Monday, October 19, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of October 19, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 19, 2009 (updated today 6:30 P.M.)
Blog Website:

Please Read the Following Information:
*Students will take a test on Thursday, October 22nd covering concepts studied on pp. 5 -21.
Study the questions found on the back of my previous syllabi, latitude and longitude
coordinates, know the seven continents, four oceans, the six vocabulary words below, as well
as notes that will be taken in class this week.
*Students will learn a new outline strategy for note taking, called Power Notes. I highly
recommend students use this strategy to take notes on pp. 5-21 in order to prepare for the
upcoming test on Thursday.
*See the Power Notes Handout below

Monday, October 19– Define: prevailing winds, ocean current, precipitation, natural resources,
minerals, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources
Complete “Power Notes” handout-pp. 19-21
Homework: Finish Power Notes handout and definitions, if necessary

Tuesday, October 20 – Finish questions from back of Oct. 5th’ syllabus and review
Homework: Finsh above mentioned questions, if necessary and study for test

Wednesday, October 21– Lunchtime Study Session - see Ms. A for a pass
Continue reviewing for test
Complete Natural Resources graphic organizer
Homework: Study for test

Thursday, October 22 - Take Ch 1 test
Homework: None

Friday, October 23– No S.S. class today- Students dismissed at noon
Homework: None

Power Notes Handout PP. 19-21

1. Natural Resources
2. Kinds of natural resources
3. _________________________for Life
4. Air, _______________________, ____________________, ____________
3. Helpful natural resource but __________________________________ for life
4. Minerals
5. Iron ____________________, ________________,_________________
4. ___________________________ Fuels
5. ___________________,_______________________,__________________
2. Marco Polo discovered_____________________________________________
3. The Chinese ______________________________________________
3. Renewable ___________________________________________
4. ___________________, ________________________,______________
3. Nonrenewable resources
4. ___________________,____________________,___________________
2. Natural resources in history
3. Led to creation ______________________________________
4. People began __________________________ or ______________________
4. Also led to _____________________and ___________________meeting
each other
5. They traded ________________________ and _____________________
3. Modern _______________________________________
4. They made __________________________________________________
3. The discovery of ___________________ in____________________________
4. Then people ________________________________________________

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