Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wrinkle in Time - Reading Syllabus- Week of November 29, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
A Wrinkle in Time Syllabus
Week of November 29, 2010
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com

Important Information:
• Students must bring a Ziploc bag tomorrow. Students without a bag will not receive a book until he/she brings the baggie. All students with a Ziploc bag will receive their book on Tuesday.
• Students will be expected to read chapters most nights and weekends.
• Students will be given A Wrinkle in Time Study Guide which is a packet that contains all the handouts to be completed along with the chapter readings.
• There will be 3 quizzes covering 4 chapters at a time:
Chapters 1-4 on Friday, December 3
Chapters 5-8 on Wednesday, December 8
Chapters 9-12 on Monday, December 13

Monday, November 29
Introduce Science Fiction Genre
Meet the author- Madeline L’Engle and Introduce the Novel
Homework: Bring Ziploc bag for the book. Read “Before You Read” p.6. Answer Focus Activity Question. List synonyms for the vocabulary.

Tuesday, November 30
Assign books
Introduce Reading Guide, Active Reading and Responding handouts.
Read Chapter 1 together and complete Reading Guide entry.
Homework: Read Chapter 2 and complete Reading Guide entry.

Wednesday, December 1
Review Chapter 2 and discuss entries.
Read Chapter 3 and complete Reading Guide entry.
Homework: Read Chapter 4 and complete Reading Guide entry.

Thursday, December 2
Review Chapter 4 and discuss entries.
Answer Chapter 1-4 Active Reading and Responding handouts
Homework: Study for the Chapter 1-4 quiz.

Friday, December 3
Chapter 1-4 Quiz
Read Chapter 5 and complete Reading Guide entry.
Homework: Read Chapter 6 and complete Reading Guide entry

Social Studies Syllabus November 29, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 29- December 3, 2010
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Please read the following information:
* Our Greek Town trip was a great success. My students appeared to have learned a lot about Greek culture.
*Students received their Ch. 10 tests back last week.
*There will be a Ch. 11 vocabulary test on Thursday, December 9th covering Ch. 11 words.
Delphi, Olympia, pancratium, pentathlon, Golden Age of Greece, temples, soliloquy, tragedies, Aeschylus, comedy, Aristophanes , intellect, philosophia, Socrates, Socratic method, Plato, classify, scientific method, hypothesis, logic, syllogism, & philosopher

* Students will receive information regarding a Greek contribution/connection project on Monday. It is due on December 14th. Students will work on their project in school two days this week and two days next week. Hopefully they will make good use of their time. A draft is due by end of class on Monday, Dec. 6th.

Monday, November 29 –
Connections activity
Introduce new Greek contribution / connection s project
Homework: Decide on project topic and get sheet signed- Due Wednesday

Tuesday, November 30 -
Review pp. 187-190 two-column notes and vocabulary words
Homework: Finish two-column notes for Aristotle and Discovering Inventions &
definitions for all vocab.
Decide on project topic and get sheet signed- Due Wednesday

Wednesday, December 1 – Periods 1 and 2 only today (Block Schedule)
Period 1 – 9:00 – 10:03 and Period 2 – 10:06 – ll:09
Media Center computers to work on project
Homework: Work on project ideas- Draft is due at end of class Monday, Dec. 6th

Thursday, December 2 – Periods 3 then Per. 1 only today (Block Schedule)
Period 3 – 9:31– 10:29 and Period 1 – 10:32 – ll:30
Media Center computers to work on project
Homework: Work on project ideas - Draft is due at end of class Monday, Dec. 6th

Friday, December 3- Periods 2 and 3 only today (Block Schedule)
Period 2– 9:00 – 10:03 and Period 3– 10:06 – ll 09
Media Center computers to work on project
Homework: Work on project ideas - Draft is due at end of class Monday, Dec. 6th

Language Arts Syllabus Week of November 29, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 29, 2010
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com

Important Information:
•Our third Reading Log is due on Tuesday, 11/30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
•Students will have a Grammar Test on Nouns and Pronouns on Tuesday, December 7.

