Monday, March 14, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & March 14, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 14, 2011(updated 3/14 6:30 p.m.)
Blog Website:
Important Information:
*There will be a test on Ch. 15 on Thursday, March 24th. The study guide is on the back of this syllabus.
*Students need to locate and summarize an article regarding news for this week beginning March 13 – March19 for the following topic: __________________________________
*Articles will be due next Friday, March 25th and the Newsbowl competition will be held Friday, as well.

Monday, March 14–
Two-column notes: Benefits of Pax Romana onTrade and Reasons Twelve Tables were Changed
Homework: None

Tuesday, March 15–
Read and discuss pp. 236-238 and take two-column notes:
Problems People of Rome Faced; Homes of Rich; Living Conditions of Poor; Schooling of Rich Kids;
and Rich Women and Their Rights
Homework: Finish above two-column notes

Wednesday, March 16–
Review Roman Numeral handout
Define: empire, domus, islands, rhetoric, pig sticking , gladiators, , and Circus Maximus
Continue reading pp. 238-239 and taking two-column notes: Bathhouses; Public Games; Gladiators;
and Gladiator Games and Animals
Homework: Finish two-column notes and above definitions

Thursday, March 17–
Health Survey
Complete Latin Words handout
Begin reading & discussing pp. 240-243and take two-column notes on fall of Roman Empire:
Political Reasons ; Economic Reasons; and Foreign Reasons
Homework: Finish above two-column notes

Friday, March 18–
Define: inflation, barter, Rule by Divine Right, Praetorian Guards, villas, and provinces
Take two-column notes: Reforms of Diocletian; and Reforms of Constantine I
Homework: Study for test

Study Guide Ch. 15 Test
1. What happened to law during the Pax Romana
2. Effects of Pax Romana
3. Schooling of Roman children
4. Leisure activities
5. Compare and contrast Roman and U.S. families
6. Know what these emperors did and what happened as a result of it:
Augustus, Nero, Hadrian, Diocletian, and Constantine I
7. Reasons for the collapse of the Roman Empire
8. Study all your vocabulary words
9. Latin words handout (you will receive it on Thursday)
10. Roman Achievements and Contributions to our Modern Society
11. Be able to identify the Colosseum, Circus Maximus, and Aqueducts and what they
were used for.

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