Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No Syllabus This Week but Please Read About This Extra Credit Opportunity

March 3, 2009

Hello Parents and Guardians,
We will not have a syllabus this week due to ISAT testing. Although, I am sending home this note to inform you that we will have a Roman Festival on Friday afternoon, March 6th, in the Commons. I am encouraging my students to contribute something tasty for our festival. The Ancient Romans ate lots of:
Whole wheat or other whole grain breads
Fresh or cooked vegetables
Various fruits
Cooked rice
Wheat porridge.
Boiled Eggs
Naturally we will need: (for 40-50 people )
Dessert size paper plates
6 – 8 o/z cups
Forks and Spoons
Please indicate below if you will be able to donate one of the above items or some other tasty dish for our festival on Friday, March 6th. Please do not send anything that contains nuts or fish.
Any child that returns the following form and contributes something will receive 5 extra credit points. Thank you,
Mrs. Alexander
My child _________________________________________ Per. ________
will bring _______________________________________ to Friday’s Roman festival.

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