Monday, November 29
Introduce Vocabra List #7
Grammar Packet: Page 14

Homework: FINISH READING LOG #3- it is due TOMORROW!

Tuesday, November 30
Turn in Reading Log
Grammar Packet Pages 15

Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing

Wednesday, December 1
Grammar Packet Pages 16
Vocabra: Act out Meaning

Homework: Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Greek TOWN

Thursday, December 2
Grammar Practice Packet Page 17
Vocabra: Conversation Bubbles

Homework: None

Friday, December 3
Nouns and Their Jobs (Application)

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Study for the Noun and Pronoun Test on Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus November 15- Nov. 23, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 15- November 23, 2010
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Please read the following information:
*Mrs. Alexander will resume teaching social studies this week.
*Permission slips for our Greek Town trip were due last Friday to reading/language arts teachers. If you did not turn it in please contact your teacher.
*Our trimester ends on TUESDAY, November 23rd. If you have ANY late work in ANY of your core classes it MUST be turned in by Nov. 23rd or your grade will remain a ZERO. If you plan to go on vacation for Thanksgiving, your work is due before you leave. (For Ch. 10 only)
*If you have an old yellow pages at home please bring it to school. Thank you.
* There will be a vocabulary test during the week of December 6th covering Ch. 11 words indicated below.

Monday, November 15 –
Ch. 10 Test
Begin defining: oracles, prophecy, Delphi, Olympia, pancratium, pentathlon, Golden Age of Greece, tempels.
Homework: None

Tuesday, November 16 -
Introduce Ch. 11-Read, discuss, and take Two-Column notes on pp. 179-181
Using these Subtopics: Religion in City States; What did Oracles do;
Greeks vs. other ancient people; Temples; Festivals
Homework: Read pp. 182-185 and complete Section 1 Questions p. 185 # 2-5

Wednesday, November 17 – Advisory Schedule today-
Begin defining: soliloquy, tragedies, Aeschylus, comedy, Aristophanes
Review homework
Read, discuss and take two- column notes - pp185-188 using these subtopics: How Greeks pursued
knowledge; Socrates; Plato.
Homework: Finish two-column notes for pp. 185-188 – due Friday

Thursday, November 18 – Field Trip to Greek Town – No Class
Bring handouts from Hellenic Museum back to school on Friday
Homework: Bring handout to class on Friday.
Be sure to finish two column notes from pp. 185-188

Friday, November 19-
Define: intellect, philosophia, Socrates, Socratic method, Plato, classify, scientific method, hypothesis, logic, syllogism & review homework
Read and discuss pp. 188-190 begin two-column notes
Make list of contributions and ideas the Greeks developed that are found or used in our society today.
Homework: None, but if you haven’t completed all your late work for Ch. 10 do it this weekend.

Monday, November 22 –
Finish reviewing pp. 188-190 and two-column notes
Homework: None, but if you haven’t completed all your late work for Ch. 10, it is due on Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 23- Collect late Ch. 10 work
What Movie: Ancient Greeks
3 -2- 1 movie notes
Homework: None! Happy Thanksgiving!

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of November 15, 2010 and Movie Permission Letter

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of November 15, 2010
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com

Important Information:
• Our trimester ends on TUESDAY, November 23. If you have ANY late work in ANY of your core classes it MUST be turned in by then or it will remain a ZERO. If you plan to go on vacation for Thanksgiving, your work is due before you leave. No exceptions.
• Students will take a Greek Myth MINOR Gods Vocabulary Test on Thursday, 11/ 18. They will have the comprehension test over all the Minor God Concepts Mon. 11/22.
• Our third Reading Log is due on Tuesday, 11/30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Please get letter signed on back of this syllabus getting permission to watch the Hercules Movie on 11/22 & 11/23.

