Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Greek Contribution or Greek Connection Project

Greek Contribution/Greek Connection Project
Due January 12, 2010
Instead of a Social Studies test on Chapter 11 you will create a poster regarding the following:
* An Greek contribution or
* Thoroughly explain a Greek connection that may be found in our present
society. (A great differentiation project)

A contribution is something the Greeks invented or created that is used in our society today. Examples include:
*Greek alphabet and how it is used in our society *Pythagoras and algebra
*How Greek columns are constructed *Scientific method
*Greek theater *Greek origin words
*Greek pottery *Hippocrates
*Research a Greek philosopher *Greeks and geometry
*The Greek myths *Other Greek literature
*Explain three types of Greek architecture *Greek art
*Research a specific piece of Greek architecture
*Compare and contrast Greek and American democracy

You can find many more examples in Ch. 11 of our textbook or ask Mrs. Alexander for assistance. Your topic must be approved by your teacher.

Greek Contribution Poster must include:
A. One – two paragraphs, using your own words explaining the contribution. You must explain who created it (if possible), what and how it was used in ancient Greece, why, where and when it was used, where can it be found, the time period, etc.
B. Explain why it was important to the Greeks and/or our society. Also include how it is
used in our society today (if applicable)
C. Create a poster or power point presentation
D. If using a poster it must be decorative, have a border, and cannot be any
bigger than 18 X 22 inches and no smaller than 8.5 X 11 inches.
E. Power points must be decorative and can be read clearly.
F. All information on the visual must be typed using a 14-16 point font and include 3 or
more colorful pictures, graphics, etc.
G. The typed paragraph must be matted to construction paper or a poster.
H. Be sure to cite your sources of information on the back of your poster.
Greek Connection- Differentiation Project guidelines can be found below
------------------------------------------Cut and return to Mrs. Alexander------------------------------
Greek Contribution Project
Student Name____________________________________________ Per._____________
1st choice ________________________________________________________________
2nd choice ________________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature___________________________________________Date_______
Select One ____Poster _____Power Point

Greek Connection/Differentiation Assignment- Due January 12, 2010

A connection is a reference to ancient Greek culture. Usually these connections relate to Greek mythology. If you look hard enough you will find references to the ancient Greeks in:
*The names of businesses *Modern Olympics
*Commercials selling a product *Names of planets in our solar system
* The medical and science field *Theme parks
* Sports
* Words used in the English language that relate to the Greeks or mythology, etc.(refer to your notes regarding Draco and the word draconian)
You may not use movies, restaurants, Nike, marathon or any examples used in class.
Your topic must be approved by Ms. Alexander.

Here is an example of a clear, concise connection about the Nike Corporation :
Did you know that the Nike Corporation was probably named after a Greek mythological character, called Nike? Athena was the goddess of war and Nike was her companion. Nike was the spirit of victory and was always at Athena’s side to help her be victorious in battle.
Nike is a good name for the company because it symbolizes success for the company or anyone who wear Nike’s athletic gear. The Nike Company hires very talented athletes such as Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods to market their various products. In other words, if a person wears Nike’s products then it is assumed he/she will be an outstanding athlete like Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods.

Greek Connection poster must include:
A. One-two paragraphs explaining background information about your topic
B. A very clear, concise explanation about how your topic is used in our present
society and why it is significant.
C. An inference about the topic within your paragraph (see the example above)
D. If using a poster it must be decorative, have a border, cannot be any
bigger than 18 X 22 inches, and no smaller than 8.5 X 11 inches.
E. Power points must be decorative and can be read clearly.
F. All information on the visual must be typed using a 14-16 point font and include 3 or
more colorful pictures, graphics, etc.
G. The typed paragraph must be matted to construction paper.
H. Be sure to cite your source of information on the back of your poster.
( Information about the Greek Contribution guidelines can be found above this connection project)
------------------------------------------Cut and return to Mrs. Alexander------------------------------
Greek Connection - Differentiation Project
Student Name____________________________________________ Per.__________
1st choice ________________________________________________________________
2nd choice ________________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature___________________________________________Date_______
Select One ____Poster _____Power Point

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of December 14, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 14, 2009
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*On Wednesday, students will be introduced to a project that is due Tuesday, Jan. 12th. They will choose a Greek Cultural contribution and create an 8.5 x 11 poster writing a short paragraph explaining the contribution. Students will receive a handout on Wednesday.
* If students wish a differentiated project then your child should select a Greek connection to our present society, and create a larger poster explaining the connection. Students will receive information about this project on Wednesday, as well.
* I will provide time to work on the project and assistance this week in class. We will continue to work on the project when we return form Winter Break. Unfortunately, we will have limited computer time after the holidays therefore if you do not have a working computer, research and typing will have to be done at the public library, before school, after school, or during lunch.

Monday, December 14 – Shorter Periods in A.M. due to Field Trip
Discuss evidence of Greek culture in our present society (Connections)
Begin movie: Ancient Greece and list connections
Homework: None

Tuesday, December 15–
Introduce Ch. 11 – Cultural Connections
Continue movie and list connections
Homework: Read pp. 179-183 and complete top part of Cultural Contributions
sheet # 1-10

Wednesday, December 16–
Review homework
Finish movie
Introduce project
Homework: Decide on project choice either connection or contribution

Thursday, December 17
Media Center – Computers begin researching contribution / connections project
Homework: None

Friday, December 18–
Work on Project- Relax. We will continue the project when we return on Monday, January 4, 2010.
Homework: None. Happy Holidays and enjoy your winter break!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of December 7, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 7, 2009
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Students will take a Ch. 10 test on Friday, December 11th.
*Students received permission slips for the Parthenon Restaurant in Greek Town last Tuesday. The trip
is scheduled for December 14th . All money is due to your child’s reading teacher by Wed., December 9th.
*Comic Strips will be returned by Friday of this week. They will be included on the 2nd trimester grades.

Monday, December 7 –
Continue reading Section 3 and note taking
Homework: Finish power notes for Athens pp. 168-175

Tuesday, December 8–
Review homework
Complete Section 3 questions pp. 175 # 2-5
Homework: Finish Section 3 questions, if necessary
Study for test

Wednesday, December 9–
Complete “Comparing Democracy” Venn Diagram
Begin Map of Greece
Begin reading and discussing Section 4- Decline of Athens 175-176
Homework: Complete Section 4 questions pp. 176 # 1- 5
Study for test

Thursday, December 10–
Review Homework
Finish Map of Greece
Homework: Study for test

Friday, December 11–
Take Ch. 10 test
Begin reading Ch 11
Homework: None

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- December 7, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 7 – December 18, 2009

Important Information:
• The Greek Myth final project for students not in the read-ahead group is due on Wednesday, December 9.
• All students will have Minor God Vocabulary Test on Monday, December 14. The Minor God Comprehension test is on Tuesday, December 15.
• Students working in the Greek Read-Ahead group are still be responsible for the Greek Myth vocabulary, as they will be taking the vocab test. The students’ three read-ahead projects will be due on Tuesday, December 15th. They must also finish reading all of the Minor God Myths by 12/15 and be prepared to take the test on that day.
• Students have a Greek Myth Major God Comprehension Test on Monday, December 7.
• Last week we started working on Greek Plays. Every student will all be assigned a role or job. Over the next two week students will need to memorize lines, prepare props, bring in costumes, make the play bill, etc. Our performances will be 12/16 and 12/17.
• The 4th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, January 12. You may include the Greek Myths book if you read the entire book. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, December 7
Work on Venn Diagram
Major Gods Comp Test
Introduce Minor God Vocabulary Sheet and Minor God Handout- Due Mon., Dec. 14th
Read Minor Gods Story
Vocabra: Introduce last 6 words
Homework: Read Prometheus.
Work on projects – due Wed. Prepare for play.

Tuesday, December 8
Finish Venn Diagram
Read Pandora, Deucalion, and Eos
Work on Minor Gods Handout
Spelling; Review pp. 123-124
Homework: Finish your Myth Project- due tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 9
Turn in Projects
Read Helios, Selene, and Pan
Spelling and Vocabra Word Story: Your topic is Greek Myths must use 8 or more words
Play Work Time
Homework: Read Echo.
Work on Play- memorizing lines, bringing in props, costumes, etc…

Thursday, December 10
Read Syrinx, Wild & Vulgar Centaurs, and Alsclepius
Vocabra: Review for Tests
Play Work Time
Homework: Study for Spelling and Vocabra Tests Tomorrow.

Friday, December 11
Vocabra Tests #7
Read The Nine Muses and Orpheus
Work on Minor Gods Handout- due Monday
Review for Minor Gods Vocab Test
Play Work Time

Homework: Have a SUPER WEEKEND! Study for you Minor Gods Vocabulary Test on Monday. Also, keep work on your job for the play.

