Monday, February 14, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & February 14, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 14, 2011 (Updated 5:30p.m.)
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Students will participate in another Newsbowl activity next Monday. Each student will be assigned a
Newsbowl category and is expected to locate, summarize an article about their assigned category, and bring the article to school. The article should be notable news from this week beginning Feb. 13 – Feb.19th.
The categories are: world news, national news, sports, arts and entertainment, family and society. Use
periodicals such as: newspapers, news magazines, online articles, etc. Online articles must include the
website address and the date it was obtained.
*There will be a S.S. test on Friday, Feb. 18th. Students received a study guide on last week’s syllabus. Be sure to know these vocabulary words: republic, patrician, plebeian, consul, veto, senator, judge,
publican, Twelve Tables, tribune, assembly, Hannibal Barca, legion, legionary, legionaries, maniple, typhus, industry, latifundias, artisans, aqueduct, reform, reformer, dictator, triumvirate, booty
*Extra Credit Assignment: Create a vocabulary review game, puzzle, etc for the above words. Earn up to
4 extra credit pts. Due Thursday, Feb. 17th

Monday, February 14 - HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY
Assign Newsbowl topics
Define: artisans, dictator, triumvirate, booty
Begin reading pp. 227-230 & complete chart: reformers, their reforms, and effect
Homework: Finish chart for these reformers: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, & Caesar

Tuesday, February 15 -
Review homework and collapse of Roman republic
Homework: Continue studying for test

Wednesday, February 16-
Movie: Ancient Rome
Homework- Continue studying for test

Thursday, February 17 – Review session
Review for test
Homework- Continue studying for test

Friday, February 18 –
Ch. 14Test
Black History
Homework: Finish Newsbowl article and summary. Due Tuesday, Feb. 22nd.

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