Monday, November 15
Read Syrinx and The Wild & Vulgar Centaurs
Grammar Packet: Pages 5-6
Vocabra: Act Out the Meanings

Homework: Get the back of this syllabus signed to get permission to watch Hercules movie-due Friday

Tuesday, November 16
Grammar Packet Pages 7-9
Read Asclepius

Homework: Read The Nine Muses. Complete Grammar Packet page 10.

Wednesday, November 17
Grammar Packet Pages 11-12
Read Orpheus’ and The Nine Muses
Work on Minor Gods Handout- due tomorrow

Homework: Finish Minor Gods Handout. Study for the Minor Gods Vocabulary test- TOMORROW.

Thursday: November 18
Review Minor Gods Handout
Minor Gods Vocabulary Test
Grammar Practice Packet Page 13
Vocabra: Spelling Tic Tac Toe

Homework: Study for your List #6 Tests tomorrow. Remember it is a trickier spelling week!
Get the back of this syllabus signed to get permission to watch Hercules movie-due Friday

Friday, November 19
List #6 Vocabra Tests
Sci-Fi Book Talk and Selection
Grammar Practice Packet Page 14
Study for Minor Gods Test

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Study for the Minor Gods Comprehension Test that you are taking on Monday.

Monday, November 22
Minor Gods Comprehension Test
Begin Hercules Movie

Homework: Our trimester ends on TOMORROW. If you have ANY late work in ANY of your core classes is MUST be turned in tomorrow or it will remain a ZERO- no exceptions.
Tuesday, November 23
Finish Hercules Movie

Homework: You should work on your reading log #3 over break- it is due next Tuesday!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As a concluding activity to our awesome Greek Mythology Unit we plan to show the animated Disney movie Hercules to our students. While the movie is very entertaining the main purpose of showing this film is for students to compare and contrast the stories they have been engrossed over the past 7 weeks to the movie. Students will chart the similarities and differences they see in the characters and the plots.

Summary: Hercules, son of the Greek God, Zeus, is turned into a half-god, half-mortal by evil Hades, God of the Underworld, who plans to overthrow Zeus. Hercules is raised on Earth and retains his god-like strength, but when he discovers his immortal heritage Zeus tells him that to return to Mount Olympus he must become a True Hero. Hercules becomes a famous hero with the help of his friend Pegasus and his personal trainer, Phil the satyr. Hercules battles monsters, Hades and the Titans, but it is his self-sacrifice to rescue his love Meg which makes him a True Hero. (The film is rated G).
Please sign below indicating you approve of your child watching this film during class on November 22nd. If you do not want your child to watch this movie we will provide them with an alternate educational activity to complete. As always, contact us with any questions.
Team 6-3 Teachers

___________________________________________ ________________________
Parent Signature Date

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ch. 10 Athens -Power Notes pp. 171-175

Chapter 10: The City- States
Section 3- Athens p. 171-173
1. _________________
2. The Wars
3. Persians conquered _________________
4. _____________________________
5. Athens helped by _______________________________
4. Persians put down ___________________________
3. __________________________ wanted revenge
4. Athenian soldiers _____________________________________
5. The Battle of Marathon- __________________________
6. Pheidippides _____________________________
7. He cried out _______________________
__________________________and then
7. Today, a marathon is a _______________
5. Athenians rich from ________________________
6. Spent money on = warships
6. Had the largest ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____________________
3. In 480, ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬________________ returned-Darius’s son, ________________, led attack on Greece
4. ______________________________________ banded together.
5. Spartans- ________________________
5. Athens- _________________________
5. The Battle of ___________ ___ - ________________________________________________
3. In, 479 B.C., Xerxes’s remaining troops _______________________.
4. __________________________________.
Chapter 10: The City- States
Section 3- Athens p. 173-175
1. ________________________________
2. The Delian League
3. _________________________________________________
4. Athenians suggest __________________________ = _____________________________________________________
5. Headquarters in _____________________-
named it the ____________________________________.
6. _______________________________________
6. ________________________________________
5. Athens gained ___________________________ 4. Delian League became _________________________________
2. Athenian Empire
3. _________________________________________________________.
4. ____________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
2. Decline of Athens
3. __________________________________________________________
4. Peloponnesian War
5. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________

