Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of March 9, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 9, 2009
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Important Information:
* Congratulations to the Red Lightning Newsbowl team. They took first place by scoring 39/50 questions correctly. Way to Go! The team will take another quiz the end of March and April.
*Newsbowl competitors will meet on Thursday during lunch. Bring an article. See me for a pass.
*We had an absolutely awesome Roman Fest last Friday. Thank you to the many students and parents who contributed food, Melissa Elsmo for her contribution, help with organization, and set-up on Friday. The Grape Leaves restaurant even donated several complimentary, very tasty dishes. Wow! I also appreciate Ms. Koplin and Mr. Morrell’s help, as well. Our fest wouldn’t have been so successful without their help.
*My students will receive their tests back by Wednesday.
*Familiarize yourself with notable news for this week. We will have an in class Newbowl competition next week
Remember our team will not accept late work from students unless they were absent. It is the responsibility of the student to check in with teachers upon returning to school to collect and/or turn in missing work and/or homework.

Monday, March 9–
Finish Mosaics today. If not completed it will be homework.
Homework: Finish Mosaic- due Tuesday

Tuesday, March 10–
Introduce Scholastic News graph, “Money Matters”
Current Events: Summarize one given short article
Homework: Complete “Money Matters” graph questions- due Wednesday

Wednesday, March 11–
Review “Money Matters” graph
Begin defining: consume, scarcity, goods, services, supply, demand, capital, credit and debit, interest, stocks, consumers, and producers (This is not homework. It will be finished on Thursday)
Introduce and discuss Scholastic News article “Economics 101”
Homework: None

Thursday, March 12
Finish work from Wednesday
Begin reading Scholastic News “An Economy in Crisis” article
Homework: None

Friday, March 13
Finish “An Economy in Crisis” article
Complete Economics Quiz Wiz and Understanding Economic Terms handouts
Homework: None. Have a great weekend!

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