Monday, March 8, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- March 8, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 8, 2010
Important Information:
• Students are to spend this week working on the FINAL draft of their Research Paper!
• Upcoming research due dates:
o Monday, March 9: All edited research papers will be returned by today
o Friday, March 12: Typed FINAL of Research Paper is due! This must include a cover pages, works consulted, corrected outline, and your edited rough draft.
• We will be finalizing our persuasive essays this week. Students will have time to make corrections and print their final paper on Tuesday.
• The Chicago Board Options Exchange permission slip and money is due on Tuesday 3/9. No Exceptions! Be sure to get those into me ASAP!
• The 6th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, March 16. Don’t forget signatures!!!
• REMEMBER we accept NO late work at all during the 3rd Trimester!
• I would like to request assistance from parents who know how to create a power point or are interested in learning how to do it. My class will be creating their power points in the Media Center on March 16 at 2:10, March 17 at 2:10, & March 19th at 2:50. I could really use your help if you are available. Thank you.

Monday, March 8
Introduce Vocabra List #11
Finish typing persuasive essay/peer edits when done
Vocabra Word Drawing #11
Discuss - How to do a Cover Page
Homework: Finish typing persuasive essay at home if not done in class and save it on your
flashdrive – due Tuesday
Work on making corrections to Final Research Paper! Work on your Cover Page!
Bring permission slip and money for Chicago Board Options Exchange trip tomorrow,
if you haven’t turned it in already.

Tuesday, March 9
Finish Peer edits
Discuss - How to do a Works Consulted page
Work on Reading Logs- due next Tuesday
Homework: Work on making corrections to Final Research Paper! Work on your Works Consulted Page and Cover Page!

Wednesday, March 10
COW’s: Make corrections to persuasive essay! Print Final Draft by the end of class!
Vocabra Word Story #11! This week you need to have exactly 26 sentences in your story! The first sentence will begin with Letter A; the second sentence will begin with Letter B; and so on… You can write about any topic- BE CREATIVE!
Read Pleasure Books and work on Reading Logs
Homework: Work on your Final Research Paper--Due FRIDAY!

Thursday, March 11
Introduce Power Point Project Requirements
Power Point Lesson: How to create a power point
Begin Slide Show Rough Draft- Due next Monday
Homework: FINISH the typed FINAL draft of your research paper- DUE TOMORROW!!! Remember you must turn in your Cover Page, Works Consulted, Corrected Outline, and Edited 1st Draft of your essay!

Friday, March 12
Turn in Final Research Paper
Continue Making a Plan for your Research Slide Show
Vocabra Quickie Skit
Homework: Have an outstanding WEEKEND ☺

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