Monday, March 16, 2009

Reading Language Arts Syllabus- March 16, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 16, 2009

Important Information:
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th.
• The next reading log is due on Friday, March 20. Remember you can include your author study books and you do not need to complete a log response. Students rec’d a new blue log last week
• Remember that our team is no longer accepting any late work. Be sure to stay organized and turn in all work on time.
• We are continuing our poetry unit this week. Students will begin an “If” poem this week and a handwritten copy must be completed by Monday, March 23. We will type the poems in school the following week.

Monday, March 16
Finish presenting time-lines
Partners share the Poems found this weekend- be sure to explain why you selected it
Finish poetry exploration (using the poetry cart) with your group

Homework: Alliteration

Tuesday, March 17
Poetry exploration: Each group will report out one poem from the cart exploration
Listen to rhythmic poetry
Explore adding beats to some of the samples
View “Line Break Explorer”

Homework: None

Wednesday, March 18
“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
Media Center Computers 9th Period: Line Break Explorer and select a poem to add a rhythmic beat
to. We will begin exploring rhythms, in class on Friday

Homework: Finish Comprehension Questions to “The Road Not Taken” – Due Friday

Thursday, March 19
Likes and Dislikes Handout
Introduce “If” poem
Develop 3 original “IF” poem prompts
Begin writing “IF” poem, time permitting

Homework: Reading Logs are due tomorrow!
Decide what prompt you will use and begin writing your “If” Poem. Remember a handwritten draft is due by Monday. We will type “If” poems in school on Monday.

Friday, March 20 - Collect Reading Logs Today
Review The Road Not Taken homework.
Work on “IF” poem
Explore Instrument Options— Using given instruments you and a partner will begin adding rhythm to selected poetry. If you play an instrument you can bring it in to class to use, as well!

Homework: Continue your plan for adding rhythm to the poem your group selected- you will perform it on Monday. Your handwritten copy of the “IF” Poem must be completed by Monday, March 23. Enjoy your weekend!!!

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