Monday, November 1, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus November 1, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 1, 2010
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
* The Odyssey Comic Strip Project is due Thursday, November 4. I highly recommend that you try to complete it by Wednesday, November 3, in order to have time to study for Greek Myth test, this week. If you plan to do the differentiation assignment a parent signature is due today.
* The Chapter 9 Test will be handed back on Tuesday, November 2nd.
* At this planning, there will be Chapter 10 Test on Monday, November 15.
*We are planning a field trip to Greek Town on November 18th and we are waiting for a confirmation.
Permission slips will be sent home this week. Students will turn in trip money to their reading teacher.

Monday, November 1 –
Introduce Chapter 10:The City-States
Define: (1) polis (2) acropolis (3) agora.
Read and discuss Section 1: The Polis p.163-164. Take “Power Notes” and do Section 1 Assessment p.164 #5.
Homework: Continue working on Comic Strip Project

Tuesday, November 2 -
Read & discuss Section 2: Sparta p.164-165 and continue taking “Power Notes”
Define: (1)assembly (2)aristocrats (3)ephors (4)artisans (5)Council of (6)Elders (7)helots (8)perioeci.
Begin Life in Sparta handout.
Homework: Complete Life in Sparta handout, if necessary. Continue working on Comic Strip Project. Remember you can turn in your comic strip on Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 3 –
Read & discuss Section 2: Sparta p.166-167and continue taking “Power Notes”
Discuss the pros and cons of Spartan Life.
Homework: Finish Comic Strip Project - due tomorrow.

Thursday, November 4 – Collect Comic Strips
Section 2 Assessment p. 167 #2-4
Read & discuss Section 3: Athens p.168-173, and continue taking “Power Notes”
Homework: If necessary, continue “Power Notes” on p. 168-173\

Friday, November 5- No School- Veterans Day

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