Monday, February 22, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus and Study Guide- Week of February 22, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 22, 2010
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
* Our marking period will end this Friday, February 26. Therefore all late work for Ch. 13 and 14 must be turned in by Wednesday, February 24th.
*There will be a test covering Sections 1-4, pp. 219- 226 of Ch. 14 on Wednesday. Students should use the same strategies taught for the Ch. 13 test. They should also study the end of the chapter study guide and review questions.
*We will not have Newsbowl next week due to ISAT testing. Therefore we will only have S.S. two days next week.
*We will follow our advisory schedule next week. Students will begin testing on Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. and finish at 11:30 A.M.. We will inform the children about heir afternoon schedule of classes.
*Remember there will be no school next Monday due to the Pulaski Day holiday.

Monday, February 22 –
Finish reviewing Venn Diagram and Newsbowl questions
Discuss similarities and differences of Roman and U.S. military
Homework: Complete review handout: Early Rome word search and study for test

Tuesday, February 23–
Review for test
Homework: Study for test

Wednesday, February 24–
Take Ch. 14 test
When done begin reading about Civil Rights movement
Homework: None

Thursday, February 25–
Continue discussing Civil Rights movement
Homework: None

Friday, February 26–
Ancient African civilization presentation in Multicultural Center
Homework: None – Remember no school on Monday
Get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast so you can be prepared for ISAT testing on Tuesday.
Be at school by 8:45 on Tuesday to be ready for testing at 9:00 A.M.

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