Monday, May 9, 2011

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 9, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 9, 2011
Important Information:
• Our first Literature Circle discussion groups will meet this week! Most groups will meet on Wednesday’s, either 8th or 9th period, except for the Breadwinner group. The Breadwinner group will meet on Thursdays during 8th period. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time!
• In order to participate in the weekly Lit circle discussion groups students must have their PACKET 100% COMPLETED and HAVE the NOVEL IN CLASS on the day the discussion group meets.
• Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12.
• Students received a field trip permission slip last week, for a walking trip to the Hemingway Museum to see School House Rock. All money is due by Friday, May 13th.

Monday, May 9
Vocabra- Write 12 Detailed Sentences
White Board Sentences
Lit Circles Work Time
Homework: Finish Reading Logs- due Tursday
Work on Lit Circle packets – Due _____________________

Tuesday, May 10
Media Center 8th Period- Check Out/Return Books
Lit Circle Work Time
Homework: Finish Lit Circle packet, if necessary – Due ________________
Attention all groups except for the Breadwinner group. Be ready for Lit Circle
Meeting #1 tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet 100%
completed and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.

Wednesday, May 11 - Lit Circle Meetings today for all groups except for Breadwinner Grp.
__________________________________ group will meet during: _________ Period
Vocabra Charades
Homework: Finish your Reading Log- due tomorrow! Don’t forget to get your
parent signatures on the log. You CAN add Lit Circle Novel on the Rdg Log
Breadwinner Group: Finish Lit Circle Packet and be ready for Lit Circle Mtg #1
tomorrow. Packet must be 100% completed and you must have you novel in
class, in order to participate

Thursday, May 12 - Turn in Reading Log
Breadwinner Lit Circle Meeting – 8th period
Discuss Week #1 Meetings: Tips for Next Week
Lit Circle Work Time
Spelling Race
Work on Lit Circle packet

Friday, May 13
Vocabra List #14 Tests
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.

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