Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus November 15- Nov. 23, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 15- November 23, 2010
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Please read the following information:
*Mrs. Alexander will resume teaching social studies this week.
*Permission slips for our Greek Town trip were due last Friday to reading/language arts teachers. If you did not turn it in please contact your teacher.
*Our trimester ends on TUESDAY, November 23rd. If you have ANY late work in ANY of your core classes it MUST be turned in by Nov. 23rd or your grade will remain a ZERO. If you plan to go on vacation for Thanksgiving, your work is due before you leave. (For Ch. 10 only)
*If you have an old yellow pages at home please bring it to school. Thank you.
* There will be a vocabulary test during the week of December 6th covering Ch. 11 words indicated below.

Monday, November 15 –
Ch. 10 Test
Begin defining: oracles, prophecy, Delphi, Olympia, pancratium, pentathlon, Golden Age of Greece, tempels.
Homework: None

Tuesday, November 16 -
Introduce Ch. 11-Read, discuss, and take Two-Column notes on pp. 179-181
Using these Subtopics: Religion in City States; What did Oracles do;
Greeks vs. other ancient people; Temples; Festivals
Homework: Read pp. 182-185 and complete Section 1 Questions p. 185 # 2-5

Wednesday, November 17 – Advisory Schedule today-
Begin defining: soliloquy, tragedies, Aeschylus, comedy, Aristophanes
Review homework
Read, discuss and take two- column notes - pp185-188 using these subtopics: How Greeks pursued
knowledge; Socrates; Plato.
Homework: Finish two-column notes for pp. 185-188 – due Friday

Thursday, November 18 – Field Trip to Greek Town – No Class
Bring handouts from Hellenic Museum back to school on Friday
Homework: Bring handout to class on Friday.
Be sure to finish two column notes from pp. 185-188

Friday, November 19-
Define: intellect, philosophia, Socrates, Socratic method, Plato, classify, scientific method, hypothesis, logic, syllogism & review homework
Read and discuss pp. 188-190 begin two-column notes
Make list of contributions and ideas the Greeks developed that are found or used in our society today.
Homework: None, but if you haven’t completed all your late work for Ch. 10 do it this weekend.

Monday, November 22 –
Finish reviewing pp. 188-190 and two-column notes
Homework: None, but if you haven’t completed all your late work for Ch. 10, it is due on Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 23- Collect late Ch. 10 work
What Movie: Ancient Greeks
3 -2- 1 movie notes
Homework: None! Happy Thanksgiving!

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