Monday, March 15, 2010

Roman Presentation

Roman Presentation- Please return your choices by Wednesday, March 17th

1. Directions: Students are expected to create a 3-5 minute creative scene, informing our class about life in the Roman Empire. The purpose of the scene is to illustrate 5 or more significant and accurate facts about one of the given topics below. A valid connection and/or contribution must be explained (if appropriate) and 2 or more vocabulary words must be
used in the presentation, as well.
2. Possible presentation formats include: a skit, interview, persuasive speech, campaign, debate, etc.
3. Students may work individually or in a group of only two people. If necessary, students may ask for assistance from other class members but the extra students will not be graded on their performance in a friend’s skit.
4. Visual: Each group must present in costume and have a prop or visual aid. Costumes and visuals do not have to be elaborate.
5. Assessment: Students will be assessed on their part of the work completed and their participation in the performance. There will not be a group grade.
6. If working in groups, each person must submit their contribution to the group’s work. A final written copy of what will be performed must be turned in as well. For example: who is responsible for the props or visual, their contribution to the skit, and a copy of the final skit that will be performed.
7. Plan to use our textbook because a lot of information about the topics can be found in it.
8. Students will be able to use the computers and/or books on Friday, March 19th and Monday, March 22nd; therefore plan to complete some research and work at home.
9. Presentations will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, March 24th and 25th. If a students plans to leave early for spring vacation then the student must present before he/she leaves.
Topic Choices:

1. Conflict between Marius and Sulla 10. Explain what finally caused the complete
collapse of Roman Empire?
2. Caesar’s reforms 11.Explain political, economic, & foreign
reasons that caused fall of empire
3. Caesar’s life 12. Roman architecture: Pantheon,
aqueducts, Coliseum, and Circus Maximus
4. Augustus' reforms 13. Diocletian and Constantine reforms
5. Augustus' life
6. Schooling of rich and
poor children 14. Life of a selected emperor – see
textbook pp. 240-243)
7. Life of Roman women 15. Roman entertainment: bath houses,
gymnasiums, and games
8. Roman military during the Republic
and during the Empire 16. Roman entertainment: gladiator games,
chariot races, circuses
9. Roman foods and meals 17. Compare Roman Republic and Empire
to the republic and empire found in the
Star Wars movies

STUDENT ASSESSMENT- Roman Presentation

Points earned

1. The student works productively during given preparation time. ______/3

2. The student completes all individual tasks on time and with quality. ______/4

3. Student includes 5 or more valid significant facts ______/10

4. Student uses 2 or more Ch. 14 or 15 vocabulary words correctly ______/3

5. Student has an appropriate costume and creative prop or a visual ______/3


1. The student speaks in a clear voice and can be heard by all. ______/3

2. The student shows interest, enthusiasm, and confidence. ______/3

3. The student makes eye contact with the audience and/or with ______/3
the other performers.

4. The student displays no nervous habits. ______/3

Total _______/35 points

--------------------------------------Please cut and return---------------------------------------

Roman Presentation Choices
Student Name____________________________________________ Per.__________
Planned Group Member _________________________________________________
1st choice ________________________________________________________________
2nd choice ________________________________________________________________
3rd choice ________________________________________________________________

Parent/guardian signature___________________________________________Date_______

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