Monday, September 14, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 14, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 14, 2009
Blog Website:

Please Read the following Information:
*The Parts of the Book quiz will be returned by Thursday
*We will begin an in-class mini project, researching an assigned country. Students must find examples of Elements of Geography for their assigned country and complete a handout. I will provide all research materials to students.
*Students will take geography pre-assessment this week.
*Based on the geography pre-assessment, I will offer a differentiation activity for all students who do well on the assessment

Monday, September14– Read and discuss pp. 5-8
Locate examples of Elements of Geography
Homework: Finish defining the following terms if not completed in class last week: geography, absolute location, relative location, place, region, ecosystems, adapt, modify, and environment – Due Wednesday

Tuesday, September 15 - Media Center computers – locate information regarding Physical
Systems and Environment and Society for assigned country
Homework: Finish above definitions, if necessary – Due Wednesday

Wednesday, September 16– Take Geography Pre-Assessment
Review homework and continue to work on mini-project
Homework: None

Thursday, September 17- Begin copying definitions for new geography terms in spiral: latitude, longitude, map key, hemisphere, scale, inset map, compass rose, borders, prime meridian, and equator. Begin A – Z Coordinates World Map activity - due next Tuesday or
Differentiation Group will complete: “How Well do you Know World Geography” research handout - due next Tuesday
Homework: Continue to work on above geography assignment – due Tuesday

Friday, September 18- Multicultural Resource Center to locate cultural artifact for assigned country and to create a drawing. Artifact must be labeled
Work on Elements of Geography handout
Homework: None

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