Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Greek Contribution or Greek Connection Project

Greek Contribution/Greek Connection Project
Due January 12, 2010
Instead of a Social Studies test on Chapter 11 you will create a poster regarding the following:
* An Greek contribution or
* Thoroughly explain a Greek connection that may be found in our present
society. (A great differentiation project)

A contribution is something the Greeks invented or created that is used in our society today. Examples include:
*Greek alphabet and how it is used in our society *Pythagoras and algebra
*How Greek columns are constructed *Scientific method
*Greek theater *Greek origin words
*Greek pottery *Hippocrates
*Research a Greek philosopher *Greeks and geometry
*The Greek myths *Other Greek literature
*Explain three types of Greek architecture *Greek art
*Research a specific piece of Greek architecture
*Compare and contrast Greek and American democracy

You can find many more examples in Ch. 11 of our textbook or ask Mrs. Alexander for assistance. Your topic must be approved by your teacher.

Greek Contribution Poster must include:
A. One – two paragraphs, using your own words explaining the contribution. You must explain who created it (if possible), what and how it was used in ancient Greece, why, where and when it was used, where can it be found, the time period, etc.
B. Explain why it was important to the Greeks and/or our society. Also include how it is
used in our society today (if applicable)
C. Create a poster or power point presentation
D. If using a poster it must be decorative, have a border, and cannot be any
bigger than 18 X 22 inches and no smaller than 8.5 X 11 inches.
E. Power points must be decorative and can be read clearly.
F. All information on the visual must be typed using a 14-16 point font and include 3 or
more colorful pictures, graphics, etc.
G. The typed paragraph must be matted to construction paper or a poster.
H. Be sure to cite your sources of information on the back of your poster.
Greek Connection- Differentiation Project guidelines can be found below
------------------------------------------Cut and return to Mrs. Alexander------------------------------
Greek Contribution Project
Student Name____________________________________________ Per._____________
1st choice ________________________________________________________________
2nd choice ________________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature___________________________________________Date_______
Select One ____Poster _____Power Point

Greek Connection/Differentiation Assignment- Due January 12, 2010

A connection is a reference to ancient Greek culture. Usually these connections relate to Greek mythology. If you look hard enough you will find references to the ancient Greeks in:
*The names of businesses *Modern Olympics
*Commercials selling a product *Names of planets in our solar system
* The medical and science field *Theme parks
* Sports
* Words used in the English language that relate to the Greeks or mythology, etc.(refer to your notes regarding Draco and the word draconian)
You may not use movies, restaurants, Nike, marathon or any examples used in class.
Your topic must be approved by Ms. Alexander.

Here is an example of a clear, concise connection about the Nike Corporation :
Did you know that the Nike Corporation was probably named after a Greek mythological character, called Nike? Athena was the goddess of war and Nike was her companion. Nike was the spirit of victory and was always at Athena’s side to help her be victorious in battle.
Nike is a good name for the company because it symbolizes success for the company or anyone who wear Nike’s athletic gear. The Nike Company hires very talented athletes such as Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods to market their various products. In other words, if a person wears Nike’s products then it is assumed he/she will be an outstanding athlete like Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods.

Greek Connection poster must include:
A. One-two paragraphs explaining background information about your topic
B. A very clear, concise explanation about how your topic is used in our present
society and why it is significant.
C. An inference about the topic within your paragraph (see the example above)
D. If using a poster it must be decorative, have a border, cannot be any
bigger than 18 X 22 inches, and no smaller than 8.5 X 11 inches.
E. Power points must be decorative and can be read clearly.
F. All information on the visual must be typed using a 14-16 point font and include 3 or
more colorful pictures, graphics, etc.
G. The typed paragraph must be matted to construction paper.
H. Be sure to cite your source of information on the back of your poster.
( Information about the Greek Contribution guidelines can be found above this connection project)
------------------------------------------Cut and return to Mrs. Alexander------------------------------
Greek Connection - Differentiation Project
Student Name____________________________________________ Per.__________
1st choice ________________________________________________________________
2nd choice ________________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature___________________________________________Date_______
Select One ____Poster _____Power Point

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