Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus January 31 - February 4, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 31 – February 4, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Students will participate in another Newsbowl activity next Thursday. Each student was assigned a Newsbowl category and is expected to locate & summarize an article about their assigned category, and bring the article to school. Remember each article should be notable news regarding the week of Jan. 23 – Jan. 29th only. The categories are: world news, national news, sports, arts and entertainment, family and society. Recommended periodicals include: newspapers, news magazines, online articles, etc. Online articles must have the website address and the date it was obtained.
*The summary should be brief including who, when, where, what, why, and how. It is now due on
Thursday, Feb. 3rd. instead of Wednesday because I want the math period 2&3 students to have
time to study for the math test.
*There will be a S.S. test on Thursday, Feb. 17th. A study guide will be sent home this week.

Monday, January 31, 2011-
Finish reviewing Section 2 and p. 222 questions #2-4
Review 2 nd Punic War pp. 222-223 using these subtopics: Beginning of 2nd War; Hannibal attacks Rome; Outcome of 2nd Punic War
Homework: Finish 2nd Punic War notes

Tuesday, February 1 -
Read and take power notes on 3rd Punic War p. 223
Discuss “How to Recognize a notable article and where to find online articles
Homework: None

Wednesday, February 2-
Begin reading pp. 224-226 and take concept notes on: Effects of conquest before wars and after wars.
Homework-Article and 1-2 paragraph brief summary due Thursday

Thursday, February 3 – 1/2 Day, students dismissed at noon
Work on Effect of Conquest notes pp. 224-226
Newsbowl competition
Homework: Finish Effect of Conquest notes, if necessary – Due Monday, February 7th

Friday, February 4 – 1/2 Day, students dismissed at noon
Homework: Don’t forget to finish Effect of Conquest notes, if necessary – Due Monday, February 7th

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