Monday, December 14
Minor God Vocabulary Test
Review Minor Gods Handout
Study for Minor God Comprehension Test
Work on Greek Play

Homework: Make sure you have your lines memorized, props made, costumes ready, etc… Also, Read Ahead Projects are due tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 15
Minor Gods Comprehension Test
Dress Rehearsal

Homework: Play Preparation

Wednesday, December 16
Team 6-3 Presents Greek Myth Plays
Homework: None

Thursday, December 17
Team 6-3 Presents Greek Myth Plays

Homework: None

Friday, December 18

Homework: Have a WONDERFUL Winter BREAK!!! See you next year ☺

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Parthenon Restaurant Permission Slip

Team 6 - 3
Parthenon Restaurant Field Trip

On Monday, December 14, 2009, we’ll visit Greek Town to enjoy a delicious meal at the Parthenon Restaurant. The cost will be $16.00 per child. It will cost $4.00 for the bus and $12 for the restaurant. If your child does not wish to eat at the restaurant, he/she may still go on the trip. Your child should plan to bring a lunch and only pay $4.00 for the cost of the bus. Are you available to help chaperone our trip? Complete the bottom portion and one of the teachers will contact you once the chaperones are selected. Chaperones only have to pay $12.00 for the meal if they plan to eat. All money is due by Wednesday, December 9th. Please send cash only.
10:45 A.M. Board bus
11:30 A.M. Lunch at the Parthenon Restaurant at 314 S. Halsted
12:45 P.M. Board buses to return back to school.
1:30 P.M. Arrive back at school. Students will go to their 7th period
class and finish the rest of the school day.
-----------------------Clip and return to your reading teacher-------------------------
I give permission for my child ______________________________to attend the field trip to Greek Town with team 6-3 on Monday, December 14, 2009. My child understands that all school rules and regulations still apply for him/her while on this trip. Violations could result in him/her not being allowed to go on future trips.
If you would like to contribute toward the scholarship of a student please feel free to do so. Thank you very much. $________________
Does your child have any food restrictions? Please explain or write your comments here:

Parent Signature___________________________________________________________________

Emergency contact during the hours of our trip__________________________________________

Will your child need to take medication(s) along with him/her?(circle one) yes or no

What medications?_______________________________________________

_______ Yes. I will be able to chaperone the trip.

Parent Name____________________________________________________________________

Email______________________________________Phone #:__________________________

Will you need a scholarship for this trip? If so please let us know how much you plan to
contribute and someone will contact you. I will contribute $_________________________

Ch 10 Study Guide

Study the following for our test:

1. Vocabulary words
2. Section Assessment Questions on
3. Government and citizens’ responsibilities in Athens and Sparta
4. Changes by Solon, Cleisthenes
5. The battle of Marathon
6. The battle of Thermopylae
7. The Delian League
8. Decline of Athens
9. Similarities and differences between Sparta and Athens
10. Spartan women’s rights
11. Know who Pericles was
12. Causes of Peloponnesian War and how it ended
13. The Greek map

Monday, November 30, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of November 30, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 29-December 4, 2009
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Students will take a Ch. 10 test on Friday, December 11th. Study guide will be given out this week.
*I am planning a trip to Greek Town during the week of December 14th and am presently waiting for a
confirmation. Once plans are finalized, students will receive a permission slip detailing all the information.
*Ch. 9 tests will be returned on Tuesday

Monday, November 30 –
Review pp.164-166: Section 2 Sparta – Aristocrats, Helots, and Perioeci
Begin taking “Power Notes”
Homework: Finish classroom note taking for pp. 164-166, if necessary
Read Spartan Way of Life on pp. 166-167 and take “Power Notes”

Tuesday, December 1–
Review homework
Begin Section 2 questions pp. 167 # 2-5
Homework: Compelete “Life inSparta” handout

Wednesday, December 2–
Review homework
Finish Section 2 questions
Homework: Finish Section 2 questions pp. 167 # 2-5, if necessary

Thursday, December 3–
Begin reading and discussing , Section 3 Athens – A Democratic Constitution on pp. 168-171
More Power Notes
Homework: Define constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates, Council of Five Hundred, triremes, defensive league, and mercenaries

Friday, December 4–
Continue reading Section 3 and note taking
Homework: None

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- November 30, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 30, 2009 ( Updated 5:10 P.M.)
Important Information:
• The 3rd Reading Log is due on Tuesday, December 1. Don’t forget signatures!!!
• Students working in the Greek Read-Ahead group have their Major God Mastery Test on Monday 11/30. If they score a 90% or higher they will continue reading and work on differentiated projects. The read ahead students will still be responsible for the Greek Myth vocabulary, as they will be taking the vocab tests. The students’ three read-ahead projects will be due on Tuesday, December 15th. They must also finish reading all of the Minor God Myths by 12/15.
• All students will be introduced to Greek Myth Project this week- the final project will be due on Wednesday, December 9.
• Students will have a Greek Myth Major God Vocabulary Test on Friday, December 4. They will have a Greek Myth Major God Comprehension Test on Monday, December 7.
• This week we are beginning work on Greek Plays. Every student will all be assigned a role or job. Over the next two week students will need to memorize lines, prepare props, bring in costumes, make the play bill, etc. Our performances will be 12/16 and 12/17.
• Our spelling and Vocabra test will both be given next Friday, Dec. 11th because we have a lot of work to do this week in preparation for the 2 upcoming Myth tests.

Monday, November 30
Greek Read-Ahead: Major Gods Comp Test Today
Introduce Vocabra List #7
Read and Chart Hermes
Finish Remember the Titans movie.
Homework: Read and Chart Hades.
Finish Apollo & Artemis Chart
Finish your Reading Log- it is due tomorrow with parent signatures.

Tuesday, December 1- Reading Log #3 Due TODAY
Greek Vocab Notes: Hades, Persephone, and Dionysus
Take Spelling Pre-test- Lesson 28
Read and Chart Persephone & Demeter
Introduce Greek Myth Project- due Wednesday 12/9
Start Planning for Project
Homework: Work on Myth Project
Finish Hermes Chart

Wednesday, December 2
Read and Chart Dionysus
Spelling: Pt. A - top of P. 123
Introduce Plays and Assign Roles
Homework: Pick two Gods/Goddess that you think would be interesting to compare and contrast. Tonight you should make a list of everything these two Gods/Goddess have in common (@ least 6 things in common).

Thursday, December 3
Begin God/Goddess Venn Diagram
Review for Greek Myth Major God Vocabulary Test- tomorrow
Spelling: Pt. B-bottom of P. 123-top P. 124
Homework: Study for Myth Major God Vocabulary Test Tomorrow. Work on Myth Project.

December 4
Greek Myth Major God Vocabulary Test
Work on Venn Diagram
Myth Jeopardy
Homework: Have a SUPER WEEKEND! Study for you Major Gods Comprehension Test on Monday. You should be studying your chart. If you did not finish your Venn Diagram in class you should also finish that over the weekend.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of November 16, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 16-24, 2009 (updated 11-23)
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Students will take a test on Ch. 9 this Thursday, Nov 19th. Study guide was given last week. Please see my blog.
*Students received information about a comic strip project that is due this Friday, Nov. 20

Monday, November 16 –
Movie: Ancient Aegeans and response
Homework: Work on comic strip – due Friday
Complete Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Minoans and Mycenaeans-
Include 12 items and due on Wednesday.
Be on time for school on Tuesday for our trip. We plan to leave by 9:00 A.M.

Tuesday, November 17– Field Trip-No Class
Homework: Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Minoans and Mycenaeans
Work on comic strip – due Friday

Wednesday, November 18–
Finish movie
Review homework and review for Ch. 9 test
Homework: Study for Ch. 9 test
Bring comic strip materials to class tomorrow to work on after finishing test

Thursday, November 19–
Take Ch. 9 test and complete Ch. 10 Anticipation Guide
Work on comic strip
Homework: None

Friday, November 20–
Introduce Ch. 10
Define: polis, acropolis, and agora and begin reading pp. 163-164
Homework: Work on comic strip- due Friday, Nov 20th

Monday, November 23–
Small group work: Complete Section Two Assessment questions - p.164 - # 2- 5
Define: assembly, aristocrats, ephors, artisans, Council of Elders, helots, perioeci
Homework: Finish definitions, if necessary

Tuesday, November 24–
Review small group work
Begin reading & discussing pp. 164-167
Homework: None. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday. See you on Monday, November 30th

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- November 16, 2009

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 16 - 24, 2009

Important Information:
• Your third reading log is due on Tuesday, December 1.
• The students who showed mastery of basic pronouns have been working on advanced pronoun use and will complete a pronoun challenge packet that is due on Monday, November 16th. They will then take a test over these concepts on Tues, November 17th.
• Students take a test on Language Network Lessons 3.1 to 3.4 on Tues., November 17th.
• Students took a Greek Myth Pre-Test last week. The students that showed mastery of these Myths will be working on an Expert Myth project in class and at home. These students have received a rubric explaining the requirements of the project.
• Advanced readers who did not qualify as a myth expert will have an opportunity to do some read ahead differentiated work as we get further into the myths. More info about the read-ahead group will be given on Friday. Students must read and chart the remainder of the Major Gods then take a test on 11/30 to show their mastery. If they score a 90% or higher they will continue reading and work on differentiated projects.
• Our Vocabra test will given next Tuesday, Nov. 24, before the Thanksgiving holiday.

