Monday, January 11, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of January 11, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 11, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*My students received a rubric and their paragraph drafts back last week. I strongly recommend all students make my suggested corrections to their returned drafts. Students should review the rubric carefully, making sure all expectations are met.
*All missing work for Ch. 10 is due by Friday of this week. I will not take any late work after that time.

Monday, January 11 –
Finish defining words and complete pottery activity, if necessary
Complete p. 48 and 49 handouts
Homework: Finish project – due tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan 12th
Be sure to review the rubric and make necessary corrections to your draft
Bring rubric back to school with your project

Tuesday, January 12–
Present projects
Homework: Finish pp. 48 and 49, if necessary –due Wednesday

Wednesday, January 13–
Finish presenting projects
Conclude Greek unit- discuss Alexander the Great
Homework: None

Thursday, January 14
Introduce Ch. 13
Read pp. 209-210
Homework: Define Tiber River, Palatine, Aeneas, and Latins

Friday, January 15–
Review homework
Complete Section 1 Assessment questions on p. 210 # 1-5
Homework: None

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