Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wrinkle in Time - Reading Syllabus- Week of November 29, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
A Wrinkle in Time Syllabus
Week of November 29, 2010
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com

Important Information:
• Students must bring a Ziploc bag tomorrow. Students without a bag will not receive a book until he/she brings the baggie. All students with a Ziploc bag will receive their book on Tuesday.
• Students will be expected to read chapters most nights and weekends.
• Students will be given A Wrinkle in Time Study Guide which is a packet that contains all the handouts to be completed along with the chapter readings.
• There will be 3 quizzes covering 4 chapters at a time:
Chapters 1-4 on Friday, December 3
Chapters 5-8 on Wednesday, December 8
Chapters 9-12 on Monday, December 13

Monday, November 29
Introduce Science Fiction Genre
Meet the author- Madeline L’Engle and Introduce the Novel
Homework: Bring Ziploc bag for the book. Read “Before You Read” p.6. Answer Focus Activity Question. List synonyms for the vocabulary.

Tuesday, November 30
Assign books
Introduce Reading Guide, Active Reading and Responding handouts.
Read Chapter 1 together and complete Reading Guide entry.
Homework: Read Chapter 2 and complete Reading Guide entry.

Wednesday, December 1
Review Chapter 2 and discuss entries.
Read Chapter 3 and complete Reading Guide entry.
Homework: Read Chapter 4 and complete Reading Guide entry.

Thursday, December 2
Review Chapter 4 and discuss entries.
Answer Chapter 1-4 Active Reading and Responding handouts
Homework: Study for the Chapter 1-4 quiz.

Friday, December 3
Chapter 1-4 Quiz
Read Chapter 5 and complete Reading Guide entry.
Homework: Read Chapter 6 and complete Reading Guide entry

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