Monday, November 16
Copy Myth Vocabulary
Read Zeus and His Family
“It Was Done for Whom? It Was Done to Whom?-Direct and Indirect Objects Handout
Pronoun Jeopardy Game
Homework: Study for Pronoun Test TOMORROW. Also, the field trip is tomorrow! You must be to school on time!

Tuesday, November 17
Grammar Test
Remember the Titans Movie
Complete Vocabra Chart- due Thursday
Homework:Finish Vocabra Thursday

Wednesday, November 18
Finish Remember the Titans Movie
Vocabulary: Hera and Hephaestus
Read and Chart Hera
Write a turkey story using 6 or more Vocabra words
Homework: Finish Vocabra chart-due Thursday

Thursday, November 19
LA Benchmark Tests
Review Vocabra chart
Vocabulary: Aphrodite, Ares, and Athena
Read Hephaestus
Homework: Finish turkey story using 6 or more Vocabra words-due Friday

Friday, November 20
Share Vocabra turkey stories
LA Benchmark
Read Aphrodite and Ares
Introduce Read-Ahead Differentiation
Homework: Myth Experts- your final project is due on Monday 11/23

Monday, November 23
Vocabulary: Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis, and Hermes
Read and Chart Athena
Media Center Front Tables 9th Period
Homework: Read and Chart Poseidon
Study for Vocabra test # 6

Tuesday, November 24
Vocabra Test
Review Poseidon
Read and Chart Apollo and Artemis
Present Expert Project
Homework: Students participating in the Read-Ahead group must be ready to take their mastery test on Monday, November 30th.
Have a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- November 9, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 9, 2009
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Students will take a test on Ch. 9 next Thursday, Nov 19th. Study guide is at the bottom of this syllabus.
*Students will receive information about a comic strip project that will be due on Friday, Nov. 20
*Finally, I plan to collect & check in the Legends class work that was completed in student spirals,
beginning Thursday of this week. Therefore summaries of each legend and drafts of information
that was added to the poster must be in the spiral by Thursday.

Monday, November 9 –
Review vocabulary homework
Begin reading and discussing pp. 155-160
Homework: Finish reading pp. 155-160 and
Complete Section Two Assessment questions on p.160 - # 6 only. You must include
3 causes and 3 effects.

Tuesday, November 10–
Review homework
Small group work: Complete Section Two Assessment questions - p.160 - # 2- 5
Homework: Finish Section questions, p. 160- # 2-5 if necessary

Wednesday, November 11–
Respond to “Teaching Transparency” – journal entry
Review Section questions
Introduce Comic Strip Odyssey project – due Nov. 20th
Homework: Get project letter signed – signed letter is due Friday, Nov. 13th
Spirals collected on Thursday

Thursday, November 12– Schedule change today. 4th and 6th period switched; therefore you will have lunch during 4th period and your 4th per. class will be held during 6th period
Begin reading Odyssey play
Homework: Get project letter signed – signed letter is due Friday, Nov. 13th
Bring coloring utensils to school on Friday to begin working on comic strip

Friday, November 13––
Finish reading Odyssey play
Comic strip work time
Homework: Work on comic strip- due Friday, Nov 20th

Chapter 9 Study Guide

1. Know the Minoan and Mycenaean natural resources and how they used
the natural resources to better their culture?
2. What effect did being an island civilization have on the Minoans?
3. What role did religion play in the Minoan daily life?
4. What did the Mycenaeans build instead of cities?
5. How are the Minoans different than Mycenaeans?
6. How are the Minoans and Mycenaeans the same?
7. What happened during the Dark Age?
8. Know what led to the decline of each civilization.
9. Know the purposes of a legend/myth.
10. Study the Anticipation Guide
11. What new things were learned about the early Greeks from the movie?
12. Study the Section One and Section Two Assessment questions.
13. Know what the Iliad and Odyssey is about.
14. Know who wrote the Iliad and Odyssey and information about the author.
15. Know the definition of these additional vocabulary words as well as the vocabulary
words you already have: enslaved people, legends, economy, Linear A, Linear B,
and bard.

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus-November 9, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 9, 2009

Important Information:
• Your third reading log is due on Tuesday, December 1.
• Last week, all students took a pre-test on pronouns. The students who showed mastery of these more basic pronouns have been by completing a pronoun challenge packet on advanced pronoun use for Lessons 3.5 – 3.10. This packet is due on Monday, November 16th. They will take then take a test over these concepts on Tuesday, November 17th.
• The rest of my students will take a test grammar test covering Lessons 3.1 to 3.4 on Tuesday, November 17th , as well.

Monday, November 9
Introduce Socratic Seminars
Spelling Pretest Lesson 7
Grammar review pp. 44 & 46 handouts
Homework: Read Singapore Whipping article and mark accordingly
Spelling p. 33 Pt B

Tuesday, November 10
Re-Read Singapore Whipping and create 2-3 high level discussion comments and/or questions. These questions should not be able to be answered with a yes or no.
Grammar Lesson 3.3 and do P. 50 handout
Review spelling homework
Homework: Finish Singapore Whipping class work, if necessary.In order to participate in
the Socratic Seminar on Wed. you must bring the discussion questions and
your article to class on Wednesday.
Finish grammar p. 50 handout, if necessary

Wednesday, November 11
Grammar: Lesson 3.4
Spelling p. 35 Pt. A & B
Hold Socratic Seminar: Singapore Whipping
Homework: Grammar Handout p. 53
Write 4 analogies using 4 Vocabra words from List 6 and 4 previous Vocabra words
Finish Spelling P. 35 Pt. A & B, if necessary

Thursday, November 12
Greek Myth pretest
Intro Greek Myth Unit
Introduce Greek Myth element chart
Read & discuss Olden Times and Gaea
Review grammar and spelling homework
Homework: Study for spelling test and write each misspelled word from the pretest-2x’s in syllables

Friday, November 13
Lesson 7 Spelling Post Test
Myth Vocab. Notes: Titans, Cronus, Zeus & His Family
Read and Chart: Gaea, Titans, and Cronus myths
Homework: Study for your grammar test coming up on Tuesday 11/17.
Grammar Differentiation: Your grammar packet is due on Monday

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of November 2, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 2, 2009
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*The Legends Chart is due by Wednesday. Students may have to work on it
during lunch this week.
*Students received their tests back by last Thursday.

Monday, November 2 –
Continue to review pp. 152-155
Small group work: Complete Section One Assessment questions on p.155 - # 2- 5
Homework: Finish assessment questions pp. 155 # 2-5, if necessary

Tuesday, November 3–
Review Assessment questions - p.155 - # 2- 5
Respond to “Teaching Transparency” – journal entry
Homework: None

Wednesday, November 4–
Begin reading and discussing pp. 155-160
Legends Inquiry activity
Homework: Finish Legends Inquiry activity, if necessary

Thursday, November 5–
Finish reading and discussing pp.155 -160
Homework: Use information read on pp. 155-160 to define megaron, tenants, Homer, Iliad, Odyssey, civil wars, pirate fleets, seafaring, and navigate (add these words to last week’s vocabulary list ) – Due Monday

Friday, November 6–– No School – Veterans Day

Wrinkle In Time Reading Syllabus- November 2, 2009

Reading Syllabus
Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of November 2, 2009

Important Information
 IT'S PROJECT TIME!! To conclude our novel study students were given a list of
project choices last Friday. They will be given some time in class to work on their
selected project. Each student is encouraged to be very creative. We will use class time
to review for our cumulative test, November 4th, as well as work on the projects.
Although, some portion of the student's project will have to be completed at home,
in order to be on finished by the due date.
 Projects are due on Thursday, November 5th.
 Thursday, November 5th will be my last day of student teaching at Julian.
 All projects and tests will be graded and returned next week.

Monday, Nov. 2
Return comprehension questions for chapters 9-12
Review for Cumulative Test
Work on project
Homework: Study the given comprehension study guides 1-12
Review all active reading handouts 1-12 and work on project
Tuesday, Nov. 3
Work on project
Homework: Study the given comprehension study guides 1-12
Review active reading handouts 1-12 and work on project

Wednesday, Nov. 4
Cumulative Test
Work on project

Thursday, Nov. 5--PROJECTS DUE TODAY
Project Presentations

Friday, Nov. 6

Wrinkle In Time
Project Proposal—Due Thursday, Nov. 5

During project week, we will use what we have learned about the elements of science fiction, Meg, Calvin, Charles Wallace and the three Mrs. W's to create a project in connection with A Wrinkle In Time. Below are 4 project options. You are to select 1 project to complete over the course of the final week of our novel study. Portions of your project will be worked on during class time, as well as at home in order to be completed on time. Creativity and imagination is a must when preparing your selected project. Good luck, and let's have fun! You will receive a rubric on Monday. You may begin your project this weekend.

