Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Social Syllabus for April 18 & 25, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 18, 2011 (Updated 4/26)
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Please read the following information:
*Students will have a quiz covering Ch.22 on next Wednesday, April 20th. To prepare for quiz students should study: Founder of Islam, Beliefs, who helped spread Islam and how, important rituals and why performed, holidays and why they are celebrated, all vocabulary words, guided notes, & section questions.
*Students should locate an article (do not summarize the article) regarding NOTEWORTHY news for the Newsbowl competition regarding news from last. Due Tuesday, April 19th. No articles about Oak Park are allowed.
*For the next few weeks, we will study the spread of Islam, Judaism and the Jewish Diaspora or the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine to various parts of the world.
*Those students who observe Passover, Monday’s homework is due on Wednesday. Happy Passover!!

Monday, April 18, 2011 –
Define: haijj, Quran, pillars of faith, mosque, iman, zakah, Ramadan, Islamic Paradise
Review Section 1 questions
Two-column notes: Islamic beliefs and rituals
Homework- read pp. 336-340 and take two-column notes on the following sub-topics
Rightly Guided Caliphs; Spread of Islam - Territories-; Spread of Islam - Reasons for success;
Discord During Reign of Umayyads; Effects of Traded during Reign of Abbasids
Don’t forget to bring in your Newspaper article- Do not summarize the article
Those students who observe Passover, Monday’s homework is due on Wednesday. Happy Passover!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2011 –
Review homework
Homework: Read pp. 342-344 Answer Section 3 questions - p. 344 # 2-5

Wednesday, April 19, 2011–
Newsbowl competition
Complete short newspaper article summary
Scholistic News Article: the Spread of Islam- Two column notes
Causes of Muslim and Christian Conflicts; Jerusalem 10-99-1187; Effects of Crusades in Europe; Ottoman Empire; Islam Today
Homework: Finish the above two column notes – due Monday

Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Institute Day – no school

Friday, April 22, 2011 – No School

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 25, 2011
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Please read the following information:
*Students will have a quiz covering Judaism on next Friday, May 6th. To prepare for quiz students should study: Founder of Judaism, Beliefs, what contributed to spread of Judaism and how, the Jewish Diaspora or the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine to various parts of the world., important rituals and why performed, holidays and why they are celebrated, all vocabulary words, guided notes, & section questions.

Monday, April 25, 2011 –
Read top of p. 342 and take two-column notes for these sub-topics: Muhammad’s teaching about females and Muhammad’s teaching about males.
Review notes
Begin “Islam Around the World” Map
Homework- Finish Islam map and study for quiz

Tuesday, April 26, 2011–
Review homework
Islam Time Line (back of “The Spread of Islam” article)
Homework: Finish Islam time line and study for quiz

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 –
Review homework & take quiz
Read Scholastic News article: Inside Afghanistan”
Homework: Complete Afghanistan map questions on separate sheet of paper

Thursday, April 28, 2011 –
Review homework
Introduce Judaism and read pp. 106-107
Define: Judaism, nomadic, Yahweh, descendants, exodus, covenant, Ten Commandments
Homework: None

Friday, April 29, 2011 –
Map questions p. 108
Read pp. 109-110
Two-Column notes: Founder of Judaism and Beliefs
Homework: None

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