Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus November 29, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 29- December 3, 2010
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Please read the following information:
* Our Greek Town trip was a great success. My students appeared to have learned a lot about Greek culture.
*Students received their Ch. 10 tests back last week.
*There will be a Ch. 11 vocabulary test on Thursday, December 9th covering Ch. 11 words.
Delphi, Olympia, pancratium, pentathlon, Golden Age of Greece, temples, soliloquy, tragedies, Aeschylus, comedy, Aristophanes , intellect, philosophia, Socrates, Socratic method, Plato, classify, scientific method, hypothesis, logic, syllogism, & philosopher

* Students will receive information regarding a Greek contribution/connection project on Monday. It is due on December 14th. Students will work on their project in school two days this week and two days next week. Hopefully they will make good use of their time. A draft is due by end of class on Monday, Dec. 6th.

Monday, November 29 –
Connections activity
Introduce new Greek contribution / connection s project
Homework: Decide on project topic and get sheet signed- Due Wednesday

Tuesday, November 30 -
Review pp. 187-190 two-column notes and vocabulary words
Homework: Finish two-column notes for Aristotle and Discovering Inventions &
definitions for all vocab.
Decide on project topic and get sheet signed- Due Wednesday

Wednesday, December 1 – Periods 1 and 2 only today (Block Schedule)
Period 1 – 9:00 – 10:03 and Period 2 – 10:06 – ll:09
Media Center computers to work on project
Homework: Work on project ideas- Draft is due at end of class Monday, Dec. 6th

Thursday, December 2 – Periods 3 then Per. 1 only today (Block Schedule)
Period 3 – 9:31– 10:29 and Period 1 – 10:32 – ll:30
Media Center computers to work on project
Homework: Work on project ideas - Draft is due at end of class Monday, Dec. 6th

Friday, December 3- Periods 2 and 3 only today (Block Schedule)
Period 2– 9:00 – 10:03 and Period 3– 10:06 – ll 09
Media Center computers to work on project
Homework: Work on project ideas - Draft is due at end of class Monday, Dec. 6th

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