Monday, February 8, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of February 1, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 1, 2010
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*There will be a Ch. 13 test on Thursday, February 4th.
*Conferences are this week. Please be mindful these are portfolio conferences, therefore all students must be present at their conference. If the student is not able to attend please reschedule the conference.
*Last week we discussed strategies for studying for the test. Students should spend at least 30-45 minutes each night studying for the test. See below.

Monday, February 1 –
Map Review and review p. 58
Review Newsbowl results
Homework: Study for test – ***Hint….I strongly urge you to make flash cards for your vocabulary words**
Put the word on one side. then put the definition on the other side. Be sure
to include a sentence with a blank instead of the word.

Tuesday, February 2– Lunch time review session
Continue reviewing for test
Homework: Study for test – ***Hint….I strongly urge you to make flash cards using each bullet point on the
study guide. ***

Wednesday, February 3–
Finish reviewing for test.
Introduce Ch. 14 and define: republic, veto, and Twelve Tables
Homework: Study for test
***Don’t forget that conferences are tomorrow for most students. You must be present at your
conference. If you can not attend please reschedule the conference. ***

Thursday, February 4– Half Day – Students are dismissed at noon
Ch. 14Test
Finish reading pp. 219-220 and define: republic, veto, and Twelve Tables, if necessary
Homework: Finish reading pp. 219-220 and define: republic, veto, and Twelve Tables, if necessary
Complete 2 column notes on patricians, plebeians, consuls, judges and tribunes
Designate a column for the following topics: Name - Definition of who they are – tell their responsibilities
Due Monday, Feb. 8th

Friday, February 5– Half Day and Pajama Day – Students are dismissed at noon
Only classes for periods: 8, 5, 7, 9 - No social studies today
Homework: Finish above homework – Due Monday, Feb. 8th

Map Review Questions - P. 211

**Read and complete questions # 1 – 3 on p. 211 then
answer the following questions:

4. What is the name of the area where the Romans lived?

5. What is the name of the area where the Etruscans

6. What are the two major rivers located near the above
mentioned areas?

7. What is the name of the large mountain chain near the
above mentioned areas?

8. Why were the Etruscans known as “the people of the

9. What shape does Italy look very similar to?

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