Monday, February 7, 2011

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of February 7, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 7, 2011

Important Information:
• Due to the Snow Days we did not have Parent- Teacher Conferences on Thursday. Our District is in the process of figuring out alternative plans. As soon as I know I will send home information. Thank you for your understanding in the unique situation.
• Research: The research outlines are due on Tuesday, February 8. Due to the snow days we lost one work day so they will now be due at the end of the day on Tuesday. We will have the COW’S on Tues. for students who need those extra periods to finish the outline.
• We will begin writing our essays this week. A typed draft of your introduction paragraph is due on Thursday 2/10. We will review how to write these in class this week. We will also work on writing conclusion paragraphs. The typed first draft is due on Wednesday 2/16.
• The Cay Project (Book in A…) is due on Tuesday, February 15. Please be sure your group is productively working on this throughout the week.
• Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.

Monday, February 7
Introduce List #10 Vocabra
Outline Work Time: COWs periods 8-9

Homework: Work on your outline. It is due by the end of 9th period tomorrow. You need to write 6 Vocabra Sentences. If your last name starts with A-K write sentences using the first six words; if you last name starts with M-Z write sentences using the last six words.

Tuesday, February 8
Begin Outline Conferences
Outline Work Time: COWs Periods 8-9
Work on Book in A…

Homework: Work on one written item for “Book in a …” project such a literary element for outside of container or something for the inside of the container. – Due Wednesday

Wednesday, February 9
Finish Outline Conferences
How to Write an Introduction Paragraph
Vocabra Word Drawing

Homework: Finish your introduction paragraph (It is STRONGLY recommended that it be typed and double spaced)

Thursday, February 10
Peer Revisions: Introduction Paragraph
Work on Drafting your Research Paper
Work on Book in A…

Homework: (1) Work on your 1st Typed Draft of the Research Paper- it is due on next Wed.
(2) Your 5th reading log is due tomorrow- be sure to get parent signatures.
(3) Work on another written item for “Book in a …” project such a literary element for outside of container or something for the inside of the container. – Due Friday

Friday, February 11
Turn in Reading Log
How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph
Work on Book in A…

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Work on your research paper! Your first typed draft is due on Wednesday 2/16.

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