Monday, March 23, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of March 23, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 23, 2009
Blog Website:
Important Information:
* Red Lightning Newsbowl Team: In order to prepare for our next Newsbowl competition we will need to meet Monday and Wednesday of this week. On Monday you’ll prepare and on Wednesday, you’ll participate in the March competition. Good Luck!
*We will possibly have a classroom Newsbowl competition after vacation, so please study current noteworthy news during your vacation.
* Remember, our team will not accept late work unless the student is absent from school.
*If you will not be in school on Thursday or Friday, please let me know a.s.a.p. Parents should call the absent hotline, as well. Your cooperation really helps to keep our pre-vacation attendance accurate. Thank you.

Monday, March 23–
Continue to discuss Israel and read pp. 648 - 652
Homework: Create your own graphic organizer detailing Jewish migration since the time of Abraham

Tuesday, March 24–
Complete Scholastic News Israel/Palestine Map
Begin “Think-Pair-Share”
Homework: Complete Islam Time-line handout

Wednesday, March 25–
Review homework
Finish “Think-Pair-Share”
Introduce Mesopotamia
Homework: None

Thursday, March 26-
Define: Mesopotamia, irrigation, city-states, artisans, ziggurat, cuneiform, scribe, priest-kings, levees, Sumer, and hereditary
Begin reading pp. 54 - 59
Homework: Finish definitions began in class, if necessary

Friday, March 27-
Finish reading pp. 54 - 59
Complete questions pp. 59 (# 2-5)
Homework: None. Have a great vacation! See you on April 6th.

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