a variety of different poems.
• Our next Reading Log is due on Tuesday, April 12. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• End of the Year Field Trip permission slip and money are due on April 5th. No refunds.
• Please return signed report card envelopes by Wednesday, as well

Monday, April 4
Introduce List #12 Vocabra
Introduce Poetry Unit with Visualization Poem
Elements of Poetry Notes (Poetry Packet Page 1-2)

Homework: End of the year permission slips and money are due TOMORROW! NO
EXCEPTIONS! Please return signed report card envelopes, too.

Tuesday, April 5
Read Books from Poetry Cart
Likes and Dislikes Chart (PP pg 3)
Alliteration (PP pg 4)

Homework: Read Poetry Packet Page 5. Write SIX Vocabra sentences using any six words
you would like. No vague sentences.
Please return signed report card envelopes.

Wednesday, April 6
Personification, Onomatopoeia, and Symbol (PP pg 6-9)
Vocabra: Draw the Meaning Using the Word Itself

Homework: Idioms in Poetry Packet (Page 10). You can ask your parents if they know the meanings of the idioms you don’t know and/or use the internet to find out.

Thursday, April 7
Metaphors and Descriptive Words (PP pg 11-13)
Vocabra Sell It- with groups

Homework: Irony in Poetry Packet (Pages 14-15).

Friday, April 8
Oxymoron, Paradox, and Rhetorical Questions (PP page 16-19)
Read Poems from Poetry Cart
Vocabra Charades

Homework: Have an AWESOME weekend! Work on your reading log- it is due on Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & March 21, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 21, 2011
Blog Website:

Important Information:
*There will be a test on Ch. 15 on Thursday, March 24th. The study guide was sent home last week.
*Articles and summaries regarding news for the week of March 13 – March19 will be due Friday, March 25th . The Newsbowl competition will be held Friday, as well. Students were assigned a topic last week.
* I strongly recommend, students who plan to leave early for vacation to take the test before he/she leaves town. It will be hard to remember what was learned while enjoying a great vacation.

Monday, March 21–
Finish two-column notes: Reforms of Diocletian; and Reforms of Constantine I
Review previous two column notes
Homework: Ch. 15 “Using Vocabulary” review puzzle p. 66- Due Wednesday

Tuesday, March 22–
Ancient Roman Architecture web quest
Homework: Roman Architecture- Study Sheet

Wednesday, March 23– Lunch time study session- Ask Ms. Alexander for a pass
Review homework
Review for test
Homework: Study for test

Thursday, March 24–
Ch. 15 test
Homework: Finish newspaper summary for week of March 13-19. Don’t forget to attach the newspaper article. Be sure to include the name & date of the periodical from which the article was found - Due Friday

Friday, March 25–
Share newspaper articles
Newsbowl competition
Homework: None! Have a wonderful Spring Vacation!! See you April 4th.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of March 21, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 21, 2011 (updated 3/22)
Important Information:
• There will be a Chapter 5 Grammar: Adverbs and Adjectives Test on Thurs, March 24.
• Please note that our team does not accept any late work during the 3rd trimester. It is very important to stay organized and turn all your work in on time in order to do well.
• Our next Reading Log is due on Tuesday, April 12. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• End of the Year Field Trip permission slip and money is due on April 5. No refunds.
• I am offering an incentive to all students who pass all their tests with a C or better and have all work turned in for the next 3 weeks. We will have a celebration time for students to play their favorite games, during 9th period.

Monday, March 21
Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.6 (PP pg 7-9)
Media Center: 9th Period (Back table to return/check out books)

Homework: Study for your Adverb/Adjective TEST on Thursday.
Get Goal Sheets Signed
Finish Grammar Pkt p. 9

Tuesday, March 22
Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.7 (PP pg 10-11)
Review Elements of Nonfiction
Begin Nonfiction Flip Books

Homework: Study for your Adverb/Adjective TEST on Thursday.

Wednesday, March 23
Finish Nonfiction Flip Books
Adjectives and Adverbs REVIEW

Homework: Study for your Chapter 5 Grammar Test (Students will receive a practice Test TODAY to help study) The Extra Credit Multicultural Essay is due TOMORROW!

Thursday, March 24
Turn in Extra Credit Essay
Adjectives and Adverbs TEST
Study for List #11 TESTS

Homework: STUDY for your Vocabra List #11 TESTS!

Friday, March 25
Vocabra List #11 Tests
Nonfiction Reading Activity

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING Spring Break!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & March 14, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 14, 2011(updated 3/14 6:30 p.m.)
Blog Website:
Important Information:
*There will be a test on Ch. 15 on Thursday, March 24th. The study guide is on the back of this syllabus.
*Students need to locate and summarize an article regarding news for this week beginning March 13 – March19 for the following topic: __________________________________
*Articles will be due next Friday, March 25th and the Newsbowl competition will be held Friday, as well.

