Monday, January 10, 2011

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of January 10, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 10, 2011
Important Information:
• Our January Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Students will have a Chapter 4 Verb Test on Friday, January 21.
• Conference Sign-Up forms will be sent home on Monday January 10th. Please be sure to fill it out and send it back to school as soon as possible. Conferences will be on Thursday, February 3rd.
• There will be no Advisory and the Media Center is not available before and after school this week due to MAP Testing.

Monday, January 10
The Cay Ch 6-15 Guided Vocabulary Notes (Cay PP pg 5)
Foreshadowing Handout
Read The Cay Chapter 6 & assign The Cay Books
Verb Lessons 4.3 (PP pg 7) and Complete pg 9
Vocabra Sell It (12 Groups)

Homework: Turn in conference sign-up sheets! Read The Cay Chapter 7 and answer the Chapter 6-7 Comprehension Question (The Cay PP pg 9-10)

Tuesday, January 11
Finish Vocabra Word Story (use 10+ words)
Verb Lesson 4.4 (PP pg 10)
Vocabra: Word Drawing using the Word Itself
Read The Cay Chapter 8-9
Complete The Cay 8/9 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 10)
Complete The Cay Chapter 2 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 7)

Homework: VERB Practice Packet Page 12 & Finish Class work

Wednesday, January 12
Verb Lesson 4.5 (PP pg 13-14) and Complete pg 15
Read The Cay Chapters 10-11
Complete The Cay 10/11 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 11)
The Cay Chapter 1-3 Comp Questions (The Cay PP Pages 7-8)
Vocabra Whiteboard Spelling Race

Homework: Read Chapter 12 and 13. Complete the Chapter 12/13 Comprehension questions in The Cay PP pg 11. Finish Class work

Thursday, January 13 - No Reading/LA due to MAP Testing
Homework: Study for List #8 Vocabra Tests

Friday, January 14
Vocabra List #8 Tests & Verb Lessons 4.6 and 4.7 (Verb PP page 16-18)
Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! No School on Monday due to MLK,Jr’s Birthday.

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