Monday, September 14, 2009

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- Week of September 14, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 14, 2009
Important Information:
• The typed final copy of Vital Statistics is due on Monday, September 14.
• Your first Reading Log it is due on Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Don’t forget about Team 6-3 Homework Club! Homework club is held from 3:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Alexander on Tuesdays, with Ms. Koplin on Wednesdays, and with Mr. Morrell on Thursdays.
• The second Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Test is Friday, September 25.
• Students will have a Seedfolks comprehension test on Wednesday, September 16. Be sure to study a little bit each night!
• Students will begin a Seedfolks Writing Assignment this week. The typed first draft is due on Tuesday, September 22. Students will peer edit in class that day then the make the peer suggested edits- the second typed draft is due on Thursday, September 24. I will edit the papers and return them on Tuesday, September 29th. The students must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 17, at 6:45 P.M. and Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 (information will be sent home soon). Also, our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25.
• Students completed a blue class schedule for you to use for Curriculum Night. Please ask your child for the schedule.

Monday, September 14 –
Final Draft of Vital Statistics due TODAY
Spelling - Lesson 2 Pretest and spelling pattern
Seedfolks: Review Amir and Florence and do Wrap Up Activity
Homework: Continue to study for Seedfolks test on Wednesday
Finish Video Game story due- Tuesday
Finish defining student selected 16 vocabualry words from Seedfolks-due Wed.

Tuesday, September 15
Introduce Seedfolks Writing Assignment (1st draft due 9/22)
Complete Seedfolks Pre-Writing
Review for Seedfolks Test
Homework: Seedfolks Review Sheet
and study for Seedfolks test - TOMORROW!

Wednesday, September 16
Seedfolks Test
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 1
Literary Concept Notes
Spelling - Write misspelled spelling words 2 times each in syllables
Homework: Work on Seedfolks Writing Assignment.
Spelling Pt. A page 13
Remember to bring your Seedfolks essay to school on Thursday

Thursday: September 17
Read your Please Book and Work on Reading Log
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 2
Spelling review
Seedfolks writing time
Homework: Draw a picture of your assigned spelling word without using the actual word in your drawing. On the back you should write a good sentence for the word. NO PENCIL!!!

Friday, September 18
Spelling: “Act Out” and review Spelling word drawings
Spelling Test
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 3
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

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