Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- February 15, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 15, 2010
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
• Students spent all of last week in the media center completing note cards and source cards their catastrophic event. Students will receive their graded note cards back on Tuesday and then begin the process of creating an outline.
• Upcoming research due dates:
o Monday, February 26: Typed Outline using Power Notes
o Friday, February 26: Typed Draft of Research Paper
• The Chicago Board Options Exchange permission slip and Monday is due on Tuesday 3/9. Be sure to get those into me ASAP!
• Our March Reading Log is due on Tuesday, March 16. Don’t forget signatures!!!
• Our marking period ends next Friday, Feb. 26th. Be sure to turn in all late work by next Wednesday, Feb. 24th.

Monday, February 15
No School

Homework: NONE!

Tuesday, February 16
Return Graded Note Cards
Introduce Vocabra List #10
How to make an outline using note cards
Outline Work Time

Homework: Work on your written draft of the outline.
Read Poetry Elements Packet.

Wednesday, February 17
8th & 9th Period: Media Center Back Tables with COWS

Homework: Sample Words by Themselves Packet
Be sure to bring your handwritten outline because we will begin typing it tomorrow☺
You may want to bring a flash drive.

Thursday, February 18
8th Period: Media Center Computers
9th Period: Front Tables

Homework: Keep working on outline.
Vocabra Word Story: The TOPIC is your choice of Math, Science, Social
Studies, OR Reading/LA.

Friday, February 19
8th Period: Front Tables
9th Period: Media Center Computers

Homework: Finish your outline- it is due on MONDAY!
Have an outstanding WEEKEND ☺

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