Please circle the project option of your choice. Initial your by the choice you circle.

Write an autobiography as if you were Calvin. Discuss his family, his feelings, different moods, tell events as to what led to those moods and feelings, include how he deals with resolving the moods, and discuss things that made him unique. You are not limited to these suggestions, so please use them as a guide and expand your topics. The autobiography should be told from Calvin's point of view. Do not retell the story. Write as if the reader has no knowledge of the book. Your autobiography must be at least 3-5 pages.

This novel has a lot of important themes about life. Choose a theme such as the importance of family, learning how to take chances, showing appreciation for what you have, etc. There are many themes to choose from. For a better grade select a theme that is not listed above. Write an essay about what Meg learned, how she learned it, and how it helped her throughout the novel. In this essay, explain why this lesson in life is so important. Do not retell the story. Write as if the reader has never read the novel. Your essay must be at least 3-5 pages.

Create a large map of the galaxies and planets that Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin traveled. Label each place that was important in the novel. Write descriptions of the characters that they met at each place and the important events that happened. Include specific galaxies, time line, and at least two characters from each galaxy. You must create a written log to detail the journey; an example would be a captain’s log instead of a story log. You may present your project as a media presentation using Power Point. BE CREATIVE WITH YOUR PROJECT!!! Do not limit your talents to just pen and paper; journey beyond with your creativity.

Using the theme of GOOD VS EVIL. Pick a galaxy, or create a galaxy, to journey to with Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which and Mrs. Whatsit. Also bring along Charles Wallace, Calvin or Meg. You must show at least two elements of science fiction, include 2 characters to be found within the galaxy that are good and 2 characters that are evil. Be very detailed in creating your galaxy; show mountains, sun, moon, fog, lakes, rivers, plateaus, belts, etc. Tell what tools would the three Mrs. W's give you to help you in your conquest against good vs evil. On which side would you reign? Tell why? What inner powers would you have to use in order to be the victor? Your presentation should include a visual piece for your galaxy and the written portion should be 3-5 pages.


Wrinkle In Time
Project Rubric
Here are guidelines that will help you achieve the best possible score on your project. Please include this as part of your project documents.
Project 1—Autobiography
____________/1pt Name is visible on essay
____________/1pt Autobiography is typed in 12pt font size
____________/3pts Autobiography is 3-5 pages
____________/3pts Edited with little or no grammatical or spelling errors
____________/2pts Written from the point of view of Calvin
____________/10pts Autobiography includes information related to Calvin's family, feelings, different moods and other important details about him.
____________10pts Autobiography include events discussing what led to Calvin's moods, and/or feelings, how he deals with resolving his negative moods and
things that make him unique.
______________/30 Total Points Earned
Wrinkle In Time
Project Rubric
Here are guidelines that will help you achieve the best possible score on your project. Please include this as part of your project documents.
Project 2--Life's Lesson
____________/1pt Name is visible on essay
____________/1pt Essay is typed in 12pt font
____________/2pts Essay is 3-5 pages
___________/3pts Essay has been edited with little or no grammatical or spelling errors
___________/15pts Uses theme to thoroughly discuss Meg's lesson learned, how she learned it
and how it helped her within the storyline in the novel.
___________/3pts Student selected theme(s) not mentioned on proposal sheet.
___________/2pts Written as if reader has never read the novel
___________/3pts Creativity
____________/30 Total Points Earned
Wrinkle In Time
Project Rubric
Here are guidelines that will help you achieve the best possible score on your project. Please include this as part of your project documents.
Project 3--Galaxies & Planets
____________/1pt Name is visible on project or log
____________/2pts specific galaxies visited within the novel.
____________/2pts Includes 2 more characters from the novel
____________/4pts Vivid description of characters met at each place
____________/5pts Thoroughly discussced detailed important events occurred on each galaxy
____________/2pts Events are sequenced in a logical order in the log or essay
____________/2pts Edited with no grammatical and spelling errors
____________/4pts Thoroughly written log or essay detailing the journey is included
____________/4pts Visual is neatly created & clearly labeled
____________/4pts Visual is very colorful & creative
____________/30 Total Points Earned
Wrinkle In Time
Project Rubric
Here are guidelines that will help you achieve the best possible score on your project. Please include this as part of your project documents.
Project 4- The Three Mrs. W’s
____________/2pts Name is visible on project
____________/2pts Essay is 3-5 pages
____________/2pts Edited with no grammatical and spelling errors
____________/2pts Include one or more of the main characters: Meg, Charles W. or Calvin
____________/4pts Included 2 or more science fiction elements within the story
____________/3pts Included 2 or more good and evil characters to discuss Good vs Evil theme
____________/5pts Detailed written journey includes: tools from the 3 Mrs. W's,
powers used and which side of the battle you are fighting.
____________/5pts Visual is neatly created and colorful
____________/5pts Visual piece vividly shows land formations
___________/30 Total Points Earned

Language Arts Syllabus November 2, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 2, 2009

Important Information:
• Your third reading log is due on Tuesday, December 1.
• Students will take a pre-test on basic pronouns. Students who show mastery of these more basic pronouns will work on advanced pronoun use over the next two weeks. They will take a test on these concepts on Thursday, November 17th.
• Students will work on a Pronoun unit over the next two weeks and take a test on Language Network Lessons 3.1 to 3.4 on Tuesday, November 17th.

Monday, November 2
Pronoun Pre-Test
Complete Vocabra Chart – due Tuesday
Homework: Finish Vocabra chart

Tuesday, November 3
Grammar Lesson 3.1
Review Vocabra Chart
Homework: Write one original sentence with each of the 6 new Vocabra words
given this week: lustrous, inebriated, ponder, authentic, compel, & genial
Each sentence must reflect the given meaning on Vocabulary List # 5 handout

Wednesday, November 4
Grammar Lesson 3.2 (Handout Page 46)
Vocabra test Review
Homework: Study for your Vocabra Test tomorrow
Bring your pleasure book to school on Thursday

Thursday, November 5
Vocabra Test #5
Read Pleasure Books

Friday, November 6 - No School: Veterans Day

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wrinkle in Time Reading Syllabus- October 26, 2009

Reading Syllabus
Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of October 26, 2009

Important Information
 This week we are wrapping up our reading in preparation for our project week, so stay tuned!
 Students will have a cumulative test on Wednesday, November 4 on chapters 1-12, which will include: comprehension, literary quotes, science fiction elements and vocabulary. Study comprehension questions from 1-8 and students will receive 9-12 study guide this week.
 As we are reading the final chapters, PLEASE DO NOT READ AHEAD!

Monday, October 26
Comprehension and literary quote test chapter 5-8
Begin reading chapter 9
Active Reading Handout for 9-12
Collect Study Guides for chapters 1-8
Homework: Finish reading chapter 9
Finish Active Reading Handouts--Due Tuesday
Begin study guide for chapters 9-12--Due Friday

Tuesday, October 27
Review chapter 9
Introduce Vocabulary
Create your own quote: use vocab to create your own quote & give your interpretation and it must
relate to the book.
**Challenge***translate your quote into a different language.
Respond to journal topic
Begin reading chapter 10
Homework: Finish reading chapter 10 & Finish quote if necessary--Due Thursday

Wednesday, October 28
Review chapter 10
Character & element group review
Begin reading chapter 11
Homework: Finish reading chapter 11, Respond to journal topic
Work on chapter 9-12 study guide

Thursday, October 29
Review & Collect homework: Quotes & Journal
Read chapter 12
Homework: Finish chapter 9-12 study guide

Friday, October 30
Collect study guides
Finish reading chapter 12
Introduce Project Week
You might want to begin studying for next week’s cumulative test!
Homework: Enjoy your Weekend!!

Language Arts Syllabus October 26, 2009

Language Arts Syllabus
Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week October 26, 2009
Important Information:
 Your second reading log is due Thursday October 29th.
 Students will have a test on Chapter 2 Nouns on Tuesday, October 27th. Students who showed mastery of nouns are working on differentiated project, which will be due on Tuesday, October 27th; these students will be required to work independently and take chapter 2 test.
 It was a pleasure meeting all parents during conferences!

Monday, October 26 (Red Day)
Review for Grammar Test
L/Network Differentiated Project is due tomorrow!
Spelling Pre-test Lesson 6
Spelling Activity: Lesson 6 pg. 30 part C—due Tuesday
Homework: Finish L/Network differentiated project

Tuesday, October 27 (Sports Day)
L/Network Grammar Test
L/Network Differentiated Project due
Review spelling homework
Spelling corrections 2 times each in syllables
Homework: Finish spelling corrections & create a spooky story using 6 spelling words and 6 vocabra words

Wednesday, October 28 (Wacky Day)
Media Center: check out books & use computers to type story
News Reel Spelling Activity: Pretend you are a reporter and write a breaking news story about something strange happening. You must use at least 4 spelling & 4 vocabra words
Homework: Finish News Reel with spelling words: BE PREPARED TO REPORT YOU NEWS TO

Thursday, October 29 (Tie Day)
Spelling Review
Homework: Study for spelling test & Finish scary story, if necessary

Friday, October 30 (Halloween Costume Day)
Present your story
Spelling Lesson 6 test
Homework: Enjoy Your Weekend !