Monday, March 14–
Two-column notes: Benefits of Pax Romana onTrade and Reasons Twelve Tables were Changed
Homework: None

Tuesday, March 15–
Read and discuss pp. 236-238 and take two-column notes:
Problems People of Rome Faced; Homes of Rich; Living Conditions of Poor; Schooling of Rich Kids;
and Rich Women and Their Rights
Homework: Finish above two-column notes

Wednesday, March 16–
Review Roman Numeral handout
Define: empire, domus, islands, rhetoric, pig sticking , gladiators, , and Circus Maximus
Continue reading pp. 238-239 and taking two-column notes: Bathhouses; Public Games; Gladiators;
and Gladiator Games and Animals
Homework: Finish two-column notes and above definitions

Thursday, March 17–
Health Survey
Complete Latin Words handout
Begin reading & discussing pp. 240-243and take two-column notes on fall of Roman Empire:
Political Reasons ; Economic Reasons; and Foreign Reasons
Homework: Finish above two-column notes

Friday, March 18–
Define: inflation, barter, Rule by Divine Right, Praetorian Guards, villas, and provinces
Take two-column notes: Reforms of Diocletian; and Reforms of Constantine I
Homework: Study for test

Study Guide Ch. 15 Test
1. What happened to law during the Pax Romana
2. Effects of Pax Romana
3. Schooling of Roman children
4. Leisure activities
5. Compare and contrast Roman and U.S. families
6. Know what these emperors did and what happened as a result of it:
Augustus, Nero, Hadrian, Diocletian, and Constantine I
7. Reasons for the collapse of the Roman Empire
8. Study all your vocabulary words
9. Latin words handout (you will receive it on Thursday)
10. Roman Achievements and Contributions to our Modern Society
11. Be able to identify the Colosseum, Circus Maximus, and Aqueducts and what they
were used for.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of March 14, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 14, 2011 (updated 3/14 at 5:30 p.m.)

Important Information:
• We are beginning Chapter 5 Grammar: Adverbs and Adjectives this week. There will be a chapter 5 Test on Thursday, March 24.
• Please note that our team does not accept any late work during the 3rd trimester. It is very important to stay organized and get all of your work in on time to do well.
• Our seventh Reading Log is due on Tuesday, April 12. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Be sure to show parents the letter regarding taking a short health survey Thursday morning.

Monday, March 14 (Purple Food and Clothes)
Vocabra List #11
Introduce Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.1 (PP pg 2)
9th Period: Socratic Seminar

Homework: Adjectives/Adverbs PP page 1 (You’re Soooo Famous)

Tuesday, March 15 (White Food and Clothes)
Author Presentation Period 8 (Commons)
Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.2 (PP pg 3-4)

Homework: Finish Adjectives/Adverbs PP pg 3-4 if necessary.

Wednesday, March 16 (Red Food and Clothes)
Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.3 (PP pg 5)
Vocabra Word Drawing

Homework: None

Thursday, March 17 (Green Food and Clothes)
Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.4 (PP pg 6)
Write 12 Vocabra Sentences
Vocabra White Board Sentences

Homework: Vocabra Sell It! Your ad needs to be in define your word, sell it to the reader, be neatly done, and in color.

Friday, March 18 (Yellow/Orange Food and Clothes)
Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.5 (PP pg 7)
Vocabra Newspaper Captions
Read your Pleasure Book

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Get your Report Card Envelop Signed

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & March 9, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 7, 2011
Blog Website:

Important Information:
*Last Monday, my students were told to locate a new Newsbowl article for their newly assigned topic. The news must be regarding notable news for the week beginning Feb. 27-March 5th because there will be a Jeopardy Newsbowl competition on Thursday.
*Students wishing to participate in our next Newsbowl competition, on Thursday, must have completed the article due on Wednesday and the other two previous articles. Everything is due by Wednesday.

Monday, March 7– No School- Pulaski Day

Tuesday, March 8–
Anticipation Guide and Roman Numeral handout
Introduce Ch. 15
Review Civil Rights handout
Homework: Newsbowl article due Wednesday regarding ______________________________
Finish Roman Numeral handout – due Thursday

Wednesday, March 9–
Share Newsbowl article
Read pp. 233-234 and begin Section 1 questions p. 234 # 2-5
Homework: Finish Section 1 questions p. 234 # 2-5, if necessary

Thursday, March 10–
Newsbowl Jeopardy Game
Review homework
Homework: None

Friday, March 11–
Use pp. 233-234 to define: Augustus, emperor, freedmen, census, and provincial governor
Use pp. 234-236 to define: tariffs, juris prudentes, Pax Romana, and standardized
Read pp. 234 – 236 and answer Section 2 questions #2-4
Homework: None

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of March 7, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 7, 2011 (updated March 9th)

Important Information:
• Welcome to the final trimester of 6th grade! Please note our team does not accept any late work during the 3rd trimester. It is very important to stay organized and get all of your work in on time to do well.
• We are presenting our PowerPoint presentations this week! Be sure to have your PP on your flash drive, a printout of your project, and be rehearsed!
• Our next Reading Log is due on Friday, March 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Extra credit Essay for the Multicultural Center was assigned last week for 10 extra credit points or 15 extra credit points if the essay is one of the winners - due March 24. Good Luck!
• A “Dictionary Scavenger Hunt” sheet was assigned last week and was due Friday, March 4th. Students were given time to work on it in class last Thursday and Friday. Only students who were absent from class on Friday may still turn in the handout.

