Monday, September 21, 2009

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- September 21, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 21, 2009 (Updated 5:30 p.m. today)
Important Information:
• Your first Reading Log it is due on Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• We are beginning a short story unit this week to work on a variety of Literary Skills.
• Homework club is held in the Media Center from 3:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Alexander on Tuesdays, with Ms. Koplin on Wednesdays, and with Mr. Morrell on Thursdays.
• The second Vocabra Vocabulary Test is Friday, September 25.
• Students began a Seedfolks Writing Assignment last week. The typed first draft is due on Tuesday, September 22. Students will peer edit in class that day then the make the peer suggested edits- the second typed draft is due on Thursday, September 24. I will edit the papers and return them on Tuesday, September 29th. The students must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• Mark your calendars! Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 and our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25.
• If you missed Curriculum Night last Thursday, conference sign-up sheets and Curriculum Night information packets were sent home with your child. Please return the conference sheet A.S.A.P.
• If your child is interested in attending the Young Author’s Conference he/she can still turn in a form. It is due this week.

Monday, September 21
Copy literary skill terms
Learning About Fiction and Nonfiction- handout
Introduce and begin reading short story: The Tail
Introduce last 6 Vocabra words and complete chart – due Thursday
Homework: The first typed draft of your Seedfolks Writing Assignment is due TOMORROW.
You must use a 12-point font and the essay must be double-spaced.
Finish reading short story: The Tail highlighting vocabulary and making
comments in margin of reading packet

Tuesday, September 22 - Turn in Typed 1st Draft of Seedfolks Essay Today
RTI Student Assessment
Using Details to Make Inferences - handout
Peer Edit Seedfolks Essays
Homework: Work on making recommended peer edits to your Seedfolks essay.
The 2nd draft is due on Thursday.

Wednesday, September 23
The Tail Response Questions- p. 202
Characterization Activity
Vocabra: “Sell It –Create an ad selling one of your Vocabra words. You must use 3 or more
Vocabra words in the ad!
Homework: Work on Seedfolks Writing Assignment edits. The 2nd draft is due TOMORROW!
Finish Vocabra Sell it adds, if necessary.

Thursday: September 24 –
Turn In 2nd Draft of Seedfolks Essay today. (I will edit it and return it to you on 9/29)
Writing About the BIG Question: Is Conflict Always Bad?
Vocabra: Review homework
Media Center 9th per: Return and check out books
Homework: STUDY! You will have your 2nd Vocabra test - TOMORROW!
Bring your pleasure to school on Friday.

Friday, September 25
Grammar: Chapter 1 - Lesson 4 and 5
Vocabra Vocabulary Test #2
Work on your Reading Log- First one is due next Tuesday, September 29th.
Homework: You may wish to finish reading pleasure books because Reading Logs are due
Tuesday, September 29th.

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