Monday, February 22, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- February 22, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 22, 2010
Important Information:
• Students must have their outline conference with me by Monday, February 22. Once they have had their outline conference they can begin writing their 1st draft. Your first draft will be written at home.
• Upcoming research due dates:
o Monday, February 22: Typed Outline using Power Notes- due
o Friday, February 26: Typed Draft of Research Paper
• In class this week we are going to hand-write our first draft of the persuasive essay. We will type and peer edit it in class the following week. You will do all of this paper in school- out of school you need to focus on your research paper!
• The Chicago Board Options Exchange permission slip and Monday is due on Tuesday 3/9. Be sure to get those into me ASAP!
• The 6th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, March 16. Don’t forget signatures!!!
• ISAT TESTING begins NEXT WEEK!!! Be sure to be on time for school next Tuesday and come in well rested and with a good breakfast in your tummy! Do your best!!!
• The 2nd Trimester ENDS on Friday, February 26th. ALL LATE WORK ON TEAM 6-3 is due on WEDNESDAY 2/24! REMEMBER we accept NO late work at all during the 3rd Trimester!

Monday, February 22
Typed Outline Due TODAY
Outline Conferences Continued
Persuasive Packet: Continue working in Persuasive Packet
Begin Research Paper Introduction Paragraph
Homework: Finish Writing the Introduction Paragraph to your RESEARCH PAPER- due tomorrow (typed or handwritten)

Tuesday, February 23
Black History Month Presentation
Peer Edit Introduction Paragraph
Homework: Write the first draft of your research paper! This must be typed and is due on Friday, 2/26.

Wednesday, February 24
Review Conclusion of Research Paper
Introduce Persuasive Essay Prompts
Complete Pre-Writing for Persuasive Essay
Homework: Keep working on your 1st draft of the research paper!

Thursday, February 25
Spelling Race
Practice ISAT Test and Extended Response
Homophones Practice
Handwrite Draft of Persuasive Essay
Homework: FINISH the typed 1st draft of your research paper- DUE TOMORROW!!! You do not need to turn in a cover page or works consulted at this time! Study your vocabra words!

Friday, February 26
Turn in Research Paper Draft
Vocabra TESTS
Finish the Handwritten Draft of Persuasive Essay- we will type it in school next week☺
Homework: Have an outstanding three-day WEEKEND ☺
REMEMBER ISAT begin on Tuesday! Get a good night’s rest and eat a good
breakfast! Plan to be at school by 8:45 a.m. every day next week. Testing begins
9:00 A.M. sharp. Late students will not be allowed to go to their classrooms until
testing is over for the day.

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