Monday, March 7
No School

Tuesday, March 8
How to Mark a Socratic Seminar Reading
PowerPoint Presentations

Homework: Read Socratic Seminar Handouts- highlight the important parts of it.
Practice Power Point Presentation

Wednesday, March 9
PowerPoint Presentations
Homework: None

Thursday, March 10
Read “Singapore Whipping”
PowerPoint Presentations

Homework: Read “Singapore Whipping” AGAIN!
Your next reading log is due TOMORROW! Remember we do not accept late work so it is very important to get it signed and in on time!

Friday, March 11
Read and Mark Socratic Seminar Article: “Singapore Whipping”
Write Letters to next year’s 5th Graders
Turn in March Reading Log

Homework: Write TWO questions about the “Singapore Whipping” article. These questions should NOT be able to be answered with a yes or no; they must require deeper thinking and generate a discussion based on information found in article.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & February 21, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 21, 2011
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Due to conflicts scheduling the computer lab for our Black History activity, students will participate in the Newsbowl this Friday.
*Each student was assigned a Newsbowl category and is expected to locate, summarize an article about their assigned category, and bring the article to school. The article should be about notable news for week of Feb. 13 – Feb.19th.
The categories are: world news, national news, sports, arts and entertainment, family and society. Use periodicals such as: newspapers, news magazines, online articles, etc. Online articles must include the website address and the date it was obtained.
*S.S. test will be returned by this Friday.
* Grades will be online by Wednesday. Check for missing work because all late work is due by
Monday, February 28th

Monday, February 21 – No School

Tuesday, February 22 -
Movie: The Mighty Times Children’s March (in Birmingham, Alabama)
Homework: None

Wednesday, February 23-
Black History Month-Web quest
Homework- Finish Civil Rights handout

Thursday, February 24–
Share Newsbowl articles with Newswbowl group
Review Web quest and Civil Rights handout
Homework- None

Friday, February 25 –
Newsbowl Activity- regarding news for week of Feb. 13 – Feb.19th
Homework: None!! Have a great weekend!!

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of February 21, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 22, 2011
Important Information:
• Trimester 2 ends on Friday, March 4th. In order to get grades ready we need all late work on our team by Tuesday, March 1st.
• The edited drafts of the research paper will be returned today! Students need to work on making corrections to their essay’s and have their final draft ready to turn in on Friday, February 25. The final paper must include a cover page, final outline, works consulted, and drafts of the outline and essay.
• ISAT begins next week! Please be sure you get a good night sleep, are on time to school, and eat a good breakfast. You may bring in a healthy snack and water bottle each day next week!
• Our sixth Reading Log is due on Friday, March 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.

Monday, February 21 - No School

Tuesday, February 22
Return Edited Research Papers-
Review ISAT questions
9th Period: How to Make a Power Point

Homework: Work on the rough draft of your Power Point.
Make your Cover Page for your final paper- See example in Research Basics guide

Wednesday, February 23
Introduce Power Point Project and Rubric
Power Point Rough Draft

Homework: Finish your Power Point Rough Draft- it must be complete tomorrow before you can begin working on it on the computers.
Work on your FINAL Research Paper
Use and your source cards to create your Works Consulted page

Thursday, February 24
Power Point Work Time
Review ISAT questions
Book in A… presentations

Homework: Finish your FINAL Research Paper! It is due tomorrow! The final paper must include each thing in this order 1. Cover page 2. Final outline 3. Final paper 4. Works consulted 5. Edited Draft of Outline 6. Adult Edited Draft of Essay -See example in Research Basics guide

Friday, February 25
Turn in FINAL Research Paper
Power Point Work Time
Book in A… presentations

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Work on your power point!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & February 14, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 14, 2011 (Updated 5:30p.m.)
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Students will participate in another Newsbowl activity next Monday. Each student will be assigned a
Newsbowl category and is expected to locate, summarize an article about their assigned category, and bring the article to school. The article should be notable news from this week beginning Feb. 13 – Feb.19th.
The categories are: world news, national news, sports, arts and entertainment, family and society. Use
periodicals such as: newspapers, news magazines, online articles, etc. Online articles must include the
website address and the date it was obtained.
*There will be a S.S. test on Friday, Feb. 18th. Students received a study guide on last week’s syllabus. Be sure to know these vocabulary words: republic, patrician, plebeian, consul, veto, senator, judge,
publican, Twelve Tables, tribune, assembly, Hannibal Barca, legion, legionary, legionaries, maniple, typhus, industry, latifundias, artisans, aqueduct, reform, reformer, dictator, triumvirate, booty
*Extra Credit Assignment: Create a vocabulary review game, puzzle, etc for the above words. Earn up to
4 extra credit pts. Due Thursday, Feb. 17th

Monday, February 14 - HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY
Assign Newsbowl topics
Define: artisans, dictator, triumvirate, booty
Begin reading pp. 227-230 & complete chart: reformers, their reforms, and effect
Homework: Finish chart for these reformers: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, & Caesar

Tuesday, February 15 -
Review homework and collapse of Roman republic
Homework: Continue studying for test