Monday, October 26, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of October 26, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 26, 2009(updated today)
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Students will receive their tests back by Thursday.
*On Thursday, October 29th , the photographers will return; therefore any student who did not take his/her school picture may take a picture. In addition, students may retake pictures if he/she returns their original pictures to the photographers. Sixth graders will take pictures during Advisory through 1st period (between 9:00 – 9:50).
*This is Red Ribbon / Spirit Week: Say No To Drugs!
*Students may wear an appropriate costume to school on Friday but they need to bring one or more canned goods. In Advisory on Monday, students will receive a Halloween letter listing all expectations. Most definitely, students may not bring (or wear) pretend weapons to school. Be sure to read the letter carefully.

Monday, October 26 – Red Day
Group work: Begin Legends Activity pp.22-24
Homework: Bring coloring utensils for Legends Activity tomorrow

Tuesday, October 27 – Sports Day
Group work: Finish Legends Activity- Complete the handout
Homework: None

Wednesday, October 28 – Wacky Day
Introduce Chapter 9- The Greeks
Complete anticipation guide
Begin reading and discussing pp. 151-155
Homework: Use information on pp. 151-155 to define the following words: legacy, Crete, prow, bull leaping, Knossos, frescoes, labyrinth, parchment, shrines, Theseus, and Minotaur - due Thursday
Picture retakes are tomorrow. You must return your old pictures.

Thursday, October 29 – Tie Day
Review homework
Continue reading and discussing pp.151–155
Homework: Finish reading pp.151–155, if necessary

Friday, October 30 –– Halloween Costume Day
Small group work: Complete Section One Assessment questions on p.155 - # 2- 5
Homework: None

Monday, October 19, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of October 19, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 19, 2009 (updated today 6:30 P.M.)
Blog Website:

Please Read the Following Information:
*Students will take a test on Thursday, October 22nd covering concepts studied on pp. 5 -21.
Study the questions found on the back of my previous syllabi, latitude and longitude
coordinates, know the seven continents, four oceans, the six vocabulary words below, as well
as notes that will be taken in class this week.
*Students will learn a new outline strategy for note taking, called Power Notes. I highly
recommend students use this strategy to take notes on pp. 5-21 in order to prepare for the
upcoming test on Thursday.
*See the Power Notes Handout below

Monday, October 19– Define: prevailing winds, ocean current, precipitation, natural resources,
minerals, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources
Complete “Power Notes” handout-pp. 19-21
Homework: Finish Power Notes handout and definitions, if necessary

Tuesday, October 20 – Finish questions from back of Oct. 5th’ syllabus and review
Homework: Finsh above mentioned questions, if necessary and study for test

Wednesday, October 21– Lunchtime Study Session - see Ms. A for a pass
Continue reviewing for test
Complete Natural Resources graphic organizer
Homework: Study for test

Thursday, October 22 - Take Ch 1 test
Homework: None

Friday, October 23– No S.S. class today- Students dismissed at noon
Homework: None

Power Notes Handout PP. 19-21

1. Natural Resources
2. Kinds of natural resources
3. _________________________for Life
4. Air, _______________________, ____________________, ____________
3. Helpful natural resource but __________________________________ for life
4. Minerals
5. Iron ____________________, ________________,_________________
4. ___________________________ Fuels
5. ___________________,_______________________,__________________
2. Marco Polo discovered_____________________________________________
3. The Chinese ______________________________________________
3. Renewable ___________________________________________
4. ___________________, ________________________,______________
3. Nonrenewable resources
4. ___________________,____________________,___________________
2. Natural resources in history
3. Led to creation ______________________________________
4. People began __________________________ or ______________________
4. Also led to _____________________and ___________________meeting
each other
5. They traded ________________________ and _____________________
3. Modern _______________________________________
4. They made __________________________________________________
3. The discovery of ___________________ in____________________________
4. Then people ________________________________________________

Language Arts Syllabus October 19, 2009

Language Arts Syllabus
Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of October 19, 2009
Important Information:
 Your second reading log is due Thursday, October 29th.
 We are working on Chapter 2: Nouns, in our L/Network Book this week. Students will have a test on Chapter 2: Nouns on Tuesday, October 27th. Students who showed mastery of nouns are working on differentiated project, which will be due on Tuesday, October 27th; these students will be required to work independently and study for the chapter 2 test.
 Conferences are on THURSDAY! If you need to change your time for any reason please email me!
 It is not too late to sign up for the Young Authors Conference, which will be held at Lincoln school on Saturday, October 24th. This a free event that will have over 30 published authors, illustrators, journalists, and cartoonists coming to work with our students! See me to sign up!

Monday, October 19
Language Network Ch. 2.3: Possessive Nouns
L/Network Differentiation: Practice and Apply pg. 44-45 & challenge assignment on pg. 45
Write a Vocabra science fiction story using all 12 words from list #4. If you wish to submit it to the National Day on Writing website it must be typed. See Ms. Russell for details
Homework: Finish science fiction vocabra story—Due Tuesday

Tuesday, October 20—Collect Science Fiction story
Media Center: Begin Vocabra comic strip --Due Friday
Homework: NO HOMEWORK— Remember, Comic strip due Friday

Wednesday, October 21
Language Network Ch. 2.4: Nouns and Their Jobs
L/Network Differentiation: Work independently on project
Vocabra Review
Homework: NO HOMEWORK---Remember, Comic strip due Friday

Thursday, October 22 Students will be dismissed at noon
Homework: Study for Vocabra test
PAJAMA DAY& READ-A-THON tomorrow: students may bring a healthy snack and one comfort item of their choice. Comfort item may be pillow, blanket, stuffed animal, etc. Be sure to bring plenty of reading materials on Friday.

Friday, October23 Students will be dismissed at noon
PAJAMA DAY& READ-A-THON: Students may bring a healthy snack and one comfort item of their choice. Comfort item may be a pillow, blanket, stuffed animal, etc. Be sure to have plenty of reading materials.
Take Vocabra test
Collect comic strip
Homework: Enjoy your weekend

Wrinkle in Time Reading Syllabus- October 19, 2009

Reading Syllabus
Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of October 19, 2009

Important Information
 Students will be introduced to various literary quotes that are found within our text. They will be asked to look up the quotes, provide the author of the quote and give their interpretation of it.
This will help students to gain greater insight regarding our novel study. Students will have
another comprehension and literary quote test on Monday, October 27
 Because of prediction activities students ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ AHEAD!
 Pajama Day & Read- a-Thon will be this Friday-therefore we will not have reading class on Friday.

Monday, October 19,
Comprehension and vocabulary test chapters 1-4
Begin reading chapter 5
Introduce Active Reading Handout for chapters 5-8
Introduce literary quotes handout
Homework: Finish reading chapter 5

Tuesday, October 20
Review chapter 5
Continue discussing literary quotes
Begin reading chapter 6
Homework: Finish reading chapter 6

Wednesday, October 21
Review homework
Begin reading chapter 7
Continue discussing literary quotes
Study guide questions for Monday’s comprehension & literary quote quiz
Remember: Create a plan for completing all your homework by Monday
Homework: Finish reading chapter 7, read chapter 8, do literary quotes for chapters 5-8--Due Monday
Work on study guide questions—Due Monday

Homework: Finish reading chapter 7, read chapter 8, do literary quotes for chapters 5-8--Due Monday
Work on study guide questions—Due Monday

PAJAMA DAY: Read-a-thon
Homework: Study guide for Monday’s Test on chapters 5-8! DO NOT READ AHEAD!
Finish reading chapter 7, read chapter 8, do literary quotes for chapters 5-8--Due Monday

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of October 12, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 12, 2009
Blog Website:

Please Read the Following Information:
*Due to Portfolio Stuffing Day on this Thursday, I was forced to change the date of our
Ch. One vocabulary test
*Students should have all previous handouts in school by Wednesday in order to prepare for
Stuffing Day on Thursday
. Students will take the test on Friday, October 16th covering the following 31 terms from
pp. 5-15: ecosystems, adapt, modify, environment, latitude, longitude, map key, hemisphere, scale, inset map, compass rose, borders, prime meridian, equator, landforms, elevation, relief, core, mantle, crust, tectonic plates, continental drift, volcanoes, earthquakes, erosion, glaciers, river system, climate, Tropical Zone, Temperate Zone, and Polar Zone They should all be defined in the social studies spiral.
*Students will also have a test covering concepts studied on pp. 5 -21 on Thursday, October 22nd. Use the study questions found on the back of my previous syllabi.