3. Due to war and plague
4. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
3. Spartans took control of Athens.
4. ____________________________________________________

Social Studies Syllabus November 8, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 8, 2010
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Please read the following information:
* There will be Chapter 10 Test covering Sections 1-4 on Monday, November 15.
* To study you may wish to make flash cards of the vocabulary words, create your own questions, take two-column notes, study with a buddy, etc. The study guide is on back of your syllabus
* Our lunch study session will be on Thursday, November 11.
* Any class work not completed must be finished for homework.
*Permission slips for our Greek Town trip are due by Friday to reading/language arts teachers

Monday, November 8 –
Read, discuss, and continue“Power Notes” Section 3: Athens p.171-173
Homework: If necessary, complete Power Notes. It is strongly recommended that you begin studying for the test this week. The test covers the entire chapter.

Tuesday, November 9 -
Read, discuss, and continue“Power Notes” Section 3: Athens p.173-175
Section 3 Assessment questions - p. 175#2-5
Homework: If necessary, complete Section 3 Assessment questions p. 175#2-5 & study for test

Wednesday, November 10 –
Read, discuss and complete “Power Notes” Section 4: Decline of the City States
p. 175-176, using the following topic and subtopics: Power # 1. Decline of the City States
Power # 2. Effects of Peloponnesian War
Power # 2. Spartans ruled Greece
Begin Section 4 Assessment questions p.176 #1-4
Homework: Section 4 Assessment questions p. 176 #1-4 & study for test

Thursday, November 11 – Lunchtime review session, please ask for a pass
Review homework
Video Clip of Sparta and Athens
Begin Chapter 10 Study Guide Questions 5A -5 E.
Homework: Complete Chapter 10 Study Guide questions 5A - 5E & study for test
Friday, November 12-
Review for Chapter 10 Test.
Homework: Study for Chapter 10 test
Chapter 10 Study Guide

1. 18 Vocabulary Words:
polis acropolis agora assembly
aristocrats ephors artisans Council of Elders
helots perioeci constitution oligarchy
democratic magistrates Council of Five Hundred triremes
defensive league mercenaries

2. Study Chapter 10 Anticipation Guide.
3. Study Sections 1 - 4 Assessment Questions.
4. Study Power Notes- There was (were): One handout for Section 1: Polis
Two handouts for Section 2: Sparta
Three handouts for Section 3: Athens
5. Answer the following questions:
A. Cleisthenes is given credit for what reforms?

B. What problem did Darius of Persia have against the Greeks? How did the Greeks react? What did this lead to?

C. What is the Delian League? How did Athens benefit from this group?

D. Who is Pericles? What did he do for Athens?

E. What caused the decline of Greek city-states?

6. Take two-column notes reviewing power note subtopics. For example:
Write subtopics here Write details about subtopics
1. The polis is made up of:

2. Government in the polis:

3. Greek citizens in the polis believed in:

4. Two Greek powerful city-states belonged to:

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of November 8, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of November 8, 2010
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com

Important Information:
• Students will take a Greek Myth MINOR Gods Vocabulary Test on Thursday, 11/ 18. They will have the comprehension test over all the Minor God Concepts Mon. 11/22.
• Don’t forget that Picture Retake Day is on Thursday 11/11.
• Our third Reading Log is due on Tuesday, 11/30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Greek Myth Differentiation Students: Both projects are due on Wednesday, Nov 10.
• Greek Myth Differentiation Students: You will begin Heracles Time Line activity on Wednesday.