Wednesday, February 16-
Movie: Ancient Rome
Homework- Continue studying for test

Thursday, February 17 – Review session
Review for test
Homework- Continue studying for test

Friday, February 18 –
Ch. 14Test
Black History
Homework: Finish Newsbowl article and summary. Due Tuesday, Feb. 22nd.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of February 14, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 14, 2011
Important Information:
• Thank you for being so flexible with the rescheduling of conferences due to the snow days! I sent home confirmations of rescheduled conferences last week. Remember office hours are on Wednesday 2/16 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. Email me with any questions!
• The typed first draft of the research paper is due on Wednesday 2/16. On Wednesday I will send home essays with edit forms to parents who volunteered to help edit.
• We will begin presenting The Cay Projects (Book in A…) this week!
• Our sixth Reading Log is due on Friday, March 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.

Monday, February 14 
Work on Book in A….
ISAT Reading Practice Test

Homework: Work on Book in A…. – due by end of class on Tuesday
Work on your 1st typed draft of the research paper. It is due on Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 15
Work on Book in A…. It is due by end of class today.
Vocabra Captions
Work on Research Draft

Homework: Finish your first typed draft of the research paper. It is due tomorrow! The dodgeball tournament is after school today at 4! Come cheer on your friends!

Wednesday, February 16 (Office Hours after school today from 4:00 to 5:30)
Turn in 1st Typed Draft of Research Paper
Present Book in A…
ISAT Practice Test with Extended Response

Homework: None

Thursday, February 17
Works Consulted- How to do it?
Peer Edit Extended Response
Vocabra: Spelling Race and White Board Sentences

Homework: Work on your works consulted page.

Friday, February 18
Media Center 8th: Check Out/Return Books
List #10 Vocabra Tests
Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING 3-Day weekend!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & Ch. 14 Study Guide- February 7, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 7, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Before our snow days, students were told they must still summarize and bring an article to school for our upcoming Newsbowl/Newsbrain comptetion. Our Newsbowl/Newsbrain competition will be held on this Monday. regarding notable news for the week of Jan. 23 – Jan. 29th only.
*There will be a S.S. test on Thursday or Friday, Feb. 17 or 18th. A study guide is on the back of this
syllabus. I strongly encourage each student to take notes regarding each item on the study guide.

Monday, February 7- Newsbowl articles due today
Review articles with group
Newsbowl/Newsbrain competition
Homework: None but begin studying for next week’s test

Tuesday, February 8 -
Review 2 nd Punic War pp. 222-223
Read and take power notes on 3rd Punic War p. 223 using these subtopics:
Why 3rd war began; Rome attacked Carthage; Outcome of 3rd war
Homework: None but begin studying for next week’s test

Wednesday, February 9-
Begin reading pp. 224-226 and take concept notes on: Effects of conquest before wars and after wars
Effects of Conquest regarding: Before Punic Wars AND After Punic Wars
1. Types of farms
2. Where people lived
3. What farmers produced
4. Who owned the land
5. Taxes
6. Roman Business
7. Reactions Social Classes
Homework- Finish above chart

Thursday, February 10 –
Review homework and begin map
Homework: Finish Map

Friday, February 11 –
Define: dictator, reforms, triumvirate
Review homework and begin reading pp. 227-230
Homework: Study for test

****************************STUDY GUIDE***********************************

Study the Following for Ch.14 Test:

1. Details regarding how Romans took back control of their government from the Etruscans
2. Organization of republic leadership and their responsibilities (see chart)
3. Date republic was established
4. Purpose of Twelve Tables & why they were important
5. Date Punic Wars began and ended
6. Know the outcomes of all 3 Punic Wars
7. Similarities & differences of Roman government and U.S. government
8. Similarities & differences of Roman military and U.S. military
9. How the effects of Roman conquest changed Roman economy and government
10. Territories Rome controlled and waterways near Italian peninsula (see map)
11. All Ch. 14 vocabulary words (see words in spiral)
12. Know the reforms of the following people and the effects of the reforms: Sulla, Crassus, Pompey, & Caesar
13. Fall of Roman Republic

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of February 7, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 7, 2011

Important Information:
• Due to the Snow Days we did not have Parent- Teacher Conferences on Thursday. Our District is in the process of figuring out alternative plans. As soon as I know I will send home information. Thank you for your understanding in the unique situation.
• Research: The research outlines are due on Tuesday, February 8. Due to the snow days we lost one work day so they will now be due at the end of the day on Tuesday. We will have the COW’S on Tues. for students who need those extra periods to finish the outline.
• We will begin writing our essays this week. A typed draft of your introduction paragraph is due on Thursday 2/10. We will review how to write these in class this week. We will also work on writing conclusion paragraphs. The typed first draft is due on Wednesday 2/16.
• The Cay Project (Book in A…) is due on Tuesday, February 15. Please be sure your group is productively working on this throughout the week.
• Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.

Monday, February 7
Introduce List #10 Vocabra
Outline Work Time: COWs periods 8-9

Homework: Work on your outline. It is due by the end of 9th period tomorrow. You need to write 6 Vocabra Sentences. If your last name starts with A-K write sentences using the first six words; if you last name starts with M-Z write sentences using the last six words.