Monday, October 12– Columbus Day - No School
Homework: None

Tuesday, October 13 – Finish reading and discussing pp. 12-15
Small group work
Homework: Study for vocabulary test

Wednesday, October 14– Continue with small group work
Begin vocabulary review handout
Homework: Finish vocabulary review handout, if necessary

Thursday, October 15 - Portfolio Stuffing Day
Review for test
Homework: Study for vocabulary test

Friday, October16– Take vocabulary test
Complete study guide questions for pp. 16-18
Homework: None

Wrinkle in Time Reading Syllabus- October 12, 2009

Reading Syllabus
Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of October 12, 2009

Important Information
l Students were told last week to bring a Ziploc bag, therefore, students without a bag will not receive a book until he/she brings the baggie.
l All students with a Ziploc bag will receive their book on Tuesday
l Students will be expected to read chapters most nights and some weekends.
l There will be a comprehension and vocabulary test covering chapters 1-4 on Monday
October 19, 2009

Monday, October 12,
Happy Columbus Day
No School

Tuesday, October 13
Assign books
Introduce novel study vocabulary
Introduce Active Reading handout
Read & discuss first half of chapter 2 in class
Homework: Comprehension questions for chapter 1 & 2, begin reading chapter 2

Wednesday, October 14
Review comprehension questions
Comprehension questions for chapter 2 & 3
Read & discuss first half of chapter 3 in class
Introduce second half of novel study vocabulary
Homework: Complete reading chapter 3

Thursday, October 15
Novel study vocabulary puzzle
Read & discuss first half of chapter 4 in class
Review comprehension questions for chapters 2 & 3
Homework: Complete reading chapter 4

Friday, October 16
Review novel study vocabulary puzzle handout
Review & discuss for quiz on Monday
Read & discuss first half of chapter 4 in class
Homework: Complete reading chapter 4 ONLY !! DO NOT READ AHEAD!

Language Arts Syllabus October 12, 2009

Language Arts Syllabus
Team 6-3 - Mrs. Alexander
Week of October 12, 2009

Important Information:
• Your second reading log is due on Thursday, October 29.
• We are beginning Chapter 2: Nouns in our Grammar Book this week. Students will take a diagnostic test on Wednesday. Students showing mastery of nouns will work on differentiated assignments and projects.
• Conference times went home last Thursday weeks ago- if you need to change your time for any reason please call or email a.s.a.p.
• Friday, October 9th was the midterm of our first trimester. Please check the online grade book for your child’s midterm progress report and sign the Progress Report Notification letter indicating you have seen your child’s grades for his/her classes.. Your child received the letter on Friday before leaving school.
• It is not too late to sign up for The Young Authors Conference, which will be held at Lincoln school on Saturday, October 24. This is a free event that will have over 30 published authors, illustrators, journalists, and cartoonists coming to work with our students! See me to sign up.

Monday, October 12 No School- Columbus Day

Tuesday, October 13
Language Network Ch. 2: Diagnostic test
Noun activity
Spelling Lesson 5: Spelling corrections-Write each misspelled word 2x each in syllables
Homework: None

Wednesday, October 14
L/Network Lesson 2.1- Introduce nouns
Complete Practice and Apply p. 37
Spelling Lesson 5: Pt. B pg. 25 and write synonym and antonym for each Vocabra word
Homework: Finish spelling & Vocabra work, if necessary

Thursday, October 15 - PORTFOLIO STUFFING DAY!!! WOOHOO!!
Review homework
Spelling review--Hangman
Homework: Study for Friday’s spelling test

Friday, October 16
L/Network: Lesson 2.2 - Singular & Plural Nouns
Complete Practice and Apply p. 39
Spelling Test – Lesson 5
Review Vocabra list # 4 for next week
Homework: Enjoy your weekend !

Conference List - October 22, 2009

Thursday afternoon
October 22, 2009

12:35 – 12:50 p.m. Aiden T.

12:50 – 1:05 p.m. Emma N.
1:05 – 1:20 p.m. Elise T.
1:25 – 1:40 p.m. Ray P.
1:40 – 1:55 p.m. Antwoin B

1:55 – 2:10 p.m. Josie W.

2:10 – 2:25 p.m. Lucy K - Z

2:25 – 2:40 p.m. Matt M.

2:40 – 2:55 p.m. Bonnie B.

2:55 – 3:10 p.m. Cami J.

3:10 – 3:25 p.m. Hannah F.

3:25 – 3:40 p.m. Steven G

3:40 – 3:55 p.m. Kyle P.

3:55 – 4:10 p.m. Lernard Mc D.

4:10 – 4:25 p.m. Alessandro B.

4:25 – 4:40 p.m. Ellis D.

4:40 – 4:55 p.m.
4:55 – 5:10 p.m.

Thursday Evening October 22, 2009
5:45 – 6:00 p.m. Ali W.
6:00 – 6:15 p.m. Paula R.
6:15 – 6:30 p.m. Ben E.
6:30 – 6:45 p.m. Shantel P.
6:45 – 7:00 p.m.
7:00 – 7:15 p.m. Noah B.
7:15 – 7:30 p.m.
7:30 – 7:45 p.m. Symi F.
7:45 – 8:00 p.m. Brandon H.
8:00 – 8:15 p.m. Colin K.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of October 5, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 5, 2009
Blog Website:

Please Read the Following Information:
*Students will take a Vocabulary Test next Thursday, October 15th covering terms given from pp. 5-15. All the terms can be found on my previous syllabi. Remember you can go to my blog to obtain the terms.
*Students will also have a test covering concepts covered on pp. 5 -21 on Thursday, October 22nd. Use the study questions given on the back of my syllabi this week and last week.

Monday, October 5– Review movie questions and reflections
Answer review questions A-C on back of syllabus
Finish poster presentations, if necessary
Homework: None

Tuesday, October 6 – Pangaea and Cracked Crust activity
Homework: Finish Cracked Crust handout, if necessary

Wednesday, October 7– Begin reading and discussing pp 12 - 15
Skim and scan pp. 12 – 15 to define these terms: erosion, glaciers, river system, climate,
Tropical Zone, Temperate Zone, Polar Zone
Homework: Finish defining above terms

Thursday, October 8 - Finish reading and discussing pp. 12-15
Movie: Changes in Earths Crust
Homework: None

Friday, October 9– Small group work
Homework: None

Page 9 – top of Page12: Review Questions

Copy and answer these additional questions in your spiral. Skip a line after you answer each question, in case you need to make changes to your answers.

A. How were the Hawaiian Islands formed?

B. How were the Himalayas formed?

C. Why do geographers think a costal part of California will eventually break away thousands of years from now

------------------------------------ Ch. 1 Study Guide - Part 2 pp. 12 – 18----------------------------------

1. Give one example how wind erosion has helped people.

2. Give one example how wind erosion has not helped people.

3. How have glaciers affect humans in the past?

4. How have glaciers affected physical geography of the earth in the past?

5. Specifically explain how landforms determined where people would live.

6. Specifically explain how landforms have affected the way nations set up their governments.

7. Why did early civilizations prefer to settle near waterways?

8. Explain the difference between climate and weather?

9. Tell three things that determine (or shape) our climate? Be sure to explain how each of these things affect our climate.



10. How can a place’s latitude help you predict temperatures in that region?

11. Why did the ancient Incan’s prefer to settle in the Andes Mountains in Peru instead of
living along the Pacific coast?

12. How do mountains affect precipitation?

13. What has the lack of warm water ports and harbors caused Russia to do in the past?
(Be sure to explain)

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- October 5, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 5, 2009 (updated today @ 6:30 P.M.)

Important Information:
• GREAT JOB on your first reading logs!!! Your second reading log is due on Thursday, October 29.
• During our short story unit the students studied many literary skills; they will take a test over these skills (theme, setting, plot, conflict, characterization, and inferring) on Tuesday, October 6.
• Students will take a Chapter 1 Grammar Test on Thursday, October 8th. If you would like to check out a grammar book to study with please see me!
• This Friday marks the halfway of our first trimester; please check the online grade book on Friday, October 9th for your child’s midterm progress report. Please sign the Progress Report Notification letter indicating you have seen the grades online for all classes.
• We will begin a student choice, science fiction novel study this week. Our students completed a survey last week ranking the three novels by interest. This week they will find out their novel study group and which team 6-3 teacher will teach their particular group. The science fiction novel study will begin on Wednesday during 9th period.
• I will send home my conference schedule by Thursday and will post it on my blog. Please be sure to get this from your child. If you need to change your time for any reason please call or email.

Monday, October 5
Review for Lit Skills Test tomorrow.
Homework: STUDY for your lit skills test tomorrow! Finish your vicar word story if necessary!