Monday, November 8
Introduce Vocabra List #6
Nouns and Pronouns Diagnostic
Begin Minor Gods- Introduce Handout
Read Prometheus –Complete handout
Form Groups for Tomorrows Activity
Noun Post Challenge (time permitting)

Homework: Vocabra Conversation Bubbles. Your group will need a container/box for an activity tomorrow- one person must bring it in.

Tuesday, November 9
Grammar 14.1 Concept Review in Text
Minor God Guided Vocab Notes (All)
Read Pandora and Begin Pandora Box Activity

Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing

Wednesday, November 10
Greek Differentiation Project Due
Grammar 14.1 Practice Packet Pages 1-3
Finish Pandora Box Activity & Write 2 Haiku Poems

Homework: Read Deucalion

Thursday: November 11
Hand out Minor Gods Vocab Study Guide
Grammar Practice Packet Page 4
Read Eos and Helios
Word Story Topic: Lockers

Homework: Read Selene Myth. Greek Town Field Trip Permission Slip and Money is DUE TOMORROW!

Friday, November 12
Pop Quiz: Deucalion and Selene
Read Pan and Echo
Media Center Front Tables: 9th Period

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ch 10 Power Notes- pp.163-171

Chapter 10: The City- States
Section 1- The Polis p. 163-164
1. The Polis
2. Made up of
3. Farming villages, fields and orchards around a fortified hill called ___________________________.
4. ________________ of acropolis- temple to the local god.
4. ________________ of acropolis- agora = an open area used as a marketplace.
2. Government and Laws
3. Contained ______________ to 10,000 ____________________.
3. _____________________ - workers born outside of _______________, women, children, and __________________________.
3. ONLY citizens
4. vote
4. ______________ property
4. hold __________________ office and ___________________ for themselves
4. take part in __________________________
4. ___________________ their polis
3. Greek citizens
4. civic and personal _____________________
4. sense of ________________________ in their polis
4. the _____________________ of the polis above everything else
2. Two of the greatest __________________________
3. Sparta
4. strongest _____________________________
3. Athens
4. strongest ______________________________

Chapter 10: The City- States
Section 2- Sparta p. 164-166
1. Sparta
2. Location
3. _________________________ region in _______________________ of Greece
2. Rulers
3. At first, ______________ by a _________________ (monarchy).
3. By 800 B.C., _____________________ took over
4. Ruled by _____________ ____________ jointly
4. Kings’ duties- ____________________________ and _______________________
2. Government
3. Assembly – all ___________________over ____________________
4. ____________________- five managers chosen by the assembly every year
5. ____________________and _____________________
4. _____________________- men over 60 years old chosen for life
5. Suggested ____________________
5. Served in ______________ ____________________
2. Economy
3. Farming
4. Spartan aristocrats __________ interested in _______________
4. Helots or _____________________ worked the land.
3. Business and trade
4. Aristocrats _________interested in ____________________and ________________ either.
4. ___________________or ________________ and _________________ controlled it.
5. Aristocrats ______________ for the ________________
and ________________
2. Spartans’ choice
3. By 750 B.C., _______ ___________ more __________________ and ____________________ than aristocrats.
4. Majority of population wanted to be part of the ______________________.
3. ___________________________ kept the helots, perioeci and artisans down by _________________.

Chapter 10: The City- States
Section 3- Athens p. 168-171
1. ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____________________
2. Location
3. Northeast of ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬___________________
3. coast
2. Rulers
3. At first, ruled by (monarchy)
3. By 750 B.C., took over
4. They set up an oligarchy = ______________________________
5. Fights broke out over ____________________________
2. Government Reforms
3. First attempt ________________
4. Draco’s punishments were ___________________________.
3. In 594 B.C., Solon creates first = ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. People ________________- power of the rich ______________ but the poor wanted _________________.
3. About 560 B.C., _______________________________________
4. Supported by the _____________________________
3. Peisistarus’ ______________ take over after his death.
4. Overthrown by the ____________________
2. ___________________________ Constitution
3. In 508 B.C., _______________________________________________.
4. Enforced the world’s first ______________________________
4. Assembly- _____________________________________
5. _____ generals elected ________________
6. ________________________________________
6. ________________________________________
6. ________________________________________

