Sunday, November 14, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus November 8, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 8, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
* There will be Chapter 10 Test covering Sections 1-4 on Monday, November 15.
* To study you may wish to make flash cards of the vocabulary words, create your own questions, take two-column notes, study with a buddy, etc. The study guide is on back of your syllabus
* Our lunch study session will be on Thursday, November 11.
* Any class work not completed must be finished for homework.
*Permission slips for our Greek Town trip are due by Friday to reading/language arts teachers

Monday, November 8 –
Read, discuss, and continue“Power Notes” Section 3: Athens p.171-173
Homework: If necessary, complete Power Notes. It is strongly recommended that you begin studying for the test this week. The test covers the entire chapter.

Tuesday, November 9 -
Read, discuss, and continue“Power Notes” Section 3: Athens p.173-175
Section 3 Assessment questions - p. 175#2-5
Homework: If necessary, complete Section 3 Assessment questions p. 175#2-5 & study for test

Wednesday, November 10 –
Read, discuss and complete “Power Notes” Section 4: Decline of the City States
p. 175-176, using the following topic and subtopics: Power # 1. Decline of the City States
Power # 2. Effects of Peloponnesian War
Power # 2. Spartans ruled Greece
Begin Section 4 Assessment questions p.176 #1-4
Homework: Section 4 Assessment questions p. 176 #1-4 & study for test

Thursday, November 11 – Lunchtime review session, please ask for a pass
Review homework
Video Clip of Sparta and Athens
Begin Chapter 10 Study Guide Questions 5A -5 E.
Homework: Complete Chapter 10 Study Guide questions 5A - 5E & study for test
Friday, November 12-
Review for Chapter 10 Test.
Homework: Study for Chapter 10 test
Chapter 10 Study Guide

1. 18 Vocabulary Words:
polis acropolis agora assembly
aristocrats ephors artisans Council of Elders
helots perioeci constitution oligarchy
democratic magistrates Council of Five Hundred triremes
defensive league mercenaries

2. Study Chapter 10 Anticipation Guide.
3. Study Sections 1 - 4 Assessment Questions.
4. Study Power Notes- There was (were): One handout for Section 1: Polis
Two handouts for Section 2: Sparta
Three handouts for Section 3: Athens
5. Answer the following questions:
A. Cleisthenes is given credit for what reforms?

B. What problem did Darius of Persia have against the Greeks? How did the Greeks react? What did this lead to?

C. What is the Delian League? How did Athens benefit from this group?

D. Who is Pericles? What did he do for Athens?

E. What caused the decline of Greek city-states?

6. Take two-column notes reviewing power note subtopics. For example:
Write subtopics here Write details about subtopics
1. The polis is made up of:

2. Government in the polis:

3. Greek citizens in the polis believed in:

4. Two Greek powerful city-states belonged to:

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