Monday, January 4, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of January 4, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 4, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Students will have only one more classroom day in the Media Center to use the computers to work on their project. Therefore students that do not have a working computer, must do their research and/or typing at the public library, or at the Media Center before school, after school, or during lunchtime.
* My students will participate in an Olympic Games activity this week. I have a committee of students that are planning the activities instead of completing the assigned Connections/Contribution project. Each student planning an Olympic Game must create a poster with clearly written instructions for his/her particular game. Poster and all materials for the games are due Wednesday.
***My grades will be posted online by Wednesday***

Monday, January 4 –
Media Center- project work time
Homework: Finish Cultural Connections handout – p. 47
Olympic Games group- draft of game instructions are due on Tuesday and
prepare materials needed for each game – Materials are due by Wednesday

Tuesday, January 5–
Review Cultural Connections handout - p.47
Greek Alphabet and Greek Words handout
Write one or two sentences explaining what interesting things you learned about the Greeks. Your statement(s) will be used for an activity later in the week.
Homework: Draft of your poster paragraph is due on Wednesday

Wednesday, January 6–
Check in draft of paragraphs
Finish Ancient Greek movie
Homework: Using the given Greek alphabet, translate your sentence explaining the interesting things you learned about the Greeks

Thursday, January 7
Continue checking paragraphs, if necessary
Greek pottery activity
Define given vocabulary words
Homework: Work on project

Friday, January 8–
Finish defining words if necessary
Complete p. 48 and 49 handouts
Homework: Work on project – due Tuesday, Jan 12th

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