Monday, February 7, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & Ch. 14 Study Guide- February 7, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 7, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Before our snow days, students were told they must still summarize and bring an article to school for our upcoming Newsbowl/Newsbrain comptetion. Our Newsbowl/Newsbrain competition will be held on this Monday. regarding notable news for the week of Jan. 23 – Jan. 29th only.
*There will be a S.S. test on Thursday or Friday, Feb. 17 or 18th. A study guide is on the back of this
syllabus. I strongly encourage each student to take notes regarding each item on the study guide.

Monday, February 7- Newsbowl articles due today
Review articles with group
Newsbowl/Newsbrain competition
Homework: None but begin studying for next week’s test

Tuesday, February 8 -
Review 2 nd Punic War pp. 222-223
Read and take power notes on 3rd Punic War p. 223 using these subtopics:
Why 3rd war began; Rome attacked Carthage; Outcome of 3rd war
Homework: None but begin studying for next week’s test

Wednesday, February 9-
Begin reading pp. 224-226 and take concept notes on: Effects of conquest before wars and after wars
Effects of Conquest regarding: Before Punic Wars AND After Punic Wars
1. Types of farms
2. Where people lived
3. What farmers produced
4. Who owned the land
5. Taxes
6. Roman Business
7. Reactions Social Classes
Homework- Finish above chart

Thursday, February 10 –
Review homework and begin map
Homework: Finish Map

Friday, February 11 –
Define: dictator, reforms, triumvirate
Review homework and begin reading pp. 227-230
Homework: Study for test

****************************STUDY GUIDE***********************************

Study the Following for Ch.14 Test:

1. Details regarding how Romans took back control of their government from the Etruscans
2. Organization of republic leadership and their responsibilities (see chart)
3. Date republic was established
4. Purpose of Twelve Tables & why they were important
5. Date Punic Wars began and ended
6. Know the outcomes of all 3 Punic Wars
7. Similarities & differences of Roman government and U.S. government
8. Similarities & differences of Roman military and U.S. military
9. How the effects of Roman conquest changed Roman economy and government
10. Territories Rome controlled and waterways near Italian peninsula (see map)
11. All Ch. 14 vocabulary words (see words in spiral)
12. Know the reforms of the following people and the effects of the reforms: Sulla, Crassus, Pompey, & Caesar
13. Fall of Roman Republic

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