Monday, November 30, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of November 30, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 29-December 4, 2009
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Students will take a Ch. 10 test on Friday, December 11th. Study guide will be given out this week.
*I am planning a trip to Greek Town during the week of December 14th and am presently waiting for a
confirmation. Once plans are finalized, students will receive a permission slip detailing all the information.
*Ch. 9 tests will be returned on Tuesday

Monday, November 30 –
Review pp.164-166: Section 2 Sparta – Aristocrats, Helots, and Perioeci
Begin taking “Power Notes”
Homework: Finish classroom note taking for pp. 164-166, if necessary
Read Spartan Way of Life on pp. 166-167 and take “Power Notes”

Tuesday, December 1–
Review homework
Begin Section 2 questions pp. 167 # 2-5
Homework: Compelete “Life inSparta” handout

Wednesday, December 2–
Review homework
Finish Section 2 questions
Homework: Finish Section 2 questions pp. 167 # 2-5, if necessary

Thursday, December 3–
Begin reading and discussing , Section 3 Athens – A Democratic Constitution on pp. 168-171
More Power Notes
Homework: Define constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates, Council of Five Hundred, triremes, defensive league, and mercenaries

Friday, December 4–
Continue reading Section 3 and note taking
Homework: None

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