Tuesday, February 8
Begin Outline Conferences
Outline Work Time: COWs Periods 8-9
Work on Book in A…

Homework: Work on one written item for “Book in a …” project such a literary element for outside of container or something for the inside of the container. – Due Wednesday

Wednesday, February 9
Finish Outline Conferences
How to Write an Introduction Paragraph
Vocabra Word Drawing

Homework: Finish your introduction paragraph (It is STRONGLY recommended that it be typed and double spaced)

Thursday, February 10
Peer Revisions: Introduction Paragraph
Work on Drafting your Research Paper
Work on Book in A…

Homework: (1) Work on your 1st Typed Draft of the Research Paper- it is due on next Wed.
(2) Your 5th reading log is due tomorrow- be sure to get parent signatures.
(3) Work on another written item for “Book in a …” project such a literary element for outside of container or something for the inside of the container. – Due Friday

Friday, February 11
Turn in Reading Log
How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph
Work on Book in A…

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Work on your research paper! Your first typed draft is due on Wednesday 2/16.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus January 31 - February 4, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 31 – February 4, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Students will participate in another Newsbowl activity next Thursday. Each student was assigned a Newsbowl category and is expected to locate & summarize an article about their assigned category, and bring the article to school. Remember each article should be notable news regarding the week of Jan. 23 – Jan. 29th only. The categories are: world news, national news, sports, arts and entertainment, family and society. Recommended periodicals include: newspapers, news magazines, online articles, etc. Online articles must have the website address and the date it was obtained.
*The summary should be brief including who, when, where, what, why, and how. It is now due on
Thursday, Feb. 3rd. instead of Wednesday because I want the math period 2&3 students to have
time to study for the math test.
*There will be a S.S. test on Thursday, Feb. 17th. A study guide will be sent home this week.

Monday, January 31, 2011-
Finish reviewing Section 2 and p. 222 questions #2-4
Review 2 nd Punic War pp. 222-223 using these subtopics: Beginning of 2nd War; Hannibal attacks Rome; Outcome of 2nd Punic War
Homework: Finish 2nd Punic War notes

Tuesday, February 1 -
Read and take power notes on 3rd Punic War p. 223
Discuss “How to Recognize a notable article and where to find online articles
Homework: None

Wednesday, February 2-
Begin reading pp. 224-226 and take concept notes on: Effects of conquest before wars and after wars.
Homework-Article and 1-2 paragraph brief summary due Thursday

Thursday, February 3 – 1/2 Day, students dismissed at noon
Work on Effect of Conquest notes pp. 224-226
Newsbowl competition
Homework: Finish Effect of Conquest notes, if necessary – Due Monday, February 7th

Friday, February 4 – 1/2 Day, students dismissed at noon
Homework: Don’t forget to finish Effect of Conquest notes, if necessary – Due Monday, February 7th

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of January 31, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 31, 2011
Important Information:
• Conferences are on Thursday, February 3. I am sending another confirmation home on Monday. It will be on pink paper. Conference Schedules will be posted on my blog. Remember you need to arrive 15 minutes early. Please email me if you need to change your scheduled time!
• Research: Please be sure to follow along with the due dates given! Just as a reminder: the Final Note Cards/Source Cards are due on Monday 1/31. A BIG thank you to all the parents that volunteered to help out with this major project.
• Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.

Monday, January 31
25 Final Notes Cards due TODAY!
Meet with “Book in a …” group to plan one completed written item for “Book in a …” project such a literary element for outside of container or something for the inside of the container. – Due Wednesday
Media Center Front Tables: COW’s (last day for classroom research-continue researching on your own)

Homework: (1) Work on one written item for “Book in a …” project such a literary element for outside of container or something for the inside of the container. – Due Wednesday
(2) Begin deciding 2-3 subtopics to include in your paper. See your “Preliminary Research: What is my plan” page, in green packet (back side). We will begin outline process tomorrow using the power note format.
(3) Make sure your gold Cay packet is in school on Tuesday to put in your portfolio

Tuesday, February 1
Return Final Note Cards
Plan for Outline
Demonstrate Inspiration (computer program)
9th Period: COWS to begin Outline

Homework: Keep working on your outline & work on “Book in a …” – due Wednesday (see Monday’s homework)

Wednesday, February 2
8th/9th Period COWS: Outline Work Time
Meet with “Book in a …” group to plan next item for container

Homework: Work on your outline & work on “Book in a …”

Thursday, February 3 (Noon Dismissal)
No Reading/LA Today

Homework: Tomorrow is PJ Day and our Read-A-Thon. Bring your books, a healthy snack, and one comfy item!

Friday, February 4 (Noon Dismissal)
Rdg/LA - Read-A-Thon and PJ Day & take verb retest

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Work on your research outline! Your final outline is on Tuesday 2/8.

February 2011- Conference Schedule

TEAM 6-3 &

Thursday Morning: February 3rd - 8:15 A.M : Franklin

Thursday afternoon February 3, 2011

12:35 – 12:50 p.m. Ryan

12:50 – 1:05 p.m. Keyon

1:05 – 1:20 p.m. Kayla

1:25 – 1:40 p.m.

