Monday, May 2, 2011

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 2, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 2, 2011

Important Information:
• We are beginning Literature Circles activities this week! Although, the discussion groups will not meet until next Wednesday, May 11th. Thank you, to all the parents who volunteered their time! Most groups will meet on Wednesday’s during 9th period however one group will meet on Thursday’s during 9th period.
• In order to participate in the weekly meeting students must have your Packet 100% COMPLETED and HAVE the NOVEL IN CLASS on the day the discussion group meets.
• Students who scored below a 75% will be able to complete test corrections on their Ch. 6 Grammar Test if the test is signed by Tuesday, May 5th. Students should review their packet and study guide and be ready to make test corrections on Thursdsay, May 7th during their lunch period.
• Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12.

Monday, May 2
Introduce List #14 Vocabra
Introduce Authors- Complete Author Activity
How To Lead a Lit Circle & Identify Higher and Lower level Questions
Homework: Finish your Lit Circle Author Activity.

Tuesday, May 3
Assign Books to Groups
Review Lit Circle Terms
Introduce Packets for Lit Circles
Lit Circle Work Time

Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing- Using the WORD itself

Wednesday, May 4
Team 6-3 Meeting
Vocabra Word Story- Topic is Reality Shows
Discussion Directors & Illustrators
Lit Circle Work Time
Brainstorm Words for “Year in Review: Team 6-3”

Homework: Work on your Lit Circles Packet and Reading

Thursday, May 5
No Reading due to MAP Testing

Homework: Work on your Lit Circles Packet and Reading

Friday, May 6
Vocabra Quickie Skits
All Other Groups- Work Time for Lit Circles

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.

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