Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus and Study Guide- Week of February 15, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 15, 2010
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Please read the following information:
*Students were assigned a Newsbowl category last week because they will participate in another Newbowl competition on this Friday. In order for them to be prepared for the competition each student was told to locate a notable article from last week’s news and write a brief summary about it. My students were also told to bring a copy of the article to school to share with their Newsbowl group. The summaries should be brief explaining who, when, where, what, why, and how. It is due on Wednesday, Feb. 17th.
*Ch. 13 tests were returned last Friday.
* Our marking period will end next Friday, February 26. Therefore all late work for Ch. 13 and 14 must be
turned in by Wednesday, February 24th.
*There will be a test covering Sections 1-4, pp. 219- 226 of Ch. 14 next Tuesday or Wednesday. I’ll
confirm the test day, this week.

Monday, February 15 – No School due to President’s Day

Tuesday, February 16–
Review Section 3 questions and last week’s power notes
Define: aqueducts, typhus, industry, latifundias, publicans, and artisans
Begin reading and discussing Section 4- pp. 224-226
Homework: Copy of notable news article and a brief summary due Wednesday (see above)

Wednesday, February 17–
Finish reading and discussing Section 4- pp. 224-226
Share & review articles to prepare for Friday’s Newsbowl
Begin Roman map
Homework: Do Section 4 Questions pp. 226 # 2 and 3 only
Finish Roman map – due Friday

Thursday, February 18–
Review homework
Small group work: 3 column notes regarding pp. 224-226
Homework: Complete Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Roman Republic and U.S. government
Finish Roman map – due Friday

Friday, February 19–
Newsbowl Activity
Review homework, time permitting
Homework: Study for test

Study Guide for Chapter 14 Test

Study the following for the test:

1. Details regarding how Romans took back control of their government from the Etruscans
2. Organization of republic
3. Date republic was established
4. Date Punic Wars began and ended
5. Know the outcomes of all 3 Punic Wars
6. Similarities of Roman government and U.S. government
7. Similarities of Roman military and U.S. military
8. How the effects of Roman conquest changed Roman economy and government
9. Territories Rome controlled
10. Major sea that liked Rome to the territories Rome controlled
11. All vocabulary words
12. Section 1-4 questions and answers as discussed in class

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