1:40 – 1:55 p.m. Daniel

1:55 – 2:10 p.m. Break

2:10 – 2:25 p.m. Isaiah

2:25 – 2:40 p.m. Chris

2:40 – 2:55 p.m.

2:55 – 3:10 p.m. Patrick

3:10 – 3:25 p.m. Desiree

3:25 – 3:40 p.m. Mikeya

3:40 – 3:55 p.m. Megan

3:55 – 4:10 p.m. KaLynn

4:10 – 4:25 p.m. Dajah

4:25 – 4:40 p.m. Colin & Dad

4:40 – 4:55 p.m. Harold

4:55 – 5:10 p.m.

5:10-5:45 Dinner Break

5:50 – 6:05 p.m. Arianna

6:05 – 6:20 p.m. Olivia

6:20 – 6:35 p.m. Delaney

6:35 – 6:50p.m. Colin & Mom

6:50 – 7:05 p.m. Ellis

7:05 – 7:20 p.m. Dan

7:20 – 7:35 p.m. Eva

7:35 – 7:50 p.m. Declan

7:50 – 8:05 p.m. Kiara

8:05 - 8:20 p.m. Brian

Wednesday, Feb. 16th-12:40 P.M Lauren

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus January 24, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 24, 2011 (Updated 5:45 Jan. 25th)
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Students will participate in another Newsbowl activity next Friday. Each student will be assigned a Newsbowl category and is expected to locate & summarize an article about their assigned category, then bring the article to school. Remember each article should be notable news regarding the week of Jan. 23 – Jan. 29th only. The categories are: world news, national news, sports, arts and entertainment, family and society. Recommended periodicals include: newspapers, news magazines, online articles, etc. Online articles must have the website address and the date it was obtained.
*The summary should be brief including who, when, where, what, why, and how. It is due on Wednesday, Feb. 2nd.
*All late work is due by Friday, January 28th.

Monday, January 24, 2011- No School – Institute Day

Tuesday, January 25 -
Two-column notes- Gov’t responsibilities of: patricians, senators, plebeians, consuls, judges, tribunes, and assembly
Compare and contrast Roman Republic and U.S. Government
Homework: Answer Section 1 questions # 2 & 3- p. 220

Wednesday, January 26-
Compare Twelve Tables and Bill of Rights
Begin reading and discussing pp. 221-222
Take Power Notes: Punic War Background Information
Homework-Take Power Notes on 1st Punic War using these subtopics:
Cause of 1st Punic War; Roman Navy; Outcome of 1st Punic War

Thursday, January 27 – Stuffing Day
Define maniple , legions, legionary, and legionaries
Complete Section 2 Questions p. 222 # 2 – 4
Homework: None but if you have late and/or missing work, it is due on Friday, January 28th.

Friday, January 28 –
Define: Carthage, Punic Wars, corvus, and Hannibal Barca
Read pp. 222-223 & take Power notes on 2nd Punic War
Homework: Don’t forget to locate and write a short summary for an article for your assigned category of_________¬¬¬¬¬¬_________________________. It is due on Wednesday, Feb. 2nd.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of January 24, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 24, 2011

Important Information:
• Conferences are on Thursday, February 3. Conference Schedules went home last Friday and will be posted on my blog. Remember you need to arrive 15 minutes early. Please email me if you need to change your scheduled time!
• We are beginning Research TODAY! Please be sure to follow along with the due dates given! Just as a reminder: @ least 15 Note Cards must be completed by this Thursday 1/27 and the Final Note Cards and Source Cards are due on Monday 1/31. A BIG thank you to all the parents that volunteered to help out with this major project. If anyone is still interested in helping Tuesday, 1/25 – Monday, 1/31 please let me know.
• Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Dodgeball permission slips and money are due on Friday, January 28.
*All late work is due by Friday, Jan 28th.

Monday, January 24 - No School: Institute Day

Tuesday, January 25
Review Source Cards and Note Cards for Research
Media Center Computers

Homework: Read The Cay Chapters 18-19 and complete the comprehension questions (pages 13-14). Study your Vocabra words because we will have the spelling test on Thursday. Work on research.

Wednesday, January 26
Media Center Front Tables (COW’s)
Vocabra Word Drawing

Homework: The Cay Reflection of Novel (see packet)
You need to have at least 15 note cards done by tomorrow. I will be doing note card checks, during 8th/9th period so you need to have the 15 completed by the end of 9th period.

Thursday, January 27 (Stuffing Day)
Media Center Back Tables (Book Research)
Note Card CHECK (@ least 15)
Vocabra List 9 SPELLING TEST

Homework: Work on your Book in A… Project. Work on taking more notes on note cards. Study Vocabra Words for the usage test TOMORROW!

Friday, January 28
Media Center Front Tables (COW’s)
Vocabra List 9 Usage Test
Work on Book in A…

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Work on your research! Your final Note Cards and Source Cards are due at the end of 9th period on Monday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus January 17, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 17, 2011
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*There will be a Ch 13 review session during lunch on Tuesday, January 18th . Please ask
Ms. Alexander for a pass.
* I am no longer accepting late or missing work for Ch. 11 and Ch. 12. However, I will accept missing work
for Ch. 13. It is due by next Tuesday, Jan. 25th.
*Sixth Grade Honor Roll Breakfast is Friday morning, January 21st , at 8:00 A.M.

