Monday, November 16, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of November 16, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 16-24, 2009 (updated 11-23)
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Students will take a test on Ch. 9 this Thursday, Nov 19th. Study guide was given last week. Please see my blog.
*Students received information about a comic strip project that is due this Friday, Nov. 20

Monday, November 16 –
Movie: Ancient Aegeans and response
Homework: Work on comic strip – due Friday
Complete Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Minoans and Mycenaeans-
Include 12 items and due on Wednesday.
Be on time for school on Tuesday for our trip. We plan to leave by 9:00 A.M.

Tuesday, November 17– Field Trip-No Class
Homework: Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Minoans and Mycenaeans
Work on comic strip – due Friday

Wednesday, November 18–
Finish movie
Review homework and review for Ch. 9 test
Homework: Study for Ch. 9 test
Bring comic strip materials to class tomorrow to work on after finishing test

Thursday, November 19–
Take Ch. 9 test and complete Ch. 10 Anticipation Guide
Work on comic strip
Homework: None

Friday, November 20–
Introduce Ch. 10
Define: polis, acropolis, and agora and begin reading pp. 163-164
Homework: Work on comic strip- due Friday, Nov 20th

Monday, November 23–
Small group work: Complete Section Two Assessment questions - p.164 - # 2- 5
Define: assembly, aristocrats, ephors, artisans, Council of Elders, helots, perioeci
Homework: Finish definitions, if necessary

Tuesday, November 24–
Review small group work
Begin reading & discussing pp. 164-167
Homework: None. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday. See you on Monday, November 30th

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