Monday, February 14, 2011

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of February 14, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 14, 2011
Important Information:
• Thank you for being so flexible with the rescheduling of conferences due to the snow days! I sent home confirmations of rescheduled conferences last week. Remember office hours are on Wednesday 2/16 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. Email me with any questions!
• The typed first draft of the research paper is due on Wednesday 2/16. On Wednesday I will send home essays with edit forms to parents who volunteered to help edit.
• We will begin presenting The Cay Projects (Book in A…) this week!
• Our sixth Reading Log is due on Friday, March 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.

Monday, February 14 
Work on Book in A….
ISAT Reading Practice Test

Homework: Work on Book in A…. – due by end of class on Tuesday
Work on your 1st typed draft of the research paper. It is due on Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 15
Work on Book in A…. It is due by end of class today.
Vocabra Captions
Work on Research Draft

Homework: Finish your first typed draft of the research paper. It is due tomorrow! The dodgeball tournament is after school today at 4! Come cheer on your friends!

Wednesday, February 16 (Office Hours after school today from 4:00 to 5:30)
Turn in 1st Typed Draft of Research Paper
Present Book in A…
ISAT Practice Test with Extended Response

Homework: None

Thursday, February 17
Works Consulted- How to do it?
Peer Edit Extended Response
Vocabra: Spelling Race and White Board Sentences

Homework: Work on your works consulted page.

Friday, February 18
Media Center 8th: Check Out/Return Books
List #10 Vocabra Tests
Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING 3-Day weekend!!!

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