Monday, January 17– MLK, Jr Holiday - No School

Tuesday, January 18– Lunchtime review session today. Please ask for a pass.
Review pp. 215-216 two-column notes & Charts and Graph handout p. 17
Homework: Study for Wednesday’s test

Wednesday, January 19–
Ch. 13 test
Summarize MLK, Jr article. Identify who, when, where, what, why and how in the summary.
Homework: Finish summary of MLK, Jr article, if necessary

Thursday, January 20–
Introduce Ch. 14
Define: republic, veto, and Twelve Tables
Read pp. 219-220
Homework: None

Friday, January 21–
Newzbrain Jeopardy Game
Begin two-column notes identifying responsibilities of patricians, plebeians, consuls, judges, and tribunes
Homework: None

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of January 17, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 17, 2011 – Updated Jan. 18 at 5:30 P.M.

Important Information:
• Portfolio conferences will be Thursday, February 3. Conference Schedules will be sent home this Thursday and will be posted on my blog. Remember students must attend the conference and plan to arrive 15 minutes early. Please email me if you need to change your scheduled time!
• We are beginning our major Research project this week! Information with project requirements and due dates is being sent home Tuesday!
• Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Students will have a Chapter 4 Verb Test on Friday, January 21. Students may wish to check out a grammar book. Please ask Ms. Alexander for a book.
• Dodgeball permission slips and money are due on Friday, January 28.

Monday, January 17
No School: MLK Day

Homework: Enjoy the day off!

Tuesday, January 18 (Schedule Flipped Periods 1, 8, 9, 2, 3)
Introduce Vocabra List #9
Introduce Research Letter
Verbs Lesson 4.7 & 4.8 PP pg 17-19
Assign The Cay Book in A… Groups

Homework: Get your Research Parent Letter Signed- due tomorrow! Also you need to rank your TOP FIVE topic choices.

Wednesday, January 19 - Turn in Signed Parent Letter and Top 5 Topics
Assign The Cay Book in A… Groups
Verb Lesson 4.8 & 4.9 (PP pg 20-21)
Read The Cay Chapters 14-15
Complete The Cay 14/15 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 12)
The Cay Chapter 16-19 Guided Vocab Notes (Cay PP Page 6)
Work on Book in A… Project

Homework: Work on your Book in A… Project & One member from your Book in A.. Group must bring in a container for the project. Finish class work

Thursday, January 20
Read The Cay Chapters 16-17
Complete The Cay 16-17 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 13)
Review for Chapter 4 Verb Test

Homework: Study for Verb Test. Don’t forget to bring a Research Folder, Note Cards, and Ziploc bag to school on Friday.

Friday, January 21
Due TODAY: Research Folder, Note Cards, and Ziploc bag
8th Period Presentation: Website Reliability and Advanced Internet Searches
Assign Research Topics TODAY
Chapter 4 Verb TEST

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus January 10, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 10, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
* Student will participate in a second set of “Map Testing” on Wednesday & Thursday therefore we will not have S.S. on Wednesday. However, will have core classes (Sci., S.S., & Math) on Thursday, once testing is completed. See Ms. Alexander about the schedule changes.
*All late work for Ms. Alexander is due by Wednesday, January 12th.
*Students were told last week that there will be a test on Ch. 13. It will be next Wednesday, Jan 19th.
*On next Friday, Jan. 21st students will participate in a current events competition. Be sure to become familiar with notable news events from this week since questions about this week’s news will be asked in the competition. The focus will be on national & world news, people & places, family & society, arts & entertainment, science & technology, & sports.

Monday, January 10–
Read bottom of p. 213 – p. 214 and begin Two-Column notes for the following sub-topics:
Etruscan Worship; Provinces; Soothsayers; Funeral Rituals; Catacombs; Necropolis
Homework: Finish Two-Column notes

Tuesday, January 11–
Begin reading pp. 215-216 and begin Two-Column notes for the following sub-topics:
Ruler; Architectural Contributions; Language Contributions; Borrowed Customs; Religious Beliefs; Establishing New Cities; Mundus
Homework: Finish power notes and define: forum, gladiatorial games, triumph, fasces, municipal, mundus-due Thursday. Don’t forget. All late and missing work is due Wednesday, Jan. 12th

Wednesday, January 12– MAP Testing today- No Class
Homework: Finish Tuesday’s homework – due Thursday

Thursday, January 13–
Review homework
Complete Charts and Graph handout
Homework: Finish Charts and Graph handout

Friday, January 14–
Read & discuss Martin Luther King article
Homework: Study for test on Wed., January 19th.

