Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wrinkle In Time Reading Syllabus- November 2, 2009

Reading Syllabus
Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of November 2, 2009
Email: jalexander@d97.org

Important Information
 IT'S PROJECT TIME!! To conclude our novel study students were given a list of
project choices last Friday. They will be given some time in class to work on their
selected project. Each student is encouraged to be very creative. We will use class time
to review for our cumulative test, November 4th, as well as work on the projects.
Although, some portion of the student's project will have to be completed at home,
in order to be on finished by the due date.
 Projects are due on Thursday, November 5th.
 Thursday, November 5th will be my last day of student teaching at Julian.
 All projects and tests will be graded and returned next week.

Monday, Nov. 2
Return comprehension questions for chapters 9-12
Review for Cumulative Test
Work on project
Homework: Study the given comprehension study guides 1-12
Review all active reading handouts 1-12 and work on project
Tuesday, Nov. 3
Work on project
Homework: Study the given comprehension study guides 1-12
Review active reading handouts 1-12 and work on project

Wednesday, Nov. 4
Cumulative Test
Work on project

Thursday, Nov. 5--PROJECTS DUE TODAY
Project Presentations

Friday, Nov. 6

Wrinkle In Time
Project Proposal—Due Thursday, Nov. 5

During project week, we will use what we have learned about the elements of science fiction, Meg, Calvin, Charles Wallace and the three Mrs. W's to create a project in connection with A Wrinkle In Time. Below are 4 project options. You are to select 1 project to complete over the course of the final week of our novel study. Portions of your project will be worked on during class time, as well as at home in order to be completed on time. Creativity and imagination is a must when preparing your selected project. Good luck, and let's have fun! You will receive a rubric on Monday. You may begin your project this weekend.

Please circle the project option of your choice. Initial your by the choice you circle.

Write an autobiography as if you were Calvin. Discuss his family, his feelings, different moods, tell events as to what led to those moods and feelings, include how he deals with resolving the moods, and discuss things that made him unique. You are not limited to these suggestions, so please use them as a guide and expand your topics. The autobiography should be told from Calvin's point of view. Do not retell the story. Write as if the reader has no knowledge of the book. Your autobiography must be at least 3-5 pages.

This novel has a lot of important themes about life. Choose a theme such as the importance of family, learning how to take chances, showing appreciation for what you have, etc. There are many themes to choose from. For a better grade select a theme that is not listed above. Write an essay about what Meg learned, how she learned it, and how it helped her throughout the novel. In this essay, explain why this lesson in life is so important. Do not retell the story. Write as if the reader has never read the novel. Your essay must be at least 3-5 pages.

Create a large map of the galaxies and planets that Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin traveled. Label each place that was important in the novel. Write descriptions of the characters that they met at each place and the important events that happened. Include specific galaxies, time line, and at least two characters from each galaxy. You must create a written log to detail the journey; an example would be a captain’s log instead of a story log. You may present your project as a media presentation using Power Point. BE CREATIVE WITH YOUR PROJECT!!! Do not limit your talents to just pen and paper; journey beyond with your creativity.

Using the theme of GOOD VS EVIL. Pick a galaxy, or create a galaxy, to journey to with Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which and Mrs. Whatsit. Also bring along Charles Wallace, Calvin or Meg. You must show at least two elements of science fiction, include 2 characters to be found within the galaxy that are good and 2 characters that are evil. Be very detailed in creating your galaxy; show mountains, sun, moon, fog, lakes, rivers, plateaus, belts, etc. Tell what tools would the three Mrs. W's give you to help you in your conquest against good vs evil. On which side would you reign? Tell why? What inner powers would you have to use in order to be the victor? Your presentation should include a visual piece for your galaxy and the written portion should be 3-5 pages.


Wrinkle In Time
Project Rubric
Here are guidelines that will help you achieve the best possible score on your project. Please include this as part of your project documents.
Project 1—Autobiography
____________/1pt Name is visible on essay
____________/1pt Autobiography is typed in 12pt font size
____________/3pts Autobiography is 3-5 pages
____________/3pts Edited with little or no grammatical or spelling errors
____________/2pts Written from the point of view of Calvin
____________/10pts Autobiography includes information related to Calvin's family, feelings, different moods and other important details about him.
____________10pts Autobiography include events discussing what led to Calvin's moods, and/or feelings, how he deals with resolving his negative moods and
things that make him unique.
______________/30 Total Points Earned
Wrinkle In Time
Project Rubric
Here are guidelines that will help you achieve the best possible score on your project. Please include this as part of your project documents.
Project 2--Life's Lesson
____________/1pt Name is visible on essay
____________/1pt Essay is typed in 12pt font
____________/2pts Essay is 3-5 pages
___________/3pts Essay has been edited with little or no grammatical or spelling errors
___________/15pts Uses theme to thoroughly discuss Meg's lesson learned, how she learned it
and how it helped her within the storyline in the novel.
___________/3pts Student selected theme(s) not mentioned on proposal sheet.
___________/2pts Written as if reader has never read the novel
___________/3pts Creativity
____________/30 Total Points Earned
Wrinkle In Time
Project Rubric
Here are guidelines that will help you achieve the best possible score on your project. Please include this as part of your project documents.
Project 3--Galaxies & Planets
____________/1pt Name is visible on project or log
____________/2pts specific galaxies visited within the novel.
____________/2pts Includes 2 more characters from the novel
____________/4pts Vivid description of characters met at each place
____________/5pts Thoroughly discussced detailed important events occurred on each galaxy
____________/2pts Events are sequenced in a logical order in the log or essay
____________/2pts Edited with no grammatical and spelling errors
____________/4pts Thoroughly written log or essay detailing the journey is included
____________/4pts Visual is neatly created & clearly labeled
____________/4pts Visual is very colorful & creative
____________/30 Total Points Earned
Wrinkle In Time
Project Rubric
Here are guidelines that will help you achieve the best possible score on your project. Please include this as part of your project documents.
Project 4- The Three Mrs. W’s
____________/2pts Name is visible on project
____________/2pts Essay is 3-5 pages
____________/2pts Edited with no grammatical and spelling errors
____________/2pts Include one or more of the main characters: Meg, Charles W. or Calvin
____________/4pts Included 2 or more science fiction elements within the story
____________/3pts Included 2 or more good and evil characters to discuss Good vs Evil theme
____________/5pts Detailed written journey includes: tools from the 3 Mrs. W's,
powers used and which side of the battle you are fighting.
____________/5pts Visual is neatly created and colorful
____________/5pts Visual piece vividly shows land formations
___________/30 Total Points Earned

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