4. Council of __________________
5. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________
6. In an election, ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. Every citizen ____________________________
4. Required Education for _________
5. No ______________________- had ______________ or ________________________________
5. Started school- __________________
5. Became citizens- _________________

Monday, November 1, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus November 1, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 1, 2010
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Please read the following information:
* The Odyssey Comic Strip Project is due Thursday, November 4. I highly recommend that you try to complete it by Wednesday, November 3, in order to have time to study for Greek Myth test, this week. If you plan to do the differentiation assignment a parent signature is due today.
* The Chapter 9 Test will be handed back on Tuesday, November 2nd.
* At this planning, there will be Chapter 10 Test on Monday, November 15.
*We are planning a field trip to Greek Town on November 18th and we are waiting for a confirmation.
Permission slips will be sent home this week. Students will turn in trip money to their reading teacher.

Monday, November 1 –
Introduce Chapter 10:The City-States
Define: (1) polis (2) acropolis (3) agora.
Read and discuss Section 1: The Polis p.163-164. Take “Power Notes” and do Section 1 Assessment p.164 #5.
Homework: Continue working on Comic Strip Project

Tuesday, November 2 -
Read & discuss Section 2: Sparta p.164-165 and continue taking “Power Notes”
Define: (1)assembly (2)aristocrats (3)ephors (4)artisans (5)Council of (6)Elders (7)helots (8)perioeci.
Begin Life in Sparta handout.
Homework: Complete Life in Sparta handout, if necessary. Continue working on Comic Strip Project. Remember you can turn in your comic strip on Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 3 –
Read & discuss Section 2: Sparta p.166-167and continue taking “Power Notes”
Discuss the pros and cons of Spartan Life.
Homework: Finish Comic Strip Project - due tomorrow.

Thursday, November 4 – Collect Comic Strips
Section 2 Assessment p. 167 #2-4
Read & discuss Section 3: Athens p.168-173, and continue taking “Power Notes”
Homework: If necessary, continue “Power Notes” on p. 168-173\

Friday, November 5- No School- Veterans Day

Greek Comic Strip Project Information and Rubric

Social Studies - Mrs. Alexander - Team 6-3
Comic Strip Project - Due Thursday, November 4th

You have read the Odyssey play in social studies class. Now you and a partner will create a comic strip containing detailed illustrations, depicting only half of the main points below, regarding the Odyssey play read in class. You must use 8 or more appropriately sized frames and your comic strip should fit on no more than two pages. Your grade will be based only on your completed work. It will be worth 28 points. Students must include the following main events in their comic strip. Be prepared to include specific details regarding each event:
1. Odysseus leaving Troy
2. Odysseus’ ship blown off course
3. The crew land’s on the Cyclope’s island
4. Tell what happened on the Cyclope island
5. Tell how the crew ended up at Circe’s island
6. Explain what happened on Circe’s island
7. Tell what happened when they came near the Sirens
8. Explain the Charbidis and Scylla event
9. Explain what happened when Odysseus met Calypso
10. Tell what happened when Odysseus returned home

You may choose not to do the above comic strip and challenge yourself. You may choose one of the following differentiation assignments instead:
Differentiation Assignment Choices- Worth 32 points: (Choose only one)
1. The Odyssey read in class did not include all of the journeys and obstacles Odysseus faced.
Research on your own to find out the other events that were missing from the play read in class. Then create a comic strip that explains all of Odysseus’ challenges. Or
2. Instead of illustrating the Odyssey, research the Iliad in order to create a comic strip depicting the
main points of the Trojan War.
3. Your comic strip must have 12 or more frames.
4. Cite your source(s) of information on the back of your comic strip.
The following must be included in your comic strip:
o The drawings may be done with computer graphics or hand drawn by the student.
o Put name, period, and date, at the top of the paper.
o Create a clever title. Do not use “The Odyssey” or “The Iliad” as the title.
o Each frame must depict an important event from the Odyssey or Iliad.
o Remember each drawing and all figures must be colored.
o The drawings should be creative, appropriate, and contain no stick figures.
o Captions and/or dialogue must be clearly explained.
o Captions may be written using pen, colored pencil, or typed, and should not be written using a leaded pencil.
o The comic strip, drawings, and/or writing must be neatly presented.
o Be sure to edit for spelling and grammatical errors.

