Monday, May 2, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & Review Questions May 2, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 2, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Due to MAP Testing, and the lost of a class session, the Judaism quiz has been changed to
Monday, May 9th. To prepare for quiz, students should study: Founder of Judaism, beliefs, what contributed to spread of Judaism and how, important rituals and why performed, holidays and why they are celebrated, the Jewish Diaspora or the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine to various parts of the world., all vocabulary words, guided notes, & questions on back of this syllabus.
*Students should locate an article about this week’s news beginning Sunday, May1st – Saturday, May 7th – Due Monday, May 9th. Your topic is: ______________________________________

Monday, May 2, 2011 –
Define: Moses, social justice, drought, psalm
Read pp. 109-112
Two column-notes: Founder of Judaism, & beliefs
Homework- Bring coloring pencils to class on Tuesday for map activity

Tuesday, May 3, 2011–
Read pp. 112-114 and define: Sabbath, Torah, rabbi, synagogue
Scholastic News article and map – “Jerusalem: A Divided City”
Two column-notes: Jewish rituals
Homework: Complete map questions in Scholastic News Jerusalem packet - due Thursday
Finish questions on back of syllabus – due Friday

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 – No Class due to MAP Testing
Homework: Complete map questions in Scholastic News Jerusalem packet - due Thursday
Complete questions on back of syllabus – due Friday

Thursday, May 5, 2011 –
Review Map questions
Finish Scholastic News article, “Jerusalem: A Divide City” & discuss reasons for Palestinian and Israeli conflicts
Homework: Study for quiz

Friday, May 6, 2011 –
Complete “Jerusalem: Armies and Faiths” handout
Review homework & for quiz
Homework: Study for quiz on Monday, May 9th

Review Questions

Answer each of the following questions in your spiral and use very specific details.

1. Explain why Hebrews left Ur in c1800 B.C. and where they settled.
2. Explain why Hebrews left Canaan and where they settled next.
3. Explain what happened in Egypt in c1200 B.C. & why they the Hebrews
left Egypt.
4. What important event happened in the Sinai Desert?
5. Explain how Joshua helped the Hebrews to move back to Canaan.
6. Explain how the Hebrews were able to farm the rocky and dry soil in
Canaan, after returning from Egypt.
7. On page 112, tell accomplishments of each king.
8. In c586 B.C. explain why Hebrews moved to Babylonia.
9. Explain changes Jews made to religion while in Babylonia.

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