Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & February 21, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 21, 2011
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Please read the following information:
*Due to conflicts scheduling the computer lab for our Black History activity, students will participate in the Newsbowl this Friday.
*Each student was assigned a Newsbowl category and is expected to locate, summarize an article about their assigned category, and bring the article to school. The article should be about notable news for week of Feb. 13 – Feb.19th.
The categories are: world news, national news, sports, arts and entertainment, family and society. Use periodicals such as: newspapers, news magazines, online articles, etc. Online articles must include the website address and the date it was obtained.
*S.S. test will be returned by this Friday.
* Grades will be online by Wednesday. Check for missing work because all late work is due by
Monday, February 28th

Monday, February 21 – No School

Tuesday, February 22 -
Movie: The Mighty Times Children’s March (in Birmingham, Alabama)
Homework: None

Wednesday, February 23-
Black History Month-Web quest
Homework- Finish Civil Rights handout

Thursday, February 24–
Share Newsbowl articles with Newswbowl group
Review Web quest and Civil Rights handout
Homework- None

Friday, February 25 –
Newsbowl Activity- regarding news for week of Feb. 13 – Feb.19th
Homework: None!! Have a great weekend!!

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