Tuesday, October 6
Lit Skills Test: Theme, Setting, Plot, Conflict, Characterization, and Inferring
Review Vocabra Chart
Grammar 1.9 & 1.10
Homework: Using the two Vocabra caption handouts, write a sentence about each caption in the given boxes. You must use two Vocabra words for each caption. – Due Thursday

Wednesday, October 7
8th Period: Review For Thursday’s Grammar Test
Vocabra Firing Line Review
9th Period: Begin Sci-Fi Novel Unit (Introduce Novels and Pre-Reading Activities)
Homework: Study for Grammar Test- you can check out a grammar book if you would like!

Thursday October 8
8th Period: Grammar Test
9th Period: Sci-Fi Novel Groups
Homework: Study for your Vocabra test # 3, tomorrow! Bring your pleasure book on Friday to read after your Vocabra test.

Friday, October 9
8th Period: Vocabra Test # 3
Read your pleasure book when done with test
9th Period: Sci-Fi Novel Groups
Homework: Enjoy your long weekend! Look at your midterm progress report grades on the online grade book. Get your letter signed indicating that parents/guardians have seen all of your grades. Please bring the signed letter back on Tuesday!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 28, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 28, 2009
Blog Website:

Please Read the following Information:
*We will finish our in-class country mini project this week. All posters must be completed by Wednesday. Some groups may need to complete the poster during their lunch period. Please see Ms. Alexander for a pass.
*I had to extend the due date for the handouts given last Thursday due to a fire drill that happened when we were on our way to take pictures. It is now due on Monday.
*Students should turn in late work this week. As announced on last week’s syllabus, I am no longer accepting late work for our Parts of the Book unit. Although, I will accept late work for assignments given after the Parts of the Book unit was over. Please see me during lunch or after school to turn in late work.

Monday, September 28– Country mini-project work time
Skim pp. 9 - 11 and begin defining these terms: landforms, elevation, relief, core, mantle, crust, tectonic plates, continental drift, volcanoes, and earthquakes
Draw pictures of 4 major landforms in spiral. Label the elevation of each landform
Due today
Regular Group: “Name That Continent and Understanding Latitude and Longitude” handouts and
Differentiation Group: Complete “Crack the Code and Graphing” activities
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 29 – Review homework handouts from last week
Finish landform pictures, if necessary
Begin reviewing p. 9and begin pp. 9 – 11 questions handout
Homework: Finish questions # 3 -5, if necessary - due Wednesday

Wednesday, September 30– Continue reviewing pp. 10 – 11 and question handout
Begin presenting country posters
Homework: Complete questions # 6 - 7, if necessary – due Thursday

Thursday, October 1 - Finish reviewing pp. 10 – 11 and given questions
Finish presenting country posters
Homework: None

Friday, October 2– Introduce and review movie: Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Homework: None

Chapter One Study Guide - Part 2 (pp. 5 – 21)
Answer the following questions. You use the back of this paper, if necessary

1. Study these Elements of Geography: World in Spatial Terms, Human Systems, and
Environment and Society.

2. Know where the 7 continents and four oceans are located on a map.

3. What are the four major landforms?

4. What is a common cause of earthquakes?

5. What happens at the core that can cause volcanoes?

6. What is the connection between tectonic plates and continental drift?

7. How can scientists tell that the Pangaea theory is possible?

8. What are the three forces that can change the earth’s surface?

9. What are the three climate zones?

9 A. What determines the temperature in these zones?

10. Give an example of a renewable resource:

11. What makes fossil fuel a non renewable resource?

12. Give another example of a non renewable resource:

13. Why do we need to preserve our natural resources?

14. How have natural resources affected the history of the United States?

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- September 28, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 28, 2009 (updated today 4:45 p.m.)

Important Information:
• YOUR FIRST READING LOG IT IS DUE ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. Students must read 2 or more books month, log the book, and obtain PARENT SIGNATURES for each book read.
• I will return the Teacher Edited Seedfolks Essay on Tuesday, September 29th. You must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• During our short story unit the students have been studying many literary skills. They will have a test over these skills (theme, setting, plot, conflict, characterization, and inferring) on Tuesday, October 6.
• Beginning Tuesday we will read a new short story and working on the theme and setting. Students who scored a 90% or higher on their last reading test will work in a differentiated group. These students will read a more challenging story independently, work on activities, and complete a mini-project. They will have some class time to work on this but will also need to work on this at home. All portions of this differentiation assignment are due on Friday, October 2.
• Students will take a Chapter 1 Grammar Test on Thursday, October 8th. If you would like to check out a grammar book to study with please see me!

Monday, September 28
Review The Tail Critical Thinking questions
Review Learning Styles Inventory
Spelling: Lesson 4 Pretest
Grammar 1.4 and 1.5
Homework: Your FIRST Reading Log is due tomorrow! Be sure to have all books from the month logged and PARENT SIGNATURES! I will not collect your reading log without parent signatures!

Tuesday, September 29 - Reading Log #1 Due & Students Receive Edited Seedfolks Essay
Introduce and Read “The Circuit”- Answer Critical Thinking Questions p. 282 in packet
*Introduce Differentiation Short Story “The All American Slurp” and Assignments
Finish Grammar Lessons 1.4 and 1.5
Spelling: Begin Spelling Master 4A and 4B
Homework: Finish Spelling Master 4A and 4B- due Wednesday
Also, work on making final edits to your Seedfolks essay. The FINAL draft is due on Friday.

Wednesday, September 30
Grammar Lesson 1.6 and 1.7
“The Circuit” Literary Analysis Theme
Differentiation Grp: Continue working on above reading assignments
Spelling: Review homework
Pleasure reading, time permitting
Homework: Continue editing Seedfolks essay. Final draft is due Friday
Differentiation Grp: Be sure to work on “The All American Slurp” project – all is due Friday

Thursday October 1
“The Circuit” Setting Activity
Writing About the BIG Question: Is Conflict Always Bad?
Science Fiction Book Talk and Pick
Spelling: Review for test
Homework: FINISH making the final edits to your Seedfolks Essay! The FINAL draft is due tomorrow! Remember you must attach the FINAL copy on top followed by the 2nd draft.
Differentiation Grp: Be sure to work on “The All American Slurp” project – all is due Friday

Friday, October 2 - Differentiation Assignments/Project Due TODAY
Grammar: Lesson 1.8 and 1.9
Plot Diagram
Spelling: Lesson 4 Post Test
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 21, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 21, 2009 (updated 5:30 today)
Blog Website:

Please read the following Information:
*I am pleased to announce that many students earned an A or B on the Parts of the Book quiz. Way to Go!! The test was returned last Friday. Please ask your child about his or her test.
*We will continue working on our in-class mini project researching an assigned country. This week students should complete their artifact drawings and the Elements of Geography handout.
* Students will put their drawings and one completed group handout on a poster.
*Students who performed well on the geography pre-assessment last week will complete an enrichment differentiation activity instead of the regular assignment.
*I am extending the due date for the World Map activity and Differentiation assignment. It is now due on Wednesday.
*Finally, the last day to turn in late work from our “Parts of the Book” unit will be Friday.

Monday, September 21– Media Center computers
Complete Elements of Geography handout and/or research artifact
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 22 - MCRC to finish drawing 2 artifacts for each group and write captions.
Each caption should be two or more sentences explaining who, what, when, where, why, and/or how.
Begin decorating posters, time permitting.
Homework: Finish “World Map” activity or “How Well Do You Know World Geography handouts– Due Wednesday

Wednesday, September 23– Finish Poster
Review homework handouts
Copy vocabulary words and definitions from back of this syllabus in your spiral – due Thurs.
Homework: Finish copying vocabulary words and definitions from back of this syllabus in your spiral

Thursday, September 24 - Picture Day
Complete “Name That Continent and Understanding Latitude and Longitude” handouts
Differentiation Group: Complete “Crack the Code and Graphing” activities
Homework: Finish above class work– due Friday

Friday, September 25 – Review homework
Skim pp. 9 - 11 and begin defining these terms: landforms, elevation, relief, core, mantle, crust, tectonic plates, continental drift, volcanoes, earthquakes
Homework: None

Map Vocabulary

1. Latitude - distance north or south of the equator

2. Longitude - the distance east and west of the prime meridian

3. Equator - a latitude line that divides the world into northern
and southern hemispheres

4. Prime meridian - a longitude line that divides the world into
eastern and western hemispheres

5. Compass rose - symbols used to point out east, west, north,
and south

6. Scale - A small ruler used to measure relative distance on a

7. Inset map -A small map related to a larger one

8. Border - An imaginary line that separates two countries, continents, etc

9. Map key –Information given to explain symbols on a map

10. Hemisphere – An imaginary line that separates our world into
2 - 4 parts

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- September 21, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 21, 2009 (Updated 5:30 p.m. today)
Important Information:
• Your first Reading Log it is due on Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• We are beginning a short story unit this week to work on a variety of Literary Skills.
• Homework club is held in the Media Center from 3:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Alexander on Tuesdays, with Ms. Koplin on Wednesdays, and with Mr. Morrell on Thursdays.
• The second Vocabra Vocabulary Test is Friday, September 25.
• Students began a Seedfolks Writing Assignment last week. The typed first draft is due on Tuesday, September 22. Students will peer edit in class that day then the make the peer suggested edits- the second typed draft is due on Thursday, September 24. I will edit the papers and return them on Tuesday, September 29th. The students must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• Mark your calendars! Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 and our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25.
• If you missed Curriculum Night last Thursday, conference sign-up sheets and Curriculum Night information packets were sent home with your child. Please return the conference sheet A.S.A.P.
• If your child is interested in attending the Young Author’s Conference he/she can still turn in a form. It is due this week.

