Monday, September 5, 2011

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of September 5, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of September 5, 2011
Blog Website:

Please note the important information below:
• Reading logs are due on Wednesday, September 28. Students must read two or more books each month, log the book, and obtain a parent signature for each book read.
• Every two weeks students will receive a new list of Vocabra-Words; these will be their spelling and vocabulary words. The students will be tested on these words at the end of the two weeks. They will take a fill in the blank vocabulary test and a spelling test. The first tests will be on Friday, Sept 9.
• Mark your calendars! Picture Day is Monday, September 12 (information will be sent home soon) and Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 14, at 6:30 P.M.
• Remember our team will be “going green.” We will discontinue giving students a paper syllabus in a few weeks. Students will be responsible for printing their own syllabus at home or at the media center. Please contact us if you do not have access to a computer and you need us to give you a syllabus.

Monday, September 5 - No school due to Labor Day
Homework: Vital Statistics final draft WITH PICTURE is due tomorrow! Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests on Friday!

Tuesday, September 6
Turn in final copy of Vital Statistics WITH A PICTURE
Assign Seedfolks books
Finish charting Gonzalo then read and chart Leona and Sam
Fill in Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart
List 1 -Vocabra “Sell It” activity with a partner – will be presented tomorrow

Homework: Read and chart Virgil and Sae Young in Seedfolks book – due THURSDAY & don’t forget to fill in your Seedfolks vocabulary chart; Finish “Sell it” activity presentations will be tomorrow

Wednesday, September 7
Present “Sell it” Vocabra activity
Smiley face trick # 1 – the “Magic 3”
Write a letter about yourself to me, and incorporate the “Magic 3”

Homework: Read and chart Virgil and Sae Young – due tomorrow! Study for your Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests that will be on Friday!

Thursday: September 8
Smiley face trick # 2 – Figurative Language
Figurative Language Activity
List 1 -Vocabra review activity

Homework: Study for your Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests tonight!

Friday, September 9
List 1 - Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests
Pleasure book reading time – your reading log is due 9/28!
Fill in Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart
Discuss Virgil and Sae Young

Homework: Make sure you are reading your pleasure book and have a good weekend!

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