Monday, February 8, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- February 8, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 8, 2010

Important Information:
• Students will spend the entire week doing research on their catastrophic event. Although they will have class time students will need to do research at home too.
• Upcoming research due dates:
o Wednesday 2/10: Students need to have at least 15 note cards done.
o Friday 2/11: Collect students final note cards (minimum of 25)
• The February Reading Log is due on Friday, February 12. Don’t forget signatures!!!
• Remember our schedule is different this week. We will follow this schedule: 1st per, 8th per, 9th per in the morning instead of our 1st- 3rd period schedule. Students will still have 4th - 7th period as normal. Then instead of 8th and 9th periods in the afternoon, we will have 2nd and 3rd period classes in the afternoon.

Monday, February 8
2nd Period: Computers
3rd Period: Front Tables

Homework: Work on researching your topic.

Tuesday, February 9
2nd Period: Front Tables
3rd Period: Computers

Homework: Work on researching your topic. Remember- you must have at least 15 note cards done by tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 10
2nd Period: Back Tables- Note card check
3rd Period: Back Tables

Homework: Author’s Purpose Packet. Work on researching your topic.

Thursday, February 11
2nd Period: Computers
3rd Period: Front Tables

Homework: Keep working on research, note cards, and source cards. Your final note cards will be collected at the end of the class tomorrow. You must have 25 or more cards completed. Reading Log #5 is due tomorrow!

Friday, February 12
Collect Reading Logs
2nd Period: Front Tables
3rd Period: Computers - Collect Final Note Cards

Homework: Have a SUPER Three-Day WEEKEND ☺

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