Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wrinkle in Time Reading Syllabus- October 26, 2009

Reading Syllabus
Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of October 26, 2009
Email: jalexander@d97.org

Important Information
 This week we are wrapping up our reading in preparation for our project week, so stay tuned!
 Students will have a cumulative test on Wednesday, November 4 on chapters 1-12, which will include: comprehension, literary quotes, science fiction elements and vocabulary. Study comprehension questions from 1-8 and students will receive 9-12 study guide this week.
 As we are reading the final chapters, PLEASE DO NOT READ AHEAD!

Monday, October 26
Comprehension and literary quote test chapter 5-8
Begin reading chapter 9
Active Reading Handout for 9-12
Collect Study Guides for chapters 1-8
Homework: Finish reading chapter 9
Finish Active Reading Handouts--Due Tuesday
Begin study guide for chapters 9-12--Due Friday

Tuesday, October 27
Review chapter 9
Introduce Vocabulary
Create your own quote: use vocab to create your own quote & give your interpretation and it must
relate to the book.
**Challenge***translate your quote into a different language.
Respond to journal topic
Begin reading chapter 10
Homework: Finish reading chapter 10 & Finish quote if necessary--Due Thursday

Wednesday, October 28
Review chapter 10
Character & element group review
Begin reading chapter 11
Homework: Finish reading chapter 11, Respond to journal topic
Work on chapter 9-12 study guide

Thursday, October 29
Review & Collect homework: Quotes & Journal
Read chapter 12
Homework: Finish chapter 9-12 study guide

Friday, October 30
Collect study guides
Finish reading chapter 12
Introduce Project Week
You might want to begin studying for next week’s cumulative test!
Homework: Enjoy your Weekend!!

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