Monday, May 23, 2011

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 23, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 23, 2011

Important Information:
• Our final Team 6-3 PBIS Reward Day is going to be on Friday, May 27th during 8th and 9th period. Students will sign up for an outdoor activity and it will “cost” 15 Bee Tickets to participate.
• Remember the end of the year field trip is on Wednesday June 1st.
• Please turn in your SIGNED, Yearbook Signing Rules sheet no later than Thurs., June 3.
• Lit Circles: Most groups will meet on Wednesday’s either 8th or 9th period, except for the Breadwinner group. The Breadwinner group will meet on Thursday during 8th period. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time!
• All Lit circle packets will be due by Tuesday, next week due to the field trip. The groups that meet on Wednesday will meet on Tuesday, instead. The Thurs. group will still meet on Thursday, though.

Monday, May 23
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Team 6-3
Spelling Race
Lit Circles Work Time
Homework: Vocabra Sheet- Make Believe…

Tuesday, May 24
Lit Circle Work Time
Vocabra: Comic Strip Captions
Homework: Be ready for Lit Circle Meeting #3 tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.

Wednesday, May 25 – Lit Circle # 3 meetings held in Media Center 8th and 9th Period
Lit Circle Work Time
Study for Vocabra Tests on Thursday
Homework: STUDY for your Vocabra Tests- they will be given tomorrow.

Thursday, May 26
8th Period: Breadwinner - Lit Circle Meeting #3
LAST set of Vocabra TESTS (List 15)
Homework: Work on your last Lit Circle packet- They all will be due on Tuesday, next week due to the field trip.

Friday, May 27
Team 6-3 PBIS Reward Day
Homework: Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!! Finish your last Lit Circles packet -remember all packets will be due on Tuesday! Come in with your book and packet 100% complete.

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