Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & March 21, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 21, 2011
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
*There will be a test on Ch. 15 on Thursday, March 24th. The study guide was sent home last week.
*Articles and summaries regarding news for the week of March 13 – March19 will be due Friday, March 25th . The Newsbowl competition will be held Friday, as well. Students were assigned a topic last week.
* I strongly recommend, students who plan to leave early for vacation to take the test before he/she leaves town. It will be hard to remember what was learned while enjoying a great vacation.

Monday, March 21–
Finish two-column notes: Reforms of Diocletian; and Reforms of Constantine I
Review previous two column notes
Homework: Ch. 15 “Using Vocabulary” review puzzle p. 66- Due Wednesday

Tuesday, March 22–
Ancient Roman Architecture web quest
Homework: Roman Architecture- Study Sheet

Wednesday, March 23– Lunch time study session- Ask Ms. Alexander for a pass
Review homework
Review for test
Homework: Study for test

Thursday, March 24–
Ch. 15 test
Homework: Finish newspaper summary for week of March 13-19. Don’t forget to attach the newspaper article. Be sure to include the name & date of the periodical from which the article was found - Due Friday

Friday, March 25–
Share newspaper articles
Newsbowl competition
Homework: None! Have a wonderful Spring Vacation!! See you April 4th.

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