Study Guide- Chapter 13 Test

1. All given vocabulary words
2. Know the Early Italian landforms: major rivers, seas, mountains (see map on p. 211
3. Study notes taken on pp. 210 – 216 regarding Etruscan:
*Origins and background information
* Jobs
* Natural resources
*Religious beliefs
*Burial Practices
*Ruler of Rome
*Architecture contributions
*Language contributions
*Customs borrowed from Romans
*How they founded their cities
*Underworld customs
4. Chart and Graph Activity handout
5. Students may wish to do the Section 3 questions on p. 216 (#2 – 5)

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of January 10, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 10, 2011
Important Information:
• Our January Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Students will have a Chapter 4 Verb Test on Friday, January 21.
• Conference Sign-Up forms will be sent home on Monday January 10th. Please be sure to fill it out and send it back to school as soon as possible. Conferences will be on Thursday, February 3rd.
• There will be no Advisory and the Media Center is not available before and after school this week due to MAP Testing.

Monday, January 10
The Cay Ch 6-15 Guided Vocabulary Notes (Cay PP pg 5)
Foreshadowing Handout
Read The Cay Chapter 6 & assign The Cay Books
Verb Lessons 4.3 (PP pg 7) and Complete pg 9
Vocabra Sell It (12 Groups)

Homework: Turn in conference sign-up sheets! Read The Cay Chapter 7 and answer the Chapter 6-7 Comprehension Question (The Cay PP pg 9-10)

Tuesday, January 11
Finish Vocabra Word Story (use 10+ words)
Verb Lesson 4.4 (PP pg 10)
Vocabra: Word Drawing using the Word Itself
Read The Cay Chapter 8-9
Complete The Cay 8/9 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 10)
Complete The Cay Chapter 2 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 7)

Homework: VERB Practice Packet Page 12 & Finish Class work

Wednesday, January 12
Verb Lesson 4.5 (PP pg 13-14) and Complete pg 15
Read The Cay Chapters 10-11
Complete The Cay 10/11 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 11)
The Cay Chapter 1-3 Comp Questions (The Cay PP Pages 7-8)
Vocabra Whiteboard Spelling Race

Homework: Read Chapter 12 and 13. Complete the Chapter 12/13 Comprehension questions in The Cay PP pg 11. Finish Class work

Thursday, January 13 - No Reading/LA due to MAP Testing
Homework: Study for List #8 Vocabra Tests

Friday, January 14
Vocabra List #8 Tests & Verb Lessons 4.6 and 4.7 (Verb PP page 16-18)
Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! No School on Monday due to MLK,Jr’s Birthday.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus January 3, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 3, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
* Student will participate in a second set of “Map Testing” two days next week, therefore our morning
schedule will be different next week. Students will be notified by the end of this week about the schedule
* Please begin the New Year by making a commitment to complete all missing work from December and
to complete all assigned work during this new year and trimester. All late work for Ms. Alexander is due
by Wednesday, January 12th. Mid-term progress reports will be ready for viewing on Powerschool on
January 25th.

Monday, January 3– Happy New Year!!
Introduce Ch. 13 & begin reading pp. 209-210
Homework: Define Tiber River, Palatine Hill, Aeneas, Latins, Remus, & Romulus

Tuesday, January 4–
Finish reading & discussing pp. 209-210
Compare and contrast two Roman origin myths
Homework: Complete “Section 1 Assessment questions” p. 210 # 2-5

Wednesday, January 5–
Review homework
Begin reading pp. 210-214
Homework: None

Thursday, January 6–
Begin power notes for pp. 210-214 using these subtopics:
The People, Land, Earning a Living, Military, Entertainment, Social Order, The Wealthy
Homework: Finish Power Notes

Friday, January 7–
Begin definitions: Etruscans, phalanx, acrobats, social order, soothsayers, omens, catacombs, & necropolis
Review homework
Map Activity handout
Homework: None. Finish any missing and/or absent work because it is due next Wed., January 12th.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of January 3, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 3, 2011

Important Information:
• Your December Reading Log is due on Thursday, January 6. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Be sure to log your Sci-Fi book! Don’t forget that you do not have to answer a log question because it was a novel study book!

Monday, January 3 (WELCOME BACK)
Introduce Vocabra List #8
Introduce The Cay (The Cay Practice Packet Pages 1-3)
Media Center Back Tables: 9th Period

Homework: NONE

Tuesday, December 4
Local Color Handout
The Cay Ch 1-5 Guided Vocab Notes (Cay PP pg 4)
Begin Verb Unit: Lesson 4.1 PowerPoint (Verb PP pg 1-2)
Read The Cay Chapter 1

Homework: VERB Practice Packet Page 3

Wednesday, January 5
Read The Cay Chapters 2-3
The Cay Chapter 1-3 Comp Questions (Cay PP Pages 7-8)
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Family

Homework: Your 4th READING LOG IS DUE TOMORROW! Be sure to have everything logged and your parent signatures. Finish your word story, if necessary.

Thursday, January 6
Turn in Rdg Log #4
Verb Lesson 4.2 PowerPoint (Verb PP pg 4-5)
Complete Verb Packet Page 6
Read The Cay Chapter 4
Foreshadowing Handout

Homework: Word Drawing

Friday, January 7
Read The Cay Chapter 5
The Cay Chapter 4-5 Comp Questions (Cay PP Pages 9)
The Cay Ch 6-15 Guided Vocab Notes (Cay PP pg 5)

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!!