Monday, January 4, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- January 4, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 4, 2010

Important Information:
• Remember students- you are responsible for making up late and absent work. The best time to see your teachers and find out what is missing is during lunch.
***My grades will be posted online by Wednesday****
• We’ll begin our Where the Red Fern Grows novel study this week. Students may not read ahead of the assigned chapters due to certain prediction activities. I will notify students regarding differentiated activities on Friday, January 8.
• Students will have a short comprehension quiz covering Chapters 1-7 on Tuesday, January 12. You will also take a Chapter 1-11 Vocabulary Test on Friday, January 15.
• Students will all take a Verb pre-assessment on Monday. Those students showing mastery of verbs will work on a variety of different activities over the course of Grammar Chapter 4. They will receive a handout with expectations and due dates.
• The 4th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, January 12. You cannot include the Greek Myth book on your reading log unless you have read the entire book. Don’t forget to get parent signatures!

Monday, January 4
Introduce Vocabra List #8
Begin Where the Red Fern Grows: Introduce Author, Setting, and Packet
Complete Novel Predictions, Chapter 1 Vocabulary and Figurative Language Handout
Read Chapter 1 and Complete Comprehension Questions
Chapter 4 Verb Pre-Assessment
Homework: Vocabra Newspaper Captions

Tuesday, January 5
Grammar Lessons 4.1 and 4.2
Red Fern Vocabulary Chapter 2 and 3
Read Chapter 2
Homework: Grammar Handout Pages 75 and 76. Your Red Fern Novel will be assigned tomorrow. You will not receive your novel unless you have a quart size Ziploc baggie.

Wednesday, January 6
Verb Differentiation Sentence Presentations
Grammar Lesson 4.3
Read Chapter 3
Comprehension Questions Chapter 2 and 3
Chapter 4 and 5 Vocabulary
Vocabra List 8 Word Drawing
Assign Red Fern Books
Homework: Read Red Fern Chapter 4 and Grammar Handout page 80 (all due Friday).

Thursday, January 7
No Reading/LA: Team 6-3 Olympics
Homework: Finish Reading Red Fern Chapter 4 and Grammar Handout page 80 (due Friday)

Friday, January 8
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Tropical Vacations
Read Chapter 5
Chapter 4-5 Comprehension Questions
Chapter 6-7 Vocabulary
Introduce Red Fern Differentiation
Homework: You may wish to begin studying for next week’s quiz and test. Have a SUPER WEEKEND!

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