Monday, February 8, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- February 1, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 1, 2010
Important Information:
• Students received information regarding the Research Paper we are beginning to write. The signed parent letter and topic choices are due on Wednesday 2/3. Be sure to follow all the due dates given!
• Students working in the Red Fern Read Ahead Group must continue writing their comparison essay. The essay is due on Friday, February 5.
• Students will take a Red Fern Vocabulary Test (chapters 12-20) on Monday February 1.
• The final Red Fern Comprehension Test will be on Tuesday, February 2.
• Winter Conferences are on Thursday, February 4. Scheduled conference times went home two weeks ago. Please email me if you need to change your time.
• Our school started Penny Wars two weeks ago to raise money for the Haiti Relief Fund. Bring pennies and paper currency for your advisory and silver coins to bomb☺ other advisories. Penny Wars end in one week, on Monday, Feb 8.
• Our February Reading Log is due on Friday, February 12. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, February 1
Where the Red Fern Grows Vocabulary TEST Chapters 12-20
Continue Working on Persuasive Packet
Study for the Red Fern Comprehension Test (Whole Novel)
Homework: Study for Red Fern Comprehension Test! Best way to study is to review the questions within your Red Fern packet!

Tuesday, February 2
Red Fern Comprehension Test
Begin Watching: Where the Red Fern Grows
Homework: Signed Parent Letter and Top 5 Research Topics are due TOMORROW! Remember- you must rank your five choices using numbers 1 to 5!

Wednesday, February 3
Collect Signed Research Letter and Topic Choices
Finish Red Fern Movie
How to Make a Source Card and Note Card
Work on Persuasive Packet
Homework: Persuasive Packet ______________________________. Bring in your research folder, index cards, and bag. These need to be in class with you on FRIDAY! Make sure your parents know when your conference is!

Thursday, February 4 (Conferences are TODAY!!!) HALF DAY!
Class for 1st – 4th No Reading/LA Today
Homework: Bring in your research folder, index cards, and bag. These need to be in class with you TOMORROW! Wear you PJs to school tomorrow☺ Arrive 15 minutes before you conference today!!!

Friday, February 5: HALF DAY and PAJAMA DAY!!!
Check in Research Folder, Index Cards, and Bag
Topics are Assigned and Research Begins!!!!
Homework: Have a SUPER WEEKEND! Work on Research Note Cards and Source Cards! Remember- Penny Wars end on MONDAY☺

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