Monday, September 28, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 28, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 28, 2009
Blog Website:

Please Read the following Information:
*We will finish our in-class country mini project this week. All posters must be completed by Wednesday. Some groups may need to complete the poster during their lunch period. Please see Ms. Alexander for a pass.
*I had to extend the due date for the handouts given last Thursday due to a fire drill that happened when we were on our way to take pictures. It is now due on Monday.
*Students should turn in late work this week. As announced on last week’s syllabus, I am no longer accepting late work for our Parts of the Book unit. Although, I will accept late work for assignments given after the Parts of the Book unit was over. Please see me during lunch or after school to turn in late work.

Monday, September 28– Country mini-project work time
Skim pp. 9 - 11 and begin defining these terms: landforms, elevation, relief, core, mantle, crust, tectonic plates, continental drift, volcanoes, and earthquakes
Draw pictures of 4 major landforms in spiral. Label the elevation of each landform
Due today
Regular Group: “Name That Continent and Understanding Latitude and Longitude” handouts and
Differentiation Group: Complete “Crack the Code and Graphing” activities
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 29 – Review homework handouts from last week
Finish landform pictures, if necessary
Begin reviewing p. 9and begin pp. 9 – 11 questions handout
Homework: Finish questions # 3 -5, if necessary - due Wednesday

Wednesday, September 30– Continue reviewing pp. 10 – 11 and question handout
Begin presenting country posters
Homework: Complete questions # 6 - 7, if necessary – due Thursday

Thursday, October 1 - Finish reviewing pp. 10 – 11 and given questions
Finish presenting country posters
Homework: None

Friday, October 2– Introduce and review movie: Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Homework: None

Chapter One Study Guide - Part 2 (pp. 5 – 21)
Answer the following questions. You use the back of this paper, if necessary

1. Study these Elements of Geography: World in Spatial Terms, Human Systems, and
Environment and Society.

2. Know where the 7 continents and four oceans are located on a map.

3. What are the four major landforms?

4. What is a common cause of earthquakes?

5. What happens at the core that can cause volcanoes?

6. What is the connection between tectonic plates and continental drift?

7. How can scientists tell that the Pangaea theory is possible?

8. What are the three forces that can change the earth’s surface?

9. What are the three climate zones?

9 A. What determines the temperature in these zones?

10. Give an example of a renewable resource:

11. What makes fossil fuel a non renewable resource?

12. Give another example of a non renewable resource:

13. Why do we need to preserve our natural resources?

14. How have natural resources affected the history of the United States?

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