Monday, September 21
Copy literary skill terms
Learning About Fiction and Nonfiction- handout
Introduce and begin reading short story: The Tail
Introduce last 6 Vocabra words and complete chart – due Thursday
Homework: The first typed draft of your Seedfolks Writing Assignment is due TOMORROW.
You must use a 12-point font and the essay must be double-spaced.
Finish reading short story: The Tail highlighting vocabulary and making
comments in margin of reading packet

Tuesday, September 22 - Turn in Typed 1st Draft of Seedfolks Essay Today
RTI Student Assessment
Using Details to Make Inferences - handout
Peer Edit Seedfolks Essays
Homework: Work on making recommended peer edits to your Seedfolks essay.
The 2nd draft is due on Thursday.

Wednesday, September 23
The Tail Response Questions- p. 202
Characterization Activity
Vocabra: “Sell It –Create an ad selling one of your Vocabra words. You must use 3 or more
Vocabra words in the ad!
Homework: Work on Seedfolks Writing Assignment edits. The 2nd draft is due TOMORROW!
Finish Vocabra Sell it adds, if necessary.

Thursday: September 24 –
Turn In 2nd Draft of Seedfolks Essay today. (I will edit it and return it to you on 9/29)
Writing About the BIG Question: Is Conflict Always Bad?
Vocabra: Review homework
Media Center 9th per: Return and check out books
Homework: STUDY! You will have your 2nd Vocabra test - TOMORROW!
Bring your pleasure to school on Friday.

Friday, September 25
Grammar: Chapter 1 - Lesson 4 and 5
Vocabra Vocabulary Test #2
Work on your Reading Log- First one is due next Tuesday, September 29th.
Homework: You may wish to finish reading pleasure books because Reading Logs are due
Tuesday, September 29th.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 14, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 14, 2009
Blog Website:

Please Read the following Information:
*The Parts of the Book quiz will be returned by Thursday
*We will begin an in-class mini project, researching an assigned country. Students must find examples of Elements of Geography for their assigned country and complete a handout. I will provide all research materials to students.
*Students will take geography pre-assessment this week.
*Based on the geography pre-assessment, I will offer a differentiation activity for all students who do well on the assessment

Monday, September14– Read and discuss pp. 5-8
Locate examples of Elements of Geography
Homework: Finish defining the following terms if not completed in class last week: geography, absolute location, relative location, place, region, ecosystems, adapt, modify, and environment – Due Wednesday

Tuesday, September 15 - Media Center computers – locate information regarding Physical
Systems and Environment and Society for assigned country
Homework: Finish above definitions, if necessary – Due Wednesday

Wednesday, September 16– Take Geography Pre-Assessment
Review homework and continue to work on mini-project
Homework: None

Thursday, September 17- Begin copying definitions for new geography terms in spiral: latitude, longitude, map key, hemisphere, scale, inset map, compass rose, borders, prime meridian, and equator. Begin A – Z Coordinates World Map activity - due next Tuesday or
Differentiation Group will complete: “How Well do you Know World Geography” research handout - due next Tuesday
Homework: Continue to work on above geography assignment – due Tuesday

Friday, September 18- Multicultural Resource Center to locate cultural artifact for assigned country and to create a drawing. Artifact must be labeled
Work on Elements of Geography handout
Homework: None

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- Week of September 14, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 14, 2009
Important Information:
• The typed final copy of Vital Statistics is due on Monday, September 14.
• Your first Reading Log it is due on Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Don’t forget about Team 6-3 Homework Club! Homework club is held from 3:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Alexander on Tuesdays, with Ms. Koplin on Wednesdays, and with Mr. Morrell on Thursdays.
• The second Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Test is Friday, September 25.
• Students will have a Seedfolks comprehension test on Wednesday, September 16. Be sure to study a little bit each night!
• Students will begin a Seedfolks Writing Assignment this week. The typed first draft is due on Tuesday, September 22. Students will peer edit in class that day then the make the peer suggested edits- the second typed draft is due on Thursday, September 24. I will edit the papers and return them on Tuesday, September 29th. The students must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 17, at 6:45 P.M. and Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 (information will be sent home soon). Also, our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25.
• Students completed a blue class schedule for you to use for Curriculum Night. Please ask your child for the schedule.

Monday, September 14 –
Final Draft of Vital Statistics due TODAY
Spelling - Lesson 2 Pretest and spelling pattern
Seedfolks: Review Amir and Florence and do Wrap Up Activity
Homework: Continue to study for Seedfolks test on Wednesday
Finish Video Game story due- Tuesday
Finish defining student selected 16 vocabualry words from Seedfolks-due Wed.

Tuesday, September 15
Introduce Seedfolks Writing Assignment (1st draft due 9/22)
Complete Seedfolks Pre-Writing
Review for Seedfolks Test
Homework: Seedfolks Review Sheet
and study for Seedfolks test - TOMORROW!

Wednesday, September 16
Seedfolks Test
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 1
Literary Concept Notes
Spelling - Write misspelled spelling words 2 times each in syllables
Homework: Work on Seedfolks Writing Assignment.
Spelling Pt. A page 13
Remember to bring your Seedfolks essay to school on Thursday

Thursday: September 17
Read your Please Book and Work on Reading Log
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 2
Spelling review
Seedfolks writing time
Homework: Draw a picture of your assigned spelling word without using the actual word in your drawing. On the back you should write a good sentence for the word. NO PENCIL!!!

Friday, September 18
Spelling: “Act Out” and review Spelling word drawings
Spelling Test
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 3
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 7, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 7, 2009

Blog Website:


Please Read the following Information:

*Students should know the following parts of our textbook, and what material can be found or learned in each of the following parts: Table of Contents, Copyright Page, Atlas, Political Map, Physical Map, Glossary, Index, Spanish Glossary, Primary Sources Library, Chapter Focus Box, Terms, Graphic Organizer Activity, and Units. My students will take a short quiz on these parts of the book this Thursday, September 10th.

*A study guide was last Friday. Please ask your sixth grader about it.

Monday, September 7– No School- Labor Day

Tuesday, September 8– Review terms for quiz

Homework: Finish study guide and correct Parts of the Book pre-assessment

-both due Wednesday

Continue to study for quiz on Thursday

Wednesday, September 9– Lunch Time Quiz Review Session (see Ms. A for a pass)

Review homework and begin scavenger hunt handout

Homework: Finish scavenger hunt handout and study for quiz

Thursday, September 10- Briefly review scavenger hunt handout

Take quiz

Homework: None

Friday, September 11- Introduce Ch. 1 and begin to define given vocabulary words

Homework: None

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- September 7, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus

Week of September 4, 2009

Blog Website:


Important Information:

· The Vital Statistics typed, final copy will be due Monday, September 14.

  • We are finishing Seedfolks this week. Students will have a comprehension test on Wednesday, September 16. Be sure to study a little bit each night!

· Reading Logs will be due Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.

· This is our vocabulary week and students will receive another five Vocabra words to add to the previous 5 bonus words they received last week. We will have a vocabulary test on these ten words on Friday.

· Team 6-3 Homework Club will begin this week. Homework club is held from 3:30 to 4:30 in Mrs. Alexander’s room on Tuesdays, Ms. Koplin’s room on Wednesdays, and Mr. Morrell’s room on Thursdays.

· Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 17, at 6:45 P.M. and Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 (information will be sent home soon). Finally, our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25 from 5:30-7:30 P.M.

Monday, September 7- Holiday No School

Tuesday, September 8

Pre and Post President Obama’s speech activities

Introduce last 5 Vocabra words

Read and chart Virgil and Sae Young story

Homework: Read and chart Curtis story; finish Virgil and Sae Young charts, if


Create a colorful drawing of your given Vocabra Word without using the

word In your picture. On the back of your drawing write a detailed

sentence about your word – due Thursday

Wednesday, September 9

Seedfolks activity

Review homework then read and chart Nora story

Homework: Read and chart Marcella; finish Nora chart, if necessary

Thursday: September 10

Review homework then read and chart Amir

Review vocabulary pictures and review for test

Homework: Study for Vocabra test on Friday

Work on Vital Statistics final typed draft – Due Monday, Sept. 14th

Friday, September 11 –

Take Vocabra Test on all 10 words

Read and Chart Florence

Post - Seedfolks activities

Write a story about Video Games using at least 7 or more Vocabra and or spelling words- due Tuesday.

Homework: Don’t forget to finish the Vital Statistics final, typed draft. It is due Monday, Sept. 14th