---------------- If you plan to do the differentiation assignment, please clip and return by Monday, Nov. 1st---------------
Dear Mrs. Alexander,
My student_______________________________________________ from Per. ______ plans to complete the following differentiation assignment: ____________________________________________________

Parent Signature______________________________________________Date_________________________

Name________________________________________________________ Per________

Greek Comic Strip Assessment (worth 28 points)
Due Thursday, November 4th
_____/3 pts. Name, period, and date on top of comic strip.
_____/1 pts. Created a clever title. (Did not use “The Odyssey” as the title.)
_____/8 pts. Required important events from the Odyssey play was included
_____/3 pts. Drawings were creative, appropriate, and contained no stick figures
_____/2 pts. Drawings were appropriately colored
_____/3 pts. Captions and/or dialogue were clearly explained
_____/3 pts. The comic strip and/or writing were neatly presented
_____/3 pts. There were no more than three spelling or grammatical errors
_____/2 pts. Comic strip turned in by November 4th due date
_______/28 Total Points

Name________________________________________________________ Per________

Greek Comic Strip - Differentiation Assignment Assessment- (worth 32 points)
Due Thursday, November 4th
_____/3 pts. Name, period, and date on top of comic strip.
_____/1 pts. Created a clever title. (Did not use “The Odyssey” or “The Iliad” as the title.)
_____/2pts. Cited sources on the back of the comic strip
_____/10 pts. Required important events from the Odyssey or the Iliad were included
_____/3 pts. Drawings were creative, appropriate, and contained no stick figures
_____/2 pts. Drawings were appropriately colored
_____/3 pts. Captions and/or dialogue were clearly explained
_____/3 pts. The comic strip and/or writing were neatly presented
_____/3 pts. There were no more than three spelling or grammatical errors
_____/2 pts. Comic strip turned in by November 4th due date
_______/32 Total Points

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of November 1, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of November 1, 2010
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com

Important Information:
• Students will take a Greek Myth Major Gods Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, November 2. They will have the comprehension test over all the material and element chart on Thursday, November 4.
• Students who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day may still purchase them online. Go to mylifetouch.com and use Julian’s picture day ID: RN600479YO. Students who missed Picture Day may take a make-up picture on Nov. 11th. Students may also take picture retakes too. They must return the pictures taken in September.
• Our third Reading Log is due on Tuesday, 11/30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Greek Myth Differentiation Students: Both projects are due on Wednesday, Nov 10. Please bring a flash drive and get your project sheet signed.

Monday, November 1
Read and Chart Persephone
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is YOUR Weekend
Begin Venn Diagram Activity- due Wednesday

Homework: Study for the Major Gods Greek Myth Vocabulary TEST- tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 2
Major God Vocabulary TEST
Read and Chart Dionysus
Spelling Race
Work on Venn Diagram
The Gods of the Olympus handout

Homework: Finish Venn Diagram – due Wed.
Study for your Major Gods Comprehension Test and Study for Vocabra TESTS.

Wednesday, November 3
Greek Myth Jeopardy
Vocabra: White Board Sentences

Homework: Study for Major GOD Comprehension Test AND Vocabra TESTS!

Thursday: November 4
Major Gods Comprehension Test
Vocabra: List #5 Tests

Homework: Have a great three-day weekend!

Friday, November 5

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!