Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- November 9, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 9, 2009
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Please read the following information:
*Students will take a test on Ch. 9 next Thursday, Nov 19th. Study guide is at the bottom of this syllabus.
*Students will receive information about a comic strip project that will be due on Friday, Nov. 20
*Finally, I plan to collect & check in the Legends class work that was completed in student spirals,
beginning Thursday of this week. Therefore summaries of each legend and drafts of information
that was added to the poster must be in the spiral by Thursday.

Monday, November 9 –
Review vocabulary homework
Begin reading and discussing pp. 155-160
Homework: Finish reading pp. 155-160 and
Complete Section Two Assessment questions on p.160 - # 6 only. You must include
3 causes and 3 effects.

Tuesday, November 10–
Review homework
Small group work: Complete Section Two Assessment questions - p.160 - # 2- 5
Homework: Finish Section questions, p. 160- # 2-5 if necessary

Wednesday, November 11–
Respond to “Teaching Transparency” – journal entry
Review Section questions
Introduce Comic Strip Odyssey project – due Nov. 20th
Homework: Get project letter signed – signed letter is due Friday, Nov. 13th
Spirals collected on Thursday

Thursday, November 12– Schedule change today. 4th and 6th period switched; therefore you will have lunch during 4th period and your 4th per. class will be held during 6th period
Begin reading Odyssey play
Homework: Get project letter signed – signed letter is due Friday, Nov. 13th
Bring coloring utensils to school on Friday to begin working on comic strip

Friday, November 13––
Finish reading Odyssey play
Comic strip work time
Homework: Work on comic strip- due Friday, Nov 20th

Chapter 9 Study Guide

1. Know the Minoan and Mycenaean natural resources and how they used
the natural resources to better their culture?
2. What effect did being an island civilization have on the Minoans?
3. What role did religion play in the Minoan daily life?
4. What did the Mycenaeans build instead of cities?
5. How are the Minoans different than Mycenaeans?
6. How are the Minoans and Mycenaeans the same?
7. What happened during the Dark Age?
8. Know what led to the decline of each civilization.
9. Know the purposes of a legend/myth.
10. Study the Anticipation Guide
11. What new things were learned about the early Greeks from the movie?
12. Study the Section One and Section Two Assessment questions.
13. Know what the Iliad and Odyssey is about.
14. Know who wrote the Iliad and Odyssey and information about the author.
15. Know the definition of these additional vocabulary words as well as the vocabulary
words you already have: enslaved people, legends, economy, Linear